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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Thanks, that's appreciated. I haven't thought that far ahead, but the little thought I have would be to present it in some sort of list format, in columns. In terms of accomplishments, what @theJesuit listed plus a few: Body name Enter_SOI Orbit SubOrbital (?) Atmosphere Impact Landing Flag Crew_Report Obviously the Atmosphere would only be relevant for planets with an atmosphere, Landing only for planets which can be landed upon. Keeping track of this would be fairly easy. I can pull code from another mod to get and display an icon of the planet. So 9 icons, minimum size would be 38x38 (for reference, 38x38 is the stock toolbar button size), but if you did larger than that, I could scale it as needed. If you do make it larger, then I would suggest 128x128. My feeling is that I may end up going with 64x64, but will have to see how it all comes out
  2. I was excited, until I checked and saw that my Terrain Shader Quality was set low. This on an nVidia card
  3. Been thinking about this. Do you think you could make up graphics for the achievements? It’s not too difficult a job to do, but my graphics skills are minimal
  4. Interested @linuxgurugamer? actually I wonder if I can do this in the tech tree... could be a combination of a tech tree and contract configurator I saw this earlier. Possible, I’ll need to think on it. Have some other stuff I’m working on right now
  5. Easy to do with ModuleManager, but seriously, once younstart exploring the outer system, you will need every bit of power
  6. Here is a real world example of the nebulous type of help available: About a year ago I was writing a mod called KeoCache; it was a Kerbal version of Geocaching. I asked for help, and got two other people involved; one on the web sidd and the other on the C# side. I was happily doing a lot of coding live on stream, and got the main code working well. The web side also was going well. But the third person who had volunteered to work on the web<->C$ integration never really did anything, and eventually gave up. This was extremely discouraging. Partially as a result, the mod is in limbo now. Help is useful, but it has to be real and sustained to be useful
  7. Take a look at Oh! Scrap and Scrapyard. Provides part failures and reusable parts, along with part generations.
  8. I wish I could say that i fixed it, but this is a random crash which happens to many people, with a wide variety of mods. I've had this happen without Science Alert. Various googling seems to indicate that it may be a Unity issue Thank you for the report, I will look at it
  9. New release, 0.5.3 Added filter to not read the "zDeprecated" directories Fixed title not always getting localized
  10. Just an FYI, you need to update the link in the OP, it got mangled a while ago
  11. New release, for KSP 1.7.3, for KSP 1.8.x Thanks to user @siimav for the following: Fix vessel Situation snapping to Landed on airlaunch Add more custom events Fix deleting a pad causing issues with other pad constructions Fix vessel Situation snapping to Landed on airlaunch
  12. New release, 0.5.2 Fixed description not getting localized in some places
  13. Please make sure you have the latest version, and then I'll need a log file
  14. It was mostly done when he contacted me. For all, I've added in the dependencies into the OP
  15. Updated release, Fixed button being white Added InstallChecker Added KSP_Data (needed for Linux/OSX) Updated .version files with correct Spacedock URL
  16. https://spacedock.info/mod/2322/Soundtrack Editor ForkedOriginally written by @pizzaoverhead, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59682-161-* This is a fork of the Soundtrack Editor made by @pizzaoverhead. The following fixes and changes have been implemented: Fixed node value being saved in Persisor.cs, line 457, was saving the vesselState as a vesselSituation Fixed a nullref when entering the editor, nullref was because constructionPlaylist was empty, and it appears that the game code is assuming there is always a playlist Replaced toolbar code with ToolbarController Made left click open/close the player, right-click open the main gui Added support for ClickThroughBlocker Added new dependencies ClickThroughBlocker Toolbarcontroller SpacetuxLibraries Fixed Nullref in SoundGui.cs when sted.ActivePlaylists was null Merged old Version list into this file A complete changelog is included in the file The latest result of the Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project, this mod allows you to add and remove music from the game, and set up playlists which decide when each song plays. Always wanted to hear Blue Danube when docking with a space station, a metal version of KSP's theme song when you start up the game, or Danger Zone while you buzz the control tower? This is the mod for you! Just drop some music files in the KSP\Music\ directory, launch the game, and use the in-game playlist editor to choose when you want them to be played. A selection of free stockalike tracks are included from musician Kevin MacLeod, who created many of the tracks used in stock KSP. Several thousand more tracks are available for free at his website here. If you find any that work well with KSP, leave a message and I'll add it to a future sound pack. A replacement for the Kerbal Space Centre birdsong ambience is also included, edited from the original recording here. Currently .wav and .ogg filetypes are supported, as well as .mp3 on Windows (still working on a fix for Linux and Mac, but .wav and .ogg work fine). Availability Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/releases or https://spacedock.info/mod/2322/Soundtrack Editor Forked License: GPLv2 Due to the directories where files need to be installed, CKAN is unable to install this Installation Extract the entire contents of the zip to the root KSP folder, merging the folders with the existing KSP folders. New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController Spacetux Library Note that there are two versions of the mod, one for KSP 1.7.3 and earlier, the other for KSP 1.8.x and later. The filename includes the game version Please be aware that as of now, only Windows installs are supported I would be happy to host playlists if people would provide them to me, and will link to them in this OP Included Tracks: Forest Investigations The Other Side of the Door Darkest Child Dragon and Toast Fairytale Waltz Martian Cowboy Mysterioso March Numiinous Shine On the Shore Peaceful Desolation Available Collections The following are the music collections I've been able to find. I welcome any additions: Trans-Atmosphere The Cosmic Concert: https://www.mediafire.com/file/utcwda1rk21338z/TransAt_OGG.rar/file Red Stapler's Music Melomania Mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/2075/Red Stapler's Music Melomania Mod (RSMMM) Buzz Aldrin Race Into Space ost package for SoundtrackEditor: https://yadi.sk/d/ogBJdfzIndS4K Transfer Windows: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196480-17318x19x-transfer-windows-a-fanmade-soundtrack-to-kerbal-space-program-v010-soundtrackeditorforked-expansion/ Original Score Project: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/194039-19x-ksp-original-score-project-over-2-hours-of-music-for-ksp/ The Soundtracks of Melodysheep Atomikku no Ongaku Playlist Settings Enabled: This allows the playlist to be prevented from being played without deleting it. Loop: Once this playlist finishes playing its last track, it will start at the beginning and play all the tracks again, indefinitely. Shuffle: Before being played, the order of the tracks in this playlist is randomised. Pause On Game Pause: If this is selected, the track will stop playing when the pause menu is open. This is useful for atmospheric effects that shouldn't continue when time has been paused. Disable Once Played: Once this playlist has been played once, it won't be played again until you re-enable it again. Useful for setting up music for once-off, first-time events or achievements. Next Playlist: Once this playlist has finished playing, the playlist listed here will be played. Sort This Playlist Before: If multiple playlists are all valid to be played with the current situation, this playlist should be played before the one listed here. Sort This Playlist After: If multiple playlists are all valid to be played with the current situation, this playlist should be played after the one listed here. Preload Time (s): When changing between tracks in this playlist, the next track will be preloaded into memory this many seconds before the current track ends. This can be used to reduce gaps or stuttering between tracks. In Atmosphere: Whether this playlist should only be played if the active vessel is in atmosphere. Time of Day (KSC): Whether this playlist should only be played when it is a certain time of day at KSC. Twilight denotes that the sun is just below the horizon. This only works with the stock KSC. Schene: Which areas of KSP this playlist should be played in, for example the Tracking Station or SPH. "Flight" is the main rocket-flying game scene. Vessel Situation: What the active vessel is currently doing. Landed: Has been moved, but is currently in contact with the ground. Splashed: In an ocean. Prelaunch: Has not yet started moving quickly after being loaded. Vessels can stay in Prelaunch while moving slowly over land. Flying: Moving in atmosphere. Sub orbital: On a path that leaves the atmosphere of a body, but will fall back down to it again. Orbiting: In orbit around a body. Escaping: On a path that will cause the vessel to leave the current body's sphere of influence. Docked: Docked with another vessel. Camera Mode: What the current view is: Flight (normal view), map, external (?), IVA (inside a vessel), Internal (using one of the IVA window views), any (any camera mode, don't care). Body Name: The name of the body (e.g. planet, star, moon) that this vessel is currently in the influence of. This supports bodies added by mods, but be sure to spell them correctly. Vessel State: Use this to have a playlist played when a vessel has been destroyed (dead). Max Surface Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going above this speed as displayed in the navball's "Surface" mode. Min Surface Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going below this speed as displayed in the navball's "Surface" mode. Max Orbital Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going above this speed as displayed in the navball's "Orbit" mode. Min Orbital Velocity: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is going below this speed as displayed in the navball's "Orbit" mode. Max Altitude: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is above this altitude (relative to sea level, as displayed in the main altimeter). Min Altitude: This playlist won't be played if the vessel is below this altitude (relative to sea level, as displayed in the main altimeter).
  17. That mod does, I'm not sure how up-to-date it is. You are probably thinking of Planetary Diversity, which makes changes in whatever planetary system is loaded
  18. Congrats on the job, I hope it goes well. Your gain is KSP's loss
  19. First off, various people, including myself, have forked it, worked on it and submitted bug fixes and improvements. Second, keep in mind that this is done for FREE, on a modder's free time, with no compensation. If you then add into that the need to manage multiple people who's coding ability is unknown, you will end up with the possibility of either a buggy release, or an even slower release cadence. Third, being delayed is not that much of a problem. All the other mods which depend on this, depend on this working correctly. Being a half to one release cycle behind KSP is not too much to ask for, you will end up with a more stable and feature-filled result. Fourth, if you really, really want it, you are free to download and compile it for yourself. But be prepared to find and fix any bugs yourself, and if you do, submit a PR so that the bug fix can be incorporated. Finally, my understanding was that some new features were being added (check the changelog for details). It takes time to do these things. Also, they have a whole suite of test cases which need to be gone through, and if something fails, they need to fix it and try again.
  20. It has been long enough, I'll work on a release. Since he had indicated he was coming back, I'm going to change the name of the mod (not the folders) to indicate it will be a fork.
  21. The way to test is to put it back the way the game is. I assume you are on a linux system. I can take a look at it, but not sure what I can do
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