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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. ummm......ships consume no TAC resources in a pre-launch state. (I.E. before any staging)
  2. I personally want more U.S. style parts. Wonder why....... (At least a 2.5m Titan-II engine to go with the Gemini capsule) On another note......can you at least release the alpha version of Kliper? I remember you posting it in the past, but I cannot find it anymore.
  3. Ummm.....the newest version DOES have Gemini, ATV, ect. Try a fresh install? Beale even added in a Big-G.
  4. I'm having a few bugs.... I know Planetshine is listed as 'being compatible', but all the K+ planets show up in white. Any ideas? Also, any chance of Kerbal Alarm Clock compatibility? It (sorta) works, but I cannot set transfer window alarms to repeat, which is really annoying.
  5. Lack, would you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a tail-ramp for the An-225 (3.75m) plane parts?
  6. You should make the parts to make ODIN/LOKI from Call of Duty Ghosts.....they were actually based off a real project the US Gov't did.
  7. On clamshels: A mod lets you do that. Also, I believe there is another mod (Stock Fairing Tweaker? Is that the name?) Which lets you edit certain parameters, although......results vary - - - Updated - - - Also, would love to use that engine for an Me-163 :-)
  8. Thank you for the update! Thanks especially for the .50 FREEDOM CAL and the FLIR! - - - Updated - - - Although I know you worked really, really hard on the other stuff. I just really like the FLIR and .50 in real life :-)
  9. Same here! - - - Updated - - - Your link says "Drat, No results CaptKordite doesn't have any craft"
  10. Me thinks you are supposed to put radials inside the shroud. You can see them in one of the pics.
  11. Vernier Thrusters. Get them. Either use stock radial engines (the rockomax ones), stock Vernor RCS, or use the Tantares 'Wayfarer' engines. - - - Updated - - - Same A good tip is to use offset to make it so the decoupler is at the top of the booster. - - - Updated - - - Yess.......succumb to the smaller ATV.....you know you want to......
  12. http://imgur.com/a/FXlrA#6 Here's the pic. The base of the LES is ALSO the fairing base.
  13. Am I the only person who noticed you included a pic of Kipler? DOES THAT MEAN WHAT I HOPE IT DOES?!?! Also, I'll get you a pic this afternoon.
  14. It is: HGR did just that. They took their LES and made it a fairing base.
  15. Congrats on the release! I'll try it out tomorrow most likely.
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