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Everything posted by jastrone

  1. i think its on the forum but i know that its on steam if you go to ksp2 store page and scroll down to recent events and announcements and click one the one that says: ask me a few more things. its just two pictures but now we know its working and that you can collide with eachoter
  2. i think it is pretty much the opposite, we have already been shown multiplayer and i only think they wait with releasing it because it needs to work with colonies and science. and the only reason star systems will take a short amount of time is because they have already been worked on. we have seen a few planets but i think they are all from the same system. i doo think it will take a long time because i dont think they have decided what all planets should be and making the planets and the textures could take some time i guess it is that its because you cant sow a little bit about how science works without spoiling the entire thing. we have seen a few colony parts but we have no idea how they work or if that is all of the parts. and i would say that they arent functional yet and that is what will be added in the update. multiplayer really cant be spoled, we know we play with other players and that is about everything important. and i dont think they have finished all solar systems i just think we have been shown planets from one system. with science they either show us the tech tree and how things are unlocked or how science is gathered. it is also kind of a ui thing and we havent really been shown any of the building uis at all so its possible they where mostly placeholder when we stil had a bunch of images from ksp2 being released.
  3. personally i think it will be about one or two months. i know this is a bit optimistic but i know some work has already been done in each update. we have for example already been shown many planets from other solar systems and colony parts so they arent completely unfinished
  4. the main problem with many parts in a ship is the parts being "floppy". there is no reason for surface atached parts like ladders need as much ḿovement simulation as the fuel tanks. and the rockets could even be completely stiff and the game would be a lot less laggy. I honestly think the devs made a mistake making the parts not rigidly attached. i know its realistic that rockets are somewhat moving but not to the point in ksp or ksp 2. it is probably not even noticable so adding it to the game doesnt add anything. and floppy tockets is the reason behind kraken attacks. and in iterstellar travel floppyness would add nothing exept the giant swinging making sure you cant do your manoever node
  5. do you call it ksp 1 or ksp 1.8? do you now call ksp 2 ksp 0.01 or ksp 1.1?
  6. i defenetly want a system like it but this is the one thing i think they should change the most. it was too annoying to deal with for anything exept maybe a big spacestation project. meybe a way to drive a ship into a space station and change a few things easily. but defenetly some way of doing this with kerbals is needed especially with those big ships because they honestly do look like they need a bit of maintinance
  7. my main problem with the new one is that it just fits one type of rover and there are no other parts thaf fit well with it. i would love a more round one and one more just generic like the one in ksp 1
  8. thats kinda stupid. the whole point of color coding is that you can see the ones that are the same axis. green arow to move on the x axis and green turned arrow to rotate around the x axis for example. this is really helpfull when the perspective doesnt really show you a whole arraw because its behind the other ones or itself
  9. im exited for all the new easter eggs which have been semi confirmed, but also just seem very likely
  10. well yes you dont have to know the coding language and block code never gives you errors it wont let you do a mistake so yhea its easier.
  11. not very usefull and you would either have to save every position or reverse physics
  12. if you make wings out of many parts in ksp 1 it looks bad, there z-fighting and its laggy. on top of that it is frustrating to make. parts dont go where you want them and you really have to look to get the correct part with the correct size and shape. and i wouldnt say its difficult. i could easily figure out a design and how to make it but its just frustrating to make because nothing works like its suposed to. and there is a BIG difference between difficult and frustrating and making good looking wings in ksp is not difficult. If the devs make a good system for procedural wings that would be awesome andi would use that a lot.
  13. there has to be some way to use the same color twice. anything else would be stupid. and we have seen ships in the videos with much of the same color so it is there. i think you will be able to save a color as a favorite and then you can just select it the next time you make a ship
  14. white/black with any vibrant secondary color always works good but i think orange with black as secondary could also work really well. primary white with blue and red is really good for a retro livery. i think ill mostly just avoid one color ships. and what i probably will do is having one color scheme for a "company" or a "multiple launch mission" like Apollo. when multiplayer comes out ill think ill do one or two schemes for everything and stick to those so you know who made what
  15. no. absolutley not. mods arent even compatible with every ksp 1 version and ksp 2 is way different and most of the code is pobably completely rewriten.
  16. Not 80 tf. that is way to much. and its just on kerbin. this would take weeks of playing constantly just to find all. and they probably wouldnt be that interesting if the devs add thousands of them. I think every planet in the kerbol system should get one or two more anomalies than in ksp 1. we do need quite a bunch of new easter eggs and anomalies on the new planets tho
  17. im fine with the graphix as of now exept that the kerbals look a bit weird. they look less real than ksp 1 somehow
  18. I think something similar could happen but not like this. probalby more like a memorial instead of a graveyard where there are just names written on it instead of a new gravestone every time. or maybe we just get something similar to ksp 1 where its just a öist
  19. did you close your eyes while watching these videos? the graphics are so much better and literally every ship has more parts than you would ever need in ksp 1
  20. it works but you have to make the input settings yourself
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