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Everything posted by Friznit

  1. But you missed the single source of truth about all things BDB! The one and only, officially unofficial BDB wiki!! 100% internet accuracy! Vaguely. Ish. A little bit. Actually the BDB unofficial wiki draws from all these sources and more, boiled down into something accessible and then tweaked with a little artistic license given its intended purpose as a guide to build all these rockets with BDB parts. Come to think of it, it would be a nice idea to list some of these sources on there for those who are interested in exploring further.
  2. It's not super detailed but this should give you a reasonable guide: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/Mir. There are some (slightly older) craft files of my own on that github. They should be good for the release version of Tantares.
  3. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Shuttle-Derived-Launchers#SLS
  4. When you do figure out attach altitude, do let me know! I typically have best success with PVG aiming for a 200 - 300km circular orbit. Anything lower it tends to overshoot and then burns 'down' to orbit, anything higher and it's just not very efficient.
  5. Are you using BDB Now In Colours? There's a bug that causes the Apollo parachutes to act is if they're open. You can delete the parachute config from BDBNIC to make it go away.
  6. Interesting point. I've added a note about this on the Vanguard page, which is usually the first rocket people will build (in career or science mode anyway)
  7. This is actually very helpful feedback so please keep making a note of wherever you find it's not intuitive and let me know either here or better yet, in an issue ticket on github itself. The wiki started for the very reason that I had no prior knowledge either, so I started making some notes and well...I took a lot of notes. And pictures. So I figured I'd share them. I've tried to strike a balance between real names for the historical flavour text and rocket variants and using BDB Kerbalised names for tags and parts listed in the build guides. That particular point about the Bossart adapter is mentioned but I acknowledge the Atlas/Bossart page is one of the older ones and could use bringing up to the same standard as the other pages
  8. Zorg and I spent several hours updating and testing all the craft files for the release version of KSP. As you say, the list is pretty huge and it's not within our capacity to maintain two sets of craft files, so we'll only support the latest version I'm afraid. There could potentially be the odd issue with older versions of KSP as they've not been tested so YMMV (e.g. possibly things like B9 Partswitch variants or SAF)
  9. I don't have an updated one but you can my rough guide for building the station here
  10. Not craft files but there instructions on how to build them on my unofficial reDirect wiki (link in my sig below)
  11. Oh yes, I was using the cheat menu to try an recreate the issue - remove the completed Apollo 11 contract, take it again, cheat complete and see if Apollo 12 triggers. But then odd things happen - Apollo 11 is still not checked as "complete" in the Contracts menu (even though I just cheated it) and Apollo 12 cannot be selected even though all the prerequisites are fulfilled.
  12. Ref the Apollo XIII issue I'm having - Logs attached...hopefully with logs this time! (Ironic that it's Apollo XIII right?) https://drive.google.com/file/d/16blSM2JyYaqJRKwopaOf2Dv7xk3tMAPS/view?usp=sharing
  13. I've tried using the cheat menu to remove the contract, re-add and then mark it completed but the follow on is still not triggering. The only error in CC debug is for the Apollo-Soyuz mission (I've removed the Soviet mission pack, no cats in this play through). Logs here for the record . Is there a way to cheese it with CC? Like, remove the dependency checks while I do the next mission?
  14. Run into a blocker on the manned missions. I've just completed Apollo 11, the contract ended and I got the notification but in the contracts menu it's still marked as incomplete and not selectable, though all the prerequisites are met. The subsequent Apollo mission is therefore not selectable either. In the persistence.sfs the contract is in the finished contracts array, so I'm not sure what the bug is - CC or the contract itself? Is there a way to workaround using CC or editing the save file perhaps?
  15. Make sure it's the right way round (the docking key should go into the slot on the landers port) and also make sure the port isn't blocked by anything or nudged into the lander. I haven't tried the low profile port for a while so it could conceivably be broken, but will test and let you know.
  16. Isn't that sort of the point though? The contract works fine if you don't try to cheese it. I've completed all the exploration contracts and the only ones I've struggled with are those that require a very high orbit, which seems unachievable using the strictly historic launcher builds. The issue SilverFox is having isn't a bug with the contract per se but a consequence of trying to workaround the spirit of the historical progression by attempting to complete multiple contracts in one launch.
  17. BDBNIC uses stock module variant. It works in latest KSP but note it causes an issue with the Apollo (Kane) parachutes drag cubes so you should edit them out of the patch.
  18. Oh I wouldn't be so sure. BDBNIC is @Drakenex baby and not really a core BDB thing (unless @Invaderchaos get's their first of course ). Stock part switches may be FUBAR but B9 doesn't seem to have the same issue. In the meantime you can edit out the parachute config from BDBNIC and if necessary add an equivalent B9 switch using the same texture.
  19. I've been experiencing a very weird issue with the BDB Apollo (Kane) parachutes in the latest KSP causing excess drag when undeployed. After a lot of trial and error I've narrowed down the cause of the issue to BDBNIC - remove it and the problem goes away. This makes me sad, because I like the pretty colours. Squad only knows why adding some stock part switches would make this happen but apparently it does.
  20. Is there a known issue with the vernier nodes on the Surveyor lander? Two of the three engines disappear when you load the vessel.
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