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Everything posted by Friznit

  1. Stuck a Big G on top of SLS? Horrible but awesome. Throwing my opinion out there on post-Saturn revamp projects: I've just started working on a fairings and interstage guide and if nothing else it would be great to see some of the older interstages & adapters brought up to speed with the recent modelling & config techniques. There are several parts that I reckon could be rationalised and simplified using B9 Partswitch, reducing part count and making finding the right bit in a busy part menu a bit more logical. As for proliferation of Centaur types - my view based on trying to write simple guides for rocket building is that there's little value in adding different models unless they have a material impact on gameplay. Many real life variants only changed internals, which aren't modelled in KSP anyway and adding them all just complicates an already confusing evolution of rocket designs
  2. There is one - BDB-AFB-2.5m Fairing Base or the SAF version that includes the Saturn I SA5 variant.
  3. I've updated all the craft files for the dev version but I don't believe they've been included in the github repo yet. In the meantime the draft build guides are all in the Saturn Update issue on the Unofficial Wiki guide thingy.
  4. Parallax support isn't complete AFAIK. There appear to be some textures missing. Also as orbital says above, you need older version of kopernicus I noticed that footprints from kop expanded work when you do a fresh reload but not after changing flight scene
  5. I completely disagree. KSP2 is still in development. Once released it will take a few months of patches to iron out the inevitable bugs. We don't yet know what the workflow will be like for modding and even so it will take many months (even years) for big mods like Tantares to get ported over or remade. KSP still has a lot of life in it yet.
  6. At some point, when I get around to it for sure. I'm in the middle of updating all the BDB Saturn stuff for the next release so will get back to Tantares when that's done.
  7. Yes you got it. Clearly that'll only fix the craft files. For anything already launched you'll need to edit the save file itself
  8. If you really want to keep the save you can edit your craft files in a text editor. Find a similar part in the new save and make a simple test craft. Load the test.craft in a text editor and find the "name = " bit, copy it and replace the offending part in the broken craft file.
  9. I over simplistically assumed 500 cos later on the wiki, but I guess it would depend on which INT and whether the J2 needed to restart. The SIVB page on Wikipedia describes the configurations, and you can work out which would be used if the INT series went beyond a paper exercise https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-IVB#%3A~%3Atext%3DThe_200_series_was_used%2Cnot_have_to_be_restarted.?wprov=sfla1
  10. The BDB config is sorely in n3ed of an update. There have been a few efforts *(linked earlier in the thread) but nothing complete. Several of the experiments need kerbalisming too .
  11. Correct. All the Logistics stuff is in MKS. If you're using Life Support on its own you will need to transfer the physical life support resources the same way as any resource in a stock game (e.g. ore). Without MKS, only the "habitation" mechanic shares magically between craft in close proximity.
  12. Indeed. I was running with 80% science rewards in KSRSS so only the moon to suck dry of science and no space station labs to optimise returns yet. Admittedly with BDB and Dmagic Orbital Science there are a lot of experiments but I got every branch to tier 7 without much trouble. I haven't had to use Atlas, Delta or Saturn rockets at all, skipped straight to Titan and now launching STS for the first time. On the plus side I did have to make some strategic choices about what order to unlock things in, and did more science with planes and probes before crewed work than I normally would so it's definitely getting the progression about right
  13. The dev version on Github has a patch to fix the BDB contracts. I've been using the tech tree in my latest career and enjoying it. Generally it faces the same problem as any tech tree in that you can tend to unlock everything up to about Tier 7 very quickly with the local system science (and not trying very hard at that), then you hit a bit of a wall whilst interplanetary stuff slowly unlocks. I'd prefer a steeper curve on the early nodes then flatten it out after Tier 6/7 - it would encourage use of early rockets more without causing excessive grind in the mid to late game. I've had to manually patch in a few mods and updates, which thankfully is pretty straight forward to do, but the tree could really use a generic patch for adding unsupported mod parts to the nearest equivalent tech node.
  14. And I (and I'm sure many others) appreciate the support - it's a great compromise for experiencing the solar system using our favourite parts mods without having to go down the rabbit hole of full scale RSS support.
  15. I understand this works in 2.5x scale KSRSS as well. Just a small point but CKAN requires RSS as a dependency - can that be made a recommendation instead?
  16. See also "Atlas Unflown" page of the wiki I'll make a note about the engines if it's not immediately clear where to find them
  17. /casts embiggerate Github has a page width restriction which makes the image a bit small. I wasn't aware people were using it as a reference but I'd be delighted to put higher res images on a build guide page (similar to the BDB probes pages) if people would find that useful - just nobody ever asked before! I've got all the craft files too so will sling them on github for you.
  18. Earth Asc number gets you into orbit (5375). Then add the Total to LO number for how much you need in your transfer stage(s) to get from Low Earth Orbit to Low Orbit at your destination (e.g. for Mars it's a maximum of 3225 taking into account mid course corrects for plane change on the way). You don't necessarily need real fuels but nuclear or xenon engines start to become very useful to get dV's above 9k. You do need to manage your expectations on the size and mass of the payload. Also bear in mind that you don't necessarily need to get into Low Orbit on some of the bigger bodies but can use them to slingshot your craft into orbit of a moon, or even aerobrake in atmo if you're feeling brave.
  19. I imagine they preferred to remove things that were proven to be redundant wherever possible to reduce cost, weight and complexity.
  20. This one? https://github.com/benjee10/Benjee10_MMSEV/pull/8 Looking at the discussion thread on that PR the patch has some resource defs missing so may not be fully functional. Is there an updated version around?
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