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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Said hack job ideas are still being shared in 2020 despite a devlog having already said that 3-body physics will be in the game near R&R.
  2. Found this on the forums: Thread here:https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.kerbalspaceprogram.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F187374-how-are-rask-and-rusk-going-to-work%2F&psig=AOvVaw3-Cv-gbzrprrVYffM1bWyp&ust=1597325497834000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCKjkhqnjlesCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD Gravity here won't work like that. Instead, both Rask and Rusk will be able to pull on the vessel at once. Just having 2 SOIs orbiting one big SOI isn't very realistic. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-4-ksp2-engineering/
  3. Not like OP wasn't referring to the difficulty settings.
  4. A quote from another tab I had open: They break down as soon as you've got so much money, which is no fun really.
  5. As long as there's an astronomy-related science aspect to these kinds of things, I think it's fully justified. There's also the fact that these would be stationary facilities as opposed to actual weapon parts, so that's an extra layer towards preventing these from being used as tools of Kerbal war. At most, players might be able to construct facilities like this on other planets with the new base building mechanics, but it's still not exactly a mobile war machine. Heck, there was even an experiment conducted on Earth's magnetic field with nuclear detonations. It was called Operation Argus. There's an astronomy-oriented reason to add nuclear warheads to the game. I hope the Orion engine is in the game, but I also hope that it can be recreated with individual parts if the player wishes and is enough of a genius.
  6. The fact that pink magic rockets under a technobabble name are in is a little concerning. And making fuel from soil in KSP 1 isn't?
  7. Why not? That leaves a bit of a gap between modern parts and next gen parts, doesn't it?
  8. I think the current set of wings looks ugly. Hard to match up and even uglier when you do manage to minimize the visible seams. Best we could ask for is a way to procedurally merge wings and tanks.
  9. [snip] Do a grand tour, landing on all the planets, and tell me the game is too small. Making it bigger would just add time to the game.
  10. I think they were trying to say that bugs caused with a mod are reproducible by others with the same mod, while this proposed planet editor wouldn't have the same level of error reproducibility. So nothing stops a mod from introducing a bug; it's just far, far easier to troubleshoot when it does. Then share the planetary system and the other mods, because fundamentally, what's the difference? As far as I know, atmospheres are a bit more complicated than that, when you take something more than just height into account: Nothing is linear here, that's why just a simple planet editor won't be enough if someone wanted to make an interesting planet. Can the pressure difference surface-vacuum not be automatically generated?
  11. Its a problem because it removes uniformity. Mods are maintained by their makers or current caretakers but still adhere to the uniformity of the basic game. If i have an issue locating the monolith just outside of the KSC then you can load your copy of ksp and see if i am a derp or if something bugged the code. However, if I can adjust the planets or add them how will you help me fix my problem? What if my tweaking Duna or adding GP2 somehow triggers Moho and Eeloo to swap positions? Or fill the mohole in? It simply is not worth the headache or trouble, it just isnt. 231508072020 What's stopping mods from doing all of that chaos?
  12. I really want Squad to consider adding this to the base game.
  13. Until you grow accustomed to not crashing and lagging every 5 minutes and waiting 10 seconds to move between scenes.
  14. What happened and how'd you fix your PC?
  15. There should be a collective name for the 2. I vote Raskla
  16. I, BejK, humbly submit a toast to "Cant think of a username" for successfully managing to pirate Kerbal Space Program so that he may play the launching of the boosters. Congratulations Cant, enjoy your explosions. -Tzz- Ah! *clack* P.S. You should use well encased virtual machines to test software you think might contain malware. Keep that in mind.
  17. Because satellites are always shiny. Unless they're owned by the government, or really far away Not unless you paint the bits that don't need to be shiny black before launching lots of them.
  18. I am sorry but this is very shortsighted. New technology always causes problems, problems we solve. Yes its a problem now but every new technology is bound to have such issues. So you have two options here, First you discover new ways to fix and improve new great things Second you give up and abandon future important technologies. Why were the satellites shiny? It's like Elon never thenks further than the launch, then thinks about the problems his shiny new toys might cause for everyone.
  19. Mk1 pod, do a grand tour of the whole system.
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