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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. There is no need to do this. The updated engines are all new parts with new names. The old configs in the "realplume stock configs" mod do not apply to the new engines. The new configs for the new engines are inside of the CryoEngines folder itself.
  2. If you want the new custom realplumes meant for BDB, install RealPlume and Smokescreen as per usual and then install the dev branch of BDB from github. Keeping in mind that the dev branch contains work in progress stuff. https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/Development
  3. Can a Helios be put into low solar orbit (below 3,000 Mm) in JNSQ 2.7x scale on a Titan III-E? Yes
  4. @coyotesfrontier you could try this Making sure to put the relevant values for the bits in bold. I think in this case you want to edit the offset value but you could do it using %localPosition too. I've not tested it and not 100% it works like this given some changes I dont quite follow in the realPlume configs but I think it should work. Worth a try.
  5. Go to Gamedata/RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes and find the .cfg with the same name as the plume you are trying to edit. Inside you will find the different effects, each will be under a MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST node. You can find the parameters that are applicable inside this. See the spoiler In the case of the hydrolox lower plume , the shock cone positioning and scaling are all controlled by the flare position and flare scaling. there is also a separate flare effect so the two are meant to move together. If you have a need for a custom plume where you need to edit the shock cone seperately, you could create a duplicate cfg , change the plume name (eg everywhere where is says hydrolox-lower to something else) and give the shock cone its own parameters. I suggest making your own custom one because if you edit this file it would mess up other engines using the same plume. If you dont want to do all that you need to work within the limitations of having shock cone and flare linked. I think thats how it is for all the realplume prefabs but I didnt check them all. EDIT: Actually come to think of it, it could be done by Module Manager patch that runs after the engine has been configured, I have to go right now but will drop by in a bit with a suggestion.
  6. You could also try something like Nebula decals which adds decals as scaleable parts in game. You can easily add custom decals in the form of PNGs. Given that Cobalt has said the realistic ones in Extras are based on old textures it may be a better option.
  7. Congratulations on the v2 release @AlphaMensae! Modular Launch Pads adds the cool factor to my game like nothing else. You've done an amazing job on version 2.
  8. Go to settings>compatible_KSP_versions and choose both 1.7 and 1.6. You can now install realplume together with realplume stock. If you want to install realplume manually just download from the big download link in the first post of this thread. You will find both realplume and smokescreen bundled inside. Both have been updated since so you can grab the new versions if you wish separately. There's no editing required but if you're using reStock it may be better to install manually from this github repository as the fixes to make realplume stock compatible with reStock havent been merged yet. https://github.com/Vladimir-csp/RealPlume-StockConfigs
  9. This should be solved, if you install the latest version (v11.2.0) of RealPlume core: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/releases The new cryoengines realplumes are custom ones I made just for this mod (using the new FX Nertea made for stock plumes) but it uses some syntax from the new version of RealPlume. Unfortunately RealPlume stock configs hasnt updated its bundled version of the core realplume (although CKAN installs will grab the updated one). I will be submitting a backwards compatibility fix but just grabbing the new release from the link above will actually fix the problem.
  10. Congrats on this major update @Nertea! Seeing one of my all time fav mods come up to the reStock standard is pure perfection! Difficult to pick a favourite but the new LE9/Fuji in particular is beastly (I'm talking about the looks even more than performance )
  11. The Gemini lander might be awaiting some fixes but in the meantime its gotten itself a new plume . In fact all the lander engines, ie the Apollo Ascent, Descent as well as Block III and Block V service engines based on those now have this new plume. Its very thin and transparent, barely visible against a bright background. Requires the latest Smokescreen 2.8.5 to look right.
  12. Hmm I have enabled both options on a handful of original RealPlume prefabs in my own install and things seemed fine. However on some of the custom plumes I was working on recently for cryoEngines, I found a few particles that behaved really badly with decluster. I don’t really understand how it all works I just play around with configs and see what works but my understanding is that emitOnUpdate helps pretty much everything when frame rates drop while declustering mostly helps make effects with high speed or energy look contiguous (although it does smooth out plumes under normal circumstances). Therefore based on my non comprehensive testing I think the most you should do is enable emit on update by default. And leave declustering on the config side for anyone who needs it.
  13. @Drew Kerman sure thing, I have some screenshots on hand when I was testing out the fixed release. I only applied them globally here but they would usually be used in a curve. This here is a plume I have been working on for BDB as configured right now. Here I have used the saturationMult to turn down the colour. Goes both ways of course. I can see it being used globally when you just want to tweak the overall colour or against an atmosphere curve to make the plume less saturated in high altitudes. Here I used the alphaMult to make it more transparent. This can be very useful when you want to thin out a plume say at low atmo density or even low throttle as peviously your only option was to turn down particle emission. But sometimes that can create a weird look. Of course one should be careful not to abuse this and have hundreds of invisible particles emitting away impacting performance. But I might look into using alphaMult to fade out some "difficult" effects and then cut off emission after that. Here we have an unmodified version of the plume again, this time at sea level. Visually speaking at least, the turning down brightness and turning down alpha gives a very similar result. I cant tell the difference. But turning them up, differences become apparent. Alpha turned up. Brightness seems to introduce a bit of a colour shift at least with this effect. The alpha adjustment on the other produces a result similar to turning up particle emission. At least with some effects like the one seen here, you should be able to get a stronger looking plume by turning up brightness or alpha instead of particle emission. Fewer particles means better PC performance! 3 cheers to Sarbian for adding these very useful parameters!
  14. Wow that looks fantastic. So much more readable. I hope someone at Squad sees this and takes some lessons on board.
  15. Hi @sarbian super keen on the new parameters but I havent been able to get them working . Did I do a dumb or could there be a bug? Cheers. I've tried all 3 as global parameters and as curves against power or density.
  16. I actually did that myself for a while but the problem here is that a shiny Atlas compelled me to also have matching Agena D and Vega. Things broke down at that point as the reflection config looks awful on the vega engine mount (due to the integrated RCS tanks) and even worse the Agena D has the engine mount and engine combined.
  17. SLV-3X Fatlas is back! This time with the bigger all new H1D model I don't think I posted it earlier but there is also an all new Kerolox vernier realplume with a much smoother look. New H1 still fits nicely in the Atlas booster skirt. Just make sure to rotate it 45 degrees though!
  18. Thanks! The design of this test vehicle was driven only by the consideration that I needed to get the first stage to over 40km in order to see the full range of plume expansion. The only purpose was to test it out with the new J2T model.
  19. Testing the J2T plume with the all new aerospike model. The emissive is incredible on this engine!
  20. What's your frame rate like? My guess is the plume is breaking up due to low frame rate The development branch of BDB on github has a new dedicated plume for the F1 that should be much smoother even under lower frame rates. The one in the current full release has probably been stretched more than it should have been which might contribute to the issues. You could switch to the development branch but keep in mind that a lot of whats in the dev branch is work in progress and it is not really recommended for use in a serious career save. (Not that it stops some of us )
  21. Hey @Nertea I think it would be nice to add support for EC consumption for ScanSat modules. *Doh should have read the post above sorry. Guess it would be supported via that system.
  22. So the BDB dev branch already has all new custom "RealPlumes" built with PlumeParty effects for all liquid engines but the revamp is already getting a revamp of its own. As part of this ongoing effort, in addition to the new J2 aerospike plume being worked on, there is an all new LR87 plume for the LR87-5, LR87-11 and LR87-SL single coming very soon. Shout out to @Nessus_ who does the configs for Tundra for the guidance on how to do this. It uses 9 different particle effects but actually emits only around 300 particles per plume max (x2 for an LR87) which is lighter than most real plumes. This is close to final but a few small tweaks still needed. The shock diamonds will fade out as expansion begins and the expanded plume will be very translucent Vacuum shape. Which I guess is what you'll start with on the air started Titan IIIs and IVs.
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