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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. the dependency listed isnt optional either..he sent me a link to the latest version...lemme grab it. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSPAPIExtensions/releases/tag/PRERELEASE%2F2.1.0.8 also, you'll need kjr itself https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50911-13-kerbal-joint-reinforcement-v333-72417/&page=98&tab=comments#comment-3513010 the link you need off this page is https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F3.4.0.4 you should have KSPAPIExtensions, 000_KSPe.DLL, and kerbal joint reenforcement in your game data folder. please copy/paste the folders themselves, not the contents of the folders. you SHOULD have something like this in your game data folder: https://gyazo.com/39e48cf6542b195f155bb942d1ce3545 please note. again, you need these 3 in your game data folder for KJR to work: KSPAPIExtensions, 000_KSPe.DLL, and kerbal joint reenforcement you should also have this in your PluginData folder https://gyazo.com/ce0e373efaf17bab2d38e3f7f32ce174 lisias was able to get a friend of mine, and myself up and running as a result.
  2. thanks on both messages, on the second, ended up using mercury redstone clamps arrainged in a 3x symmetry, solved my mystery clamp induced roll I was seeing with the saturn style hold down clamps.
  3. cause the guy I was talking to fixed the problem and now KJR is working again?
  4. dunno if this was reported before hand, but the l-868 motor has vfx thruster glitch, the thrusters on the motor are firing forwards, visually counter to the forward h thrust command.
  5. or certain modified cfg files...like the one I have for the orion that the author of sstu was kind enough to make for me..so I dont loose the ruddy thing.
  6. yeah, cause the way I was always taught was 'blue dog design bureau' folder goes into game data, the contents are never just dumped in...so that'll work then the folder into game data..nice to know.
  7. @Lisias if I'm reading your instructions right..I can just drop the folders containing the mod right in and it should work yes?
  8. ok, so which items on these two links get installed? asking cause I do not know what I'm doing with them.
  9. ...I had a 5 alarm headache when I wrote that lol. usually do read back otherwise to be sure. thanks for the help man! now off I go to argue with kerbal joint reenforcement.
  10. got a buddy whose presently arguing with it on the latest build of ksp, ke's getting spaghetti noodle syndrome on launch. I directed him this way.
  11. which is the most recent version of the KJR fork and which version of ksp does it work with?
  12. still running the last version compatible with 1.3.1(still running 1.3.1 in fact) and it performs perfectly. every single time. even the falcon heavy performs perfectly. great mod.
  13. bdb is THE gold standard for parts packs, and beats out older contemporaries like FASA in every way. 1-if something is not to your liking? you dont have to use it. also..using CAPS? just has people a, looking at you funny, or b, flat out ignoring you. ...not even the caps, its more the giant sized letters. 2- cobalt wolf does NOT get paid to make these fine fine parts, which are crafted with much time, love, blood, sweat, and tears, and much feedback from us normie bois via his twitch stream. 3- pow! to the mun alice!
  14. @hraban would the solars in question be the c-sppt-2 or the c-sspt-1 solar panels? I'm performing a mid life cycle refit of my booster stack and decided to install upgraded solar capability on the starliner's service module.
  15. has the fork been made version compliant with the current ksp?
  16. Cross shaped, Roger. Though I wonder why they didn't just put a ring of solar cells around the service module... Only a full ring unlike the half ring on the dragon for example..that way no matter which direction the the service module is facing sunlight still contacting somewhere along the solar ring. Posted via my tablet.
  17. the starliner service module...is there a solar panel for use on the back plate or no? I ask as I've seen quite a few other mods(attempts I should say really) that have had one.
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