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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. No, it`s not meant specifically for JNSQ. But it`s overpowered for a stock scale system because Stock-Parts are overpowered too. So it works well in an upscaled world like JNSQ.
  2. As @hemeac says: it works and it is not deleted. I just tested it. You need to click to the download button and then wait. If its not working for you then it must be a problem with your browser or something.
  3. There is already a searchbar in this forum. But I did the work for you. Look at page 17 and you will find an answer.
  4. Did you see how old this thread is? It`s outdated.
  5. If you have the correct B9 for your KSP-version you can ignore this error. It`s a knwon error with no further impact.
  6. It works just fine in 1.8. The only thing you must do: replace the included old dependencies (B9PartSwitch and Community Resource Pack) with the versions for KSP 1.8.1. You need to download them separately.
  7. You didn`t install it correctly. It must be GameData\Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter as in the download. Never change a path name of a mod!!!
  8. It`s the BDB Apollo CM with BDB in Colors:
  9. - yes, you can use the IVAs from Habtech1 in Habtech 2 - you only search for IVA patch in this topic and you will find your answer. You need a config.
  10. Not \Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program, you must put it into this folder: \Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData.
  11. There are no craftfiles. But you can look into @Friznit BDB manual. There are some manual to build launchers with this mod. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki On the other hand you can build yourself with an own design.
  12. Yes, you must put the mod-folder into GameData. Not the files directly. Your file structure must be GameData - Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter. - B9Partswitch - Benjee10_sharedAssets - HabTechProps - PlumeParty - htRobotics - ModuleManager...
  13. Like any other mod. Download it and put the content of the GameData-folder into the GameData of your KSP-installation. Attention: Some of the dependencies in the download might be outdated for your KSP-version so you must donlaod the manually.
  14. TU alone does nothing to the game. You need some mods with configs for TU like SSTU. The tanks and Apollo in the pics above are from SSTU. Here are configs for Stock parts:
  15. As AlphaMensae mentioned: RO has its own patch for Modular Launch Pad which rescales the launchpads while Orbiter Construction Kit isn`t supportet by RO so it isn`t rescaled. You must ask the RO-guys for supporting it. This has nothing to do with Modular Launchpad.
  16. What do you mean with "I have"? Do you have installed the RO-patch or do you use RO? If you not use RO you don`t have to install this RO-Patch. It`s only for Users who play with realism Overhaul. If you use RO: BDB and Orbiter construction kits are not RO-ready.
  17. Then there is something wrong with you installation or you have changed something in your configs. Did you install the included RO-Patch in the Extras-folder? It is only for RO-users and not compatible to BDB.
  18. Do you have other mods installed? It seems like another mod caused this issue.
  19. Which parts don`t appear? If you install it correct it should work in KSP 1.10.x. Did you install all dependencies which are included?
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