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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I have a problem making configs. I made a config for coatl aerospace argo probe core because it is only in the dev-version and there are no config for this core. My config: I have a delay of 69 seconds but I can control (with the keyboard WASD and QE) the probe directly without an delay. Same problem with other probes. But if I activate SAS or RCS or an experiment I curiously have the delay. Whats wrong?
  2. The Decay rate is depending on the mass and size of an object. Objects with an light mass can be slow down very fast so the decay rate is very high. For me it works well in 1.4.5. My station in an LKO has an Decay of around 85 days without station keeping. Station keeping and Decay is working but you should concern that it didn`t work in flight scene itself, only if you are NOT flying this Object like when you are at the Space Center or other Objects.
  3. [1.4.2] doesnt mean that it only works in 1.4.2. Most mods who are made for 1.4.2 works in 1.4.5 very well.
  4. Attach the first pair of vernier and the second pair must be turned 90 degrees before attaching.
  5. Any reason why? It is build for 1.4.x so it works with the actual ksp version.
  6. As far as I know you need some resources to deploy ingame. Rocket parts or so.
  7. Did you install all dependencies delivered with USI? USI-Tools, Firespitter...?
  8. There is no need because it works in 1.3.x and 1.4.x.
  9. It was an issue in my config, not kopernicus itself. I use no RSS but rescaled Kerbin with a Kopernicus-config. And yes, I contacted Thomas and he helped me. It was only one thing in the config I added. That solved it for me: I don`t know if this is the issue in sigma or RSS.
  10. I solved it for me. It wasn`t related to this mod, it was kopernicus.
  11. I did further testing. It has nothing to do with the vessel or other mods. It`s MJ itself. I installed an older MJ-version for 1.3.1 in KSP 1.4.1.That did it. Now it works like always. So, I think a change in MJ cause this issue.
  12. Is it possible to deactivate all messages? Because I made Videos and everytime there are messages like "lost signal" to see. Also if I hide all other things with F2.
  13. Put on glasses and read the first post in this thread:
  14. You must use the BBCode Sharelink in imgur. Mouseover your Pic. At the right is a simple arrow --> Get share link --> Copy BBCode --> insert the link in your post. For Albums you can use the Embed Post Code on the right when you opened your album in imgur..
  15. No, he ment the SRB-holes under the SRBs. The water isn`t for cooling, it`s for sound supressing. Without the water the sound waves were refelcted by the MLP and destroy the shuttles engines himself. The same system is under the SRBs. Here is a video, starting the sound suppression system (at 0:44, the system under the SRBs is dificult to see).
  16. There is no help. This mod is broken in new KSP-Versions.
  17. OK, here is a Vessel. It is a stock one with only stock-launchclamps and the AR 202 (Antenna up). https://www.file-upload.net/download-13326854/AGSF3-B.craft.html Here is a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ZwhiOrG And here the log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13326858/KSP.log.html
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