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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. As far as I know this issue happens if you have an old version of shabby. Here is the newest one:
  2. If you need help, read this first: We need to know how you installed it. You need to copy the folder "ATS" (here: SaturnV-1.3.zip\SV\GameData) from the downloaded .zip to copy in your GameData and download CommunityressourcePack separately because there where newer versions. Also you need ModuleManager in the newest version. I don't guarantee that this will work because this mod is really outdated (latest version was for KSP 1.4.x). Even if you installed it correctly, it doesn't mean that the mod still works.
  3. You don`t need a new config. You can use to create a new node ingame. After that you can copy the generated node data to the config of the part. I can no longer remember whether this is done automatically. But I used it in the past and it works great. The mod is old but should work in 1.12.x
  4. Before the update, there were switchable struts on S0 (picture at page 21). I have not yet seen them on the new S0. Or have I overlooked something?
  5. This mod isn`t made for RSS/RO. You need to write RO-configs for this or ask the RO-guys to do this.
  6. What exactly is the issue? A little bit more information could help.
  7. You can post it in the Tweakscale-Thread or here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/
  8. Is there something which isn`t working in 1.12? It`s only a part-mod and should work in 1.12. There is already a mod with more stockalike ISRO launchers and spacecrafts: Contares.
  9. There is no issue in the download. It`s the normal way to install mods. It`s wrong to copy the Cormorant Aeronology 1.5.1 directly into GameData. No mod has a version-number in the folder which belong in GameData. The only thing is: the included ModuleManager is very outdated and can`t be use in newer KSP-versions than KSP 1.7.1. You should download MM separately.
  10. Maybe there`s a revamp in the making. For solar panels: Near Future Solar has good ones.
  11. That`s because there is no support for Kerbalism for some experiments yet. You can make a new .cfg with this: @PART[bluedog_LM_MESA]:NEEDS[FeatureScience]:AFTER[KerbalismDefault] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] {} @MODULE[Experiment] { %anim_deploy = deploy } } MESA is the Material Experiment Stowage Assembly. I used this .cfg for other experiments in 1.11 and it works. You can edit it for every other experiment by changeing the partname.
  12. Wrong forum. Here are only mod-releases. You should ask here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/
  13. Why opening a second Thread for one mod? Also it would be helpfull to have a description what this mod adds/do.
  14. Please avoid multiposting. You can edit your posts. @Wellha a reason why he deprecated the old CEV. I think it will never be come back. But you can use the newest KNES and copy the old CEV from 1.2 into the right folder. That should work.
  15. Wrong forum because here is the Release-Forum. Please ask in the RealFuels-Thread.
  16. https://github.com/AstroWell/Knes/releases There you can find all Releases of KNES so you can download an older version. As far as I know version 1.2 was the latest with the old CEV (restored) before adding a new model in 1.3.
  17. If you scroll a little bit up at this page you can find your answer.
  18. I think scaling up is the problem because the parts are bigger but not the shielding. As far as I know the shielding is made in Unity, not in cfg. So scaling up shuttleparts is very complicated.
  19. @Tundra@lemon cup That`s not problem with TweakScale or SOCK. It is a problem of KSP-Recall and Subassemblies. Looking here: The newest KSP-Recall has a fix but it works only for newer Subassemblies which are made after this fix.
  20. The Build 78 is a Kopernicus Stable Branch of @R-T-B and it works with 1.12.x. But I don`t know if it works with OPM. Some newer Builds have problems with planet packs like JNSQ. R-T-B is working on this.
  21. What I can see: There are a lot of Kopernicus-Errors in your big log (>40MB). Could be from OPM, whioch isn`t installed correctly.
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