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Everything posted by TheLoneOne

  1. Sorry I eated it, what’s your gamedata look like, that’s a first step,
  2. that’s a lot of parts so yea it’s gonna run slow. It’s a game made a decade ago, it’s not gonna. be perfect, have a KitKat
  3. I know how but can’t explain it cuz it would litterally take 6 hours to type out but basicly if you know where to look there are free plugins.
  4. Ok so I’ve played this mod for around 50 hours so far and I STILL like the cut of its jib. can someone send medical help?
  5. Okay I got the mesh done mostly I won’t show it cuz I want to finish it first. Goodnight
  6. plans today are to get a good deal of the model of the spaceplane done!
  7. Does this mod come with medical insurance?
  8. I’m having a stroke is what I mean I think. You know?
  9. I already eated all the good mods but here’s a bad mod
  10. Probs the joints messing up. kjr tends to ruin precise trajectories which programs struggle to adapt to as robots are very literal in terms of understanding things. Also if your doing rss and RO of course there’s gonna be bugs like this. Ksp’s game engine is designed weirdly, like why they would make parts flexible in the first place of ridged when they wrote the base code I’m not exactly sure as it ended up causing what I would say were a good majority of the bugs in game and makes your craft go through minuscule joint flexes which create literal free energy from nothing and this is constant, kjr try’s to stop it and it only amplifies the free energy gained. By like a magnitude of 2 from what I’ve estimated
  11. Out of curiosity when will you add a smell feature to Uranus(I’m gonna stop there) all jokes aside this mod looks great!
  12. I like this mod a lot. But it also concerns me as whenever I see it I immediately realize my parts are more intelligent than I am…
  13. Btw I’m modeling in blender and it’s fun. I also realized that @taniwhais amazing and made it so I can convert a ksp craft file into a model which opens up some interesting things. Thanks my guy for deving that!
  14. i know about it i did patches for that. this is gonna be similer but my focus is on the functionality and modeling on it.
  15. Would you like me to test this on ksp 1.12.3?
  16. requests for mod compatibility are open btw! today my plans are to set up my workspaces for modding and testing and start the modeling of The spaceplane.
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