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Everything posted by Friznit

  1. You really should try them. They're both built with "lego-ability" in mind and there are lots of ahistorical parts included to make whacky rockets. They go exceptionally well with US2.
  2. First contract I saw was to launch a Keyhole into polar orbit of the Sun then return the capsule to Kerbin, which feels a bit...odd? I might give it a go just to see if I can.
  3. Snacks consumption can be set in difficulty settings. It's only the optional extras (Air, Stress etc) that you have to edit the configs directly.
  4. You were right the first time. I just updated all the Tantares craft files too Zorg inevitably pointed out a flaw in my plan. For LV's which are optimised for higher orbits, such as Titan IVB with a Centaur, I should have factored in the mass of the upper stage. That adds around ~4600Kg to their payload capacity and in fact, maybe even better with no upper stage. I'll redo the graph in due course.
  5. I got frustrated hunting around for the right launch vehicle to use for whatever bonkers payload I'd mashed up so started roughing out the max payload for each of my craft files to get into JNSQ LKO using KER. Then I turned it into a graph. And added pictures. There's no science to it and some may not actually work all that well but it's enough to get in the right ballpark when choosing an LV. Added to the BDB wiki under "Payload & Performance" at the bottom
  6. I tested without CommNetManager installed and all seems to be working fine. The only minor issue I've found was there in the old release too. If you reload a vessel with an activated addon module (HCU etc), the PAW resets the button to "Activate" even though the module is already active, and you can no longer deactivate it.
  7. Almost home! I'll setup a test this afternoon.
  8. Nice one. I hadn't appreciated this uses features of CommNet. Presumably that's the line of sight checking bit?
  9. Fwiw, I used this extensively in my last career (1.7.3) and it worked just fine 90% of the time. There were some oddities with other mod packs, where vessels didn't "rebuild" correctly after teleporting (US2 bays for example) but otherwise it was generally fine. I'll run it up on my test install tonight.
  10. It's just tweakscale configs for mods that don't add it themselves already, such as Near Future Solar.
  11. Pretty much only WBI will support all of Snacks to the fullest, though it's straight forward to add functionality to other parts with a simple Module Manager patch. You can see examples in the MM_stock.cfg in Snacks Module Manager patches folder. For example, to add Air Scrubbers to parts : You can do something similar with Snack Recycler or just adding the various life support resources.
  12. MMMMmmmmmm shiny British things. My wiki senses are tingling....
  13. I'm trying to +PART a model but it's getting removed by a separate NEEDS check. How can I overwrite the NEEDS? Specifically, Universal Storage 2 USSolidWasteWedge NEEDS Kerbalism, which I'm not running so it gets deleted. I'd like to +PART the wedge and use it for Snacks Soil. What order should I run my patch in? BEFORE won't work I assume, because MM needs US2 to load first so my patch has something to +PART AFTER doesn't work because the part doesn't load due to a failed NEEDS check in the US2 config.
  14. Picture two overlapping circles with the same circumference. It takes the same amount of time to travel around the circles even though they they don't have the same centre point. Ap/Pe is essentially just a measure from the centre point to the "top" and "bottom" of the ellipse. SMA is the important number here because it's a measure of how big the ellipse is (and therefore how long it takes to travel around it). Same SMA = same orbital period.
  15. USI uses the launch event to trigger life support mechanics such as homesickness/habitation. Kerbals "launched" virtually using KSTS therefore don't register as away from home.
  16. You need around 5k dV to get into LKO in JNSQ. Kvant-1 with FGB-derived tug on a Proton-K with Blok-D upper stage can just about achieve that if you reduce the monoprop fuel in the FGB a bit but you won't have much left over for orbital rendezvous. If you dispense with the tug and re-purpose the Blok-D (or Briz) as a mini tug you should get around 6K dv, which is sufficient. Alternatively lob a tug up separately and RV in orbit for the final positioning and docking.
  17. It does work like that but I suspect you're pointing to the same model but with a different name, so the first is getting ignored. I've updated all the craft file and it should be relatively straight forward to edit a savegame and find/replace the old RCS names with the new ones.
  18. I'll happily improve my rough guide if you can point out glaring errors!
  19. It's just a logo from an ArmA group I've been running for a few years, which I use as an avatar pic on Discord.
  20. I've done a rough build guide for Mir. I've not documented every module in detail but hopefully it serves as a reference. I'll chuck the craft files to Beale for adding to the collection - they probably not 100% perfect but good enough. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/Mir
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