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Everything posted by Friznit

  1. Useful tip! I've added it to the wiki Edit: but where can you see the remaining burn time on the stage?
  2. Running through this on JNSQ with BDB, KCT and Bureaucracy installed is a lot of fun. The only contracts I'm really struggling with are the occasional Explorer mission that requires reaching a 48Mm Ap with a Thor Delta, which even with multiple kick motors is next to impossible (unless I'm being stupid) - is that correct or has a scaling calc gone out of whack somewhere? I assume the Launcher tests are deliberately part agnostic - they'll complete with any old rocket? I've got BDB and Probes+ installed. What other probe mods would you recommend to fill in the blanks? Entirely not a demand but I thought it would be nice to have a set of companion contracts that covered the unused rockets in the BDB pantheon - maybe an Ahistory of Spaceflight pack
  3. In the Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicles page, in case you were looking and didn't know the lingo!
  4. The bundled craft files are probably in need of an update. Try using the ones here for now
  5. It's basically a Salyut station with the additional docking ports added. You can use the guide here to get the basics down.
  6. I intend to replace the old Vulcan build guide on the unofficial BDB wiki with an update for this soon
  7. Same detail for the documentation on the (unofficial) wiki: if anyone spots problems with the dev guides (which is all in the Issues tab until release) please let me know by dropping a comment on github - whether it's out of date images, incorrect labels, missing stuff or just not very clear instructions. I can attest to the amount of work going into this update, if for no other reason I've found myself updating updates to the updates
  8. It's in BD_Extras (No Warranty)/GameData/Bluedog_DB_Extras/BDB_RealNames/ Put RealNames.cfg in any folder inside your GameData directory (e.g. create a folder called something like MyConfigs and stick it in there)
  9. You can use the unofficial wiki linked in my sig, which references both the real names and the BDB names. There's also an optional realnames patch, which you can use to make things easier in game. Edit: godammit zorg, beaten again
  10. How do omnistorage templates work? I'm a bit confused. I'm playing with Air enabled and some of the Pathfinder parts pick it up but other don't. For example, the Pipeline Mass Driver's omnistorage can be configured for Air & Stale Air; the Castillo Depot only has Stale Air listed but no (Fresh) Air; and the many of the other parts have neither.
  11. Shouldn't be. I already rebuilt all the craft files with the latest version of Tantares. Could be that github didn't overwrite the files properly. I'll double-check the upload in the morning. Edit: double checked. Found a couple of issues but they should all be good with the latest version of KSP and Tantares & Tantares LV
  12. This may be of interest to you: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki
  13. For further clarification on satellite things: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Satellites (Unreleased BDB stuff is here https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43)
  14. Not being a particularly sophisticated player, my trial and error approach pretty much seems to boil down (or boil off!) to: LFO to go up, LH2 to go out, LFO or CH4 to get in. By that I mean nearly all my Launch Vehicles end up using LFO to boost things into space, cryo engines for departure stages, but since LH2 boil off negates their use for anything much beyond that, it's back to LFO or the half-way-house Methalox (if you have it) for mid-course correct and orbital insertion. Or whacky nuclear, argon, xenon setups depending on what mood I'm in. The lower mass of the LH2 departure stage generally enables a much greater payload capacity.
  15. One way of doing this is create a second save game and store your unused craft on that. Craft Manager let's you transfer across saves, so basically does exactly what you need
  16. I'll happily add anything that can be built out of Tantares parts (or with a reasonable amount of stock parts augmenting it). If it needs other mods or tweakscale I'll need details on how to recreate it and can list in the "other (non Tantares)" bit. It would certainly be cool to round out the wiki with a complete set of Soviet/Russian/Ukraine rockets.
  17. That'd be a Rockomax X200-8 fuel tank. Likely with Restock colouring and a bit of tweakscale. I think I'll add an unofficial BDB Delta IV guide to the unofficial part of the unofficial BDB wiki alongside the existing unofficial Restock one. Unofficially, of course.
  18. I have a sneaky repository of (unofficial) craft files on the same github as the wiki (look on the code tab). I think the Mir files are in need of an update though. The pictures on the Mir page should be a fairly good reference for now - they're mostly fairly straight forward to build.
  19. Its not officially released yet. You can get it from the v1.7 dev branch on github but usual caveats apply - it's development, so subject to game breaking changes. Don't use in a save you care about.
  20. Burke. See here for a build guide: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/43#issuecomment-575742385
  21. Just doing what I said an making a kerbalised name reference page - noticed a couple of minor spelling errors in the localisation file. Lines 679 and 683 tags have rotanetv; should be rotanev. Edit Also from line 1067, Nashira tags (NEP) are mispelt Nashria Shmedit: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/Tantares-Names Think I got them all. Sanity check welcome.
  22. There's one in the issues tab on my unofficial wiki. I'll move it to its own page at some point
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