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Everything posted by Svm420

  1. @MarkusA380 You don't have the source available for the latest 1.1 version AFAICT. I mention it for the forum rule and because I want to recompile the mod myself... Hope we can get that quick
  2. Hey @Crzyrndm Do you still pan to add the changes to SSRW we talked about before 1.1 came out? Thanks!
  3. You're not going to receive some magic solution. Either put in the time for manual mod management to guarantee proper installs or deal with the crap when CKAN leaves you blind to problems . Many people manually manage more mods than you with little issue. Learning to do things this way will only benefit you in the long run. Your choice of proper installs vs laziness convenience.
  4. Kind of off topic, but have you considered making some custom pages to display more of the info that is available with ASET avionics than the standard rpm/ASET page provide? Even further though exponentially less likely a tie in to BDArmory to display radar? Long shot , but thought I'd mention the ideas. Pits are are looking really good I think the layout will make info readily available without overwhelming.
  5. @Raptor831 Are you aware the config tool is down currently? Thanks!
  6. I don't even think the OP looks at this thread it is almost a year old and he hasn't replied to the thread in almost a year. I don't get why this needed to be bumped there is no info in this thread that made it worth keeping. Why not make a new thread to discuss this...
  7. Ferram is redesigning FAR again to better simulate wings. No ETA been hearing about it for over 6 months now. Has nothing to do with part mods
  8. @fast_de_la_speed I believe you need to add the GPWS switch, seen in this photo almost center, to all the cockpits using ASET as an alarm will sound that can not be turn off without this switch. Too many aset iva makers forget this making the cockpit terrible for use in atmosphere because once that alarm starts there isn't a easy way to turn it off. Thanks!
  9. Sometime between not and not ever Ven is aware it needs updated we do not need these posts.
  10. Would you be willing to clarify what you mean here? I don't see anyone I would classify as pestering for an update, but it could have been in PMs. I just am not sure what you mean. Or do you mean pestered about something else? Sad to here the community was involved on this decision, but I hope to understand what you mean a bit better. Thanks for your maintenance and for any future contributions.
  11. @SkyKaptn uhh If it is using a kerolox config. The changes to the base plume removed smoke from that fuel type plume. That is to say it is intended. It was changed with the last update to the base RealPlume mod.
  12. Did you even test what AoA was required for flight at 50-60m/s? You don't even have a tail! How do you think your craft is that plane? Your length is off, your wing area is wrong and your wingspan is wrong as well. You also don't have or didn't activate the flaps most planes, including the real one you are comparing against, use on take off. So stop presenting your "data" as showing incorrectness. Your comparison is wrong and misleading.
  13. No worries I figured I'd let you know before someone else did less nicely. Cheers!
  14. You have still quite some differences with that plane, so I don't see why you think you should get the same stats... One big difference maybe the fact we lack the ground effect which would reduce takeoff speed closer to RL. Other than that unless you have actual data Ferram can act on he isn't going to change anything just because you think your plane should perform differently based on a poor comparison to a RL plane.
  15. Well if your asking I still would love to control animation speed/duration for moduleanimategeneric. I know you said before you had not looked into it, so I figured if you are asking now is the time to mention it again. Glad squad is integrating these great features. Thanks!
  16. I don't think you even read my post let alone understood what I asked and said. Please read it again. And open the spoilers I didn't put them there for S&Gs.
  17. @malkuth DId more testing with your recent fixes. I am still getting that same NRE from the same line of code, this one. So I made a small addition to the debug text line 49 to help investigate. I added a tag to display the vesselName This lead to some strange, to me at least, results. I found the message would repeat for seemingly the same vessel possibly several hundred times then maybe a couple more vessels a few dozen times then throw the NRE. I don't understand why it repeats for the same vessel so many times and does go through all vessel available as the code seems to indicate . I have 27 vessels in flight all probes/sats. 25/27 have repair panels. I promise they do so I don't get how the code is failing. My only guess is that because my sats have many, like 6-12, modules per part and are made of around ~20 parts that it is taking too much memory/time/??? to go through all the sats/parts/modules. Is that possible? Very new to coding so if that sounds stupid I apologize just trying to make sense of the results of my test. Debug.Log("Could not find any repair panels on vessel type satellites. Make sure your placing repair panels on your satellites. " + vs.vesselName) This is part of the log where I performed the test. I cut some of the debug info that was repeated to save a little space. As you will notice the name of the vessel LKO COmms I-2 appears 27 times, and LKO COmms I-1 242 times. No idea why those numbers, nor if they have any significance. When I delete those 2 vessels, and repeat the test I get the same results with the next 2-3 sats. The craziest part to me is here is the vessel data from my persistence file, and if you search for RepairPanel e.g. the moduleName you get a result showing that it contain the module. All my sats do I am at a loss Hope you can help more. :/ Thanks for all your help!
  18. Is it as hard as the work he is doing? Maybe contribute to his funds or just keep your complaints to yourself They do not encourage.
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