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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Congratulations @DemonEin, you have been awarded thread of the month for this excellent mod.
  2. Congratulations @beik you have been awarded thread of the month for your very interesting work here.
  3. Congratulations @Simog and Rob, you have been awarded thread of the month for your great Muun.
  4. Congratulations @Munbro Kerman, you have been awarded thread of the month for sharing your excellent replica with us all.
  5. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present Threads of the Month Awards, for August 2019! This month has marked the 50th anniversary of the first manned Moon landing and what better way to start than @Munbro Kerman's 3 year mission to create a fantastic replica to share with us all and also to include a wonderful image gallery that would be worthy of its own thread of the month if it was a mission report. @Simog and Rob have created a stockalike Muun and a fantastic cinematic to showcase all the great work they have put into this mod. You will never need electric charge if you become part of @dnbattley's battery-less movement. @beik has been experimenting with reorganization of the tweekables menu with some very cool looking results. @DemonEin has created an impressive mod that adds advanced intra vehicular activity (IVA) to all the stock pods in the game. An excellent first mod for a new member. And finally, having just marked the anniversary of the magnificent achievement of the first man on the Moon we should take a moment to remember Chris Kraft, NASA's first flight director who was instrumental in creating the organization that led to Apollo 11 and the following missions. We thank @tater for his memorial thread to this giant in the history of manned spaceflight. Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month. Special thanks go to @qzgy, @Servo, @Poodmund, @fourfa, @Nigel J. Cardozo and @theJesuit for your nominations. All winners are free to add the Thread of the Month badge (created by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or have a billboard erected on their property, so long as you use a reputable company and have permission from your local authority.
  6. Welcome to the forum @PistolPete2525. This guide explains how to pull game logs from KSP:
  7. Sorry I meant tracking center. Double click on the mun (this will focus your view on the Mun) and then you should see the icons.
  8. Hello @Vadym. Usually temperature experiments need to be done in a specific location. If you go to the Mun in the tracking station and double click it you should be able to see some thermometer icons. That is where you need to measure the temperature.
  9. Welcome to the forum @theredsox. Sorry to hear about your troubles. What I would do is first make a backup of my save (found in the KSP/saves folder) then access the debug menu (Alt + F12) and complete the mission there. Should fix it.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Arthemio. It looks like you've got a Mk12-R on the vessel but the contract requires the Mk2-R.
  11. Welcome to the forum @Scooty. Xt007 is talking about creating an in game modification for space based radiators (which sounds cool to me - especially if they got dirtier over time). You may have more luck getting the information you need asking in a mechanical or brand specific forum.
  12. Hello @CosmosGamer99. I've moved your question to gameplay questions. Usually this shaking in stock is caused by autostruts (usually connected to heaviest part). Do any elements of your station use autostruts?
  13. I would see if you have the same issue with the mod cut and pasted out of the KSP install folder first. In the meantime I've moved your thread to technical support (modded, PC).
  14. Welcome to the forum @gandt2. I'm not sure this isn't a bug. Usually comnet lines lead back to Kerbin and these look like they are all internal to the craft. Can you tell us if you are playing with mods installed and the operating system your computer uses?
  15. Welcome to the forum @Gleb. The forum itself does not host images so you need to create an account on a hosting service like imgur. This post explains it all:
  16. Welcome to the forum @clubasquirrel. I've moved your question to gameplay questions.
  17. It's a little hard to understand your comment and in this case a picture really would say a lot about what you are seeing but here's my guess. I think what you are seeing is the effect of your interaction with the Mun, known as an 'assist'. As you enter the Mun's sphere of influence (SOI) it exerts its gravity on your vessel. If you pass behind the Mun (relative to it's prograde orbit) you get a slingshot effect, gaining velocity. If you pass in front of the Mun (once again relative to prograde orbit) it tugs you the other way and slows you down a little. I'm guessing the rotate signs you are seeing is your vessel's exit point for whatever body's sphere of influence you are in. Hover your cursor over it and it should say and give you a time. Some orbits can have multiple encounters with the same body over consecutive orbits. In this case you would see the projected effects of each assist in map view as different colored trajectories. In the case below I will first enter the Mun's SOI at a low orbit (the purple bit). If I wish to enter orbit I would burn at the periapsis (Pe) of that purple bit. If I do nothing I will get an assist from the Mun by passing behind it resulting in the green orbit which will then pass behind the Mun again (the red bit) and I will then be flung into solar orbit (the path of the blue bit).
  18. Welcome to the forum @Buzz Bartwig. It's really good advice but this is quite an old thread and hopefully MathmoRichard managed to solve his problem a while ago. Once I've unlocked the tech I add an RTG to all my vessels as a precaution.
  19. Welcome to the forum @poopzeug. I have snipped your output log because sometimes big posts like that can cause problems for some members of the forum. It is best to host output logs on an external service like dropbox and link them here. This post explains how to do this:
  20. Hello @Derek Kwas. I've moved your topic to add on discussions.
  21. Welcome to the forum @Gunnerline, with all the new content it's a great time to start playing again.
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