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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Didn't realize how much I needed this! I've already entered my pets names (Truffle and Comet) in both People and Catpeople categories. Even though Comet is a dog... Thanks!
  2. Florida is sinking underwater? Well this is a realism mod...
  3. Thank you! Looking forward to not suddenly slamming into the ground. (unknowingly)
  4. This mod adds lots of (awesome) parts, but reuses stock textures so it uses relatively little RAM. If your crashes are due to running out of RAM you'd be better off removing a parts pack that has more textures, especially visual effects.
  5. Here's the one I learned recently, after playing for a year. Alt-, and Alt-. while in space to physics warp (during an escape burn for example). Used to think physics warp just went away...
  6. I love it! Might have to try to replicate in KSP.
  7. @Denko666 Glad someone is taking care of this mo! But do you really need Deep Freeze when you can warp?
  8. Despite previous poster's prejudices, I don't mind admitting that I have a degree in English Literature. (From University of California, Santa Cruz). That said I have returned to school and am pursuing a BS in Civil Engineering at Portland (Oregon) State University.
  9. Check the examples in KerbalAtomic->Patches->NTR. In fact if you have an NTRs not included already, you should mention it here and they might get patches in the next version
  10. What tiny mods have made the biggest difference in KSP for you? They say it's the little things that make a difference. My favorite mods are the tiny utilities that change one little thing and massively improve the KSP experience. I want to know about the utilities, modlets and config tweaks that have had an outsized effect on your space program. Maybe its a fix for longstanding bug or a Module Manager config you came across somewhere that you copy into every new save. Maybe even a little program you wrote yourself to fix something that only bugs you! The great thing about mini mods is they usually solve a problem simply and with little fuss. But the danger of little fuss is that they aren't easy to find in the forums! If you have any favorites please share them with me. Here are my current top 3. 1. Draggable Menu by @KvaNTy. Automatically re-positions the right click menu so the whole thing is visible. A necessity for me since I play on a laptop at lower resolution and pod menus pretty much always fall off the screen. 2. Heat Shield Decoupler Module Manager config to make heatshields "decouplable" - don't remember what thread I found this on. 3. Landing Height by @Diazo. Shows distance to ground rather than distance to sea level. Has saved many landers from crashing into lumpy moons.
  11. How large is HD 10180 compared to the sun?
  12. The new labs use existing models such as the Hitchhiker or Mk2 Crew Cabin, but with lab functionality. This way it is a very light install, but its all stuff you've seen before. It is compatible with quite a few parts mods too so if you have those you get even more labs.
  13. Thanks Snark! I'm looking forward to this series. Have you thought of adding Mini Biomes to the other planets like around the KSC as easter eggs? (or maybe you already have...).
  14. Why in the world would that happen? What is in those material bays anyway?
  15. According to the KSP wiki it is in Composites. As others have mentioned CTT doesn't move stock parts around, you may have another mod that has moved it though... http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/M-1x1_Structural_Panel
  16. Your wishes have been answered. There is already a mod to do this: Module Manager. I already use this to get rid of the cockpit Internal: so no IVA and no portrait, less lag for sad laptop players like me with an imaginary graphics card that struggles to animate every kerbal on board (not just the 3 pictured). Personally I think this looks like a lot of fun and I hope the game runs well enough on my computer that I don't need to cut the internals in 1.1. I think Squad has probably been planning to make this a part of the game for a long time and is finally taking advantage of game improvements to get it working.
  17. There was a great list a little while back.
  18. I like this idea! It definitely needs to be its own mod though, and it would go great with the Little Green Men from Mars/Duna mods. I do question your reason for wanting this though... For me, the point of a life support mod is to limit the duration of trips. If you want infinite life support, just play stock and let your imagination fill in the details. Perhaps like solar panels Kerbals are less effective further from the sun....
  19. Reading about Scott Kelly's year in space I realized I would not be a happy space camper. My main weakness (aside from totally not being an astronaut)? I love cooking and eating fresh food too much. I couldn't make it on space grub. Why wouldn't you be able to live in space?
  20. Apply the power of Stoichometry! 12.04 mol C3H6 = 3*12.04 mol C = 36.12 mol C
  21. Beautious! I wonder how the big spot lines up with @Snark's Jool Biomes.
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