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Everything posted by xD-FireStriker

  1. That is a good call, are you the only one working on the companion patches?
  2. Hello Darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.
  3. Sweet i was wonder why i was pinged. tbh i compleatly forgot i borught up the broken TMasterson5's patches. Tweakscale is starting to get better i just hope 1.10 doesnt break it again. Btw where can i find Version i can only find Tweakscale, Tweakscale and older on github
  4. i have a question, is it posable to enable LS for 1 flight but have it disabled for another or will that require a full uninstall of SNACKS
  5. i see some discussion about 1.9, Does it work or should i wait for an update?
  6. I love this and cant wait to see what you do with it. i miss the old old mods by ctn. im checking it out now
  7. Im now updating to 1.9 and wondering if this works.
  8. I tend to do my own testing when a new version comes out but at this stage i wasnt planing on updating to 1.9 just saw it was out and liked the new additions
  9. @Lisias got two warnings, 15 parts failed the sanity and 3 failed being checked. Log incoming Heres the KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17YQAOWAHNb9n9vG2u9Py77CH91pp2s6c doubt you will need the unity log to figure that out but give me a shout if you need it
  10. Yep, these last one is just awacsRadar again. I did that but it gave me another error, one sec will be back with another log in 10 min
  11. Ok that fixed one, here the new Logs. KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KUJDqGkD4Nv8zoC_4_PqDZgn4CgYJxPK Output_Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jJU4I6LS0kMiDfk3kRLe_GkCTjeiQz3K I might look at fixing up the patches in my spare time @Lisias whats the correct/preferred method of writing the patches.
  12. Meres the KSP Log https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v0lnw8nqRetB7Nt442VgHRPxNdTRq1gz 2 Fatal Errors, I think one is BD Armory and the other one is Airplane Plus, TMasterson5 patches are installed. Looking at that link, i have removed the lines that are causing the issue is this all that needs to be done to fix that patch? https://imgur.com/a/T5RuoUY Im about to save it and load ksp again to see if that fixes somthing. BRB in 10min
  13. Ok thanks im still at uni, when i get home i will reinstall tweak scale and if it throws the same issue i will fling the ksp log your way. Is TMasterson5 out of date by anychance? I want to resize airplane plus parts
  14. I will reinstall tweakScale when I get home and load it up, see if this works if not where do I find the KSP log file. i was using the TMasterson5 files but even after removing them I still had issues
  15. Ok guess im here now. Got the fatal error of doom, How do i fix it ASAP. Is an older version going to work better. Heres the log https://drive.google.com/open?id=11WmnY3kAqkxDf1_Hevzfg-Sf-xu7aPD9
  16. Thanks, i was using LC39A once i process the video i will have some cool pics of the launch pad it action, now i just have to save my kerabls from the mun lol. I didnt actual put down any of the hold down arms, my experiences with the shuttle pad is that if you can get away without stuff nere the bottom of the rocket, do it cause it will flip your rocket to kingdom come if its not done right It was a tall bugger too, either 7 or 8x, got the lift working
  17. Is there a guide for putting together the Saturn V Pad? I have the crew arm set but don't know want clamps go where on the base. Thanks
  18. So i have been working on a Saturn V Apollo 11 to launch later today , im using LC39A and i plan to use modular launch pads and make it a cool event. Im wonder which is the most recent Saturn V pad save and how do you setup the pad, im also currently having an issue with the height of my Saturn V being a weird height and not lining up. Its late so im going to bed now but i though i would post anyways to figure out how i could configure the pad to work tomorrow for the main event Thanks
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