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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. To directly answer the OP's original question, which is "Did anyone see this mess coming": Yes, I did. To be fair, I wasn't really paying attention to much during the original development period. I didn't know much about what happened with Squad, or Star Theory, or with creating a new studio that poached some of the original ST developers. I didn't really get on the hype train, or do any deep dives into trailers or news articles or even dev blogs here on the forums. I was aware that KSP2 was coming, and I was pretty stoked that we were going to get a sequel to a game I love. But during that lead-up, I kind of just let things fall where they may, knowing that I'd be on-board the day it dropped. The day it dropped, I picked it up about 2 hours after initial launch. I wanted to let the internet cool off from everyone buying the game, and I had meetings that morning anyhow. But I picked it up, and I started playing it...and I was more than a little disappointed. Poor performance, no heat management, no career mode, no science. Wobbly rockets, major bugs, and (in my own opinion) horrible graphics/UI. Sure, I could launch and get into orbit...but not much beyond that. I had to fight with the controls to keep a rocket on a steady course, for SAS was of no help. And we were told that this is how it was going to be - rockets would wobble, SAS would no longer correct for you. We were given a whole sub-forum here to point out bugs and issues, and one of the users (I think it was @linuxgurugamer?) crafted a bug reporting add-on that grabbed up all of the relevant information you needed in order to submit a bug report that was useful. And then the real problems started. The bug reports sub-forum was a mess to sift through, the search function wasn't responding as it should, and the amount of bugs in initial launch made it really difficult to play the game. We got a couple posts from the devs, and an AMA with Nate that left me a bit...underwhelmed, I guess is the right word. They used Howard Jones' "Things Can Only Get Better" as the backdrop music for that AMA, and it was during his Q&A in this thing that I knew right away that this was not going to get better, and things were only going to get worse. I tried to keep hope, but something in me said things weren't going well, and that it would either be a really long time before they got better...or they simply weren't going to get better at all. It took 2+ months from initial launch to get the first patch, and things didn't get better. It was after that patch that I literally started posting out here that things were bad, that they weren't going to get better, and I started asking what happened to all that development time and money they spent, and where was all the stuff they promised us. In fact, the roadmap they gave us said they would be giving us updates and patches and stuff quickly, but they were now dragging their feet. And to top it all off, it seemed like the bug reports subforum wasn't being monitored, the biggest bugs always needed "more research", and all we started to get were pictures of shiny graphics and animations that may or may not make it into the game. I think it was grid-fins that people thought "Wow!" over, but I literally posted "Quit giving us the shinies; just make the game work". So yeah, it was right around that first patch, 0.1.1, where I said "this is going nowhere". Didn't help that they decided to put the game on sale shortly thereafter.
  2. My rig was only like 2 years old when KSP2 dropped in EA, so I figured I didn't need to upgrade anything on it. It runs all my other games just fine, so I didn't think I needed to upgrade. And then the game dropped, and I watched my FPS go down the drain when running it. I've got a 12 core processor, 32 GB of RAM, and a decent - not high-end, but decent mid-range (at the time) - graphics card. Sure, the graphics card could probably stand to be upgraded, and maybe I could drop more RAM in there. But what I've got ran every other game I play just fine. But the performance in KSP2 made me think I should have upgraded.
  3. New Vegas Everyone should know where that is from.
  4. All but the fish. TUBM is allergic to sunshine.
  5. Allentown A city in Pennsylvania made famous by Billy Joel.
  6. I thought the saying was "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.".
  7. The only counting that matters is the number of days until a lot of people are out of work. And the current number is 24.
  8. Granted. You are transported instantaneously to the Harry Houdini museum. It is closed currently, and so you are arrested for trespassing and breaking and entering. I wish magic wasn't so hard to perform.
  9. Syderos, a town in ancient Pontus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syderos
  10. Yarnham, a fictional city that is the primary setting in Bloodborne. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yharnam
  11. Calling 911 to get the Lorax to come back.
  12. Well, @kerbiloid failed to complete his post, so I have to answer ColdJ. Well, the best thing to do would be to retaliate with and Avada Kedav-ray gun. But what if Hermione got Ronned over?
  13. Might as well go for soda, nobody hurts and nobody cries. Might as well go for soda, nobody drowns and nobody dies Banned for putting that song in my head.
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