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Everything posted by Soviet_Velir

  1. Damn, man, its a really beautiful. One day we will see Buran and Clipper shuttle in fashion.....
  2. Hi!Can you send actual craftfile, please? I try few hours build better craft, but can`t... With MLP, SRB and ET
  3. Hi!Which panel or button open a shuttle`s cargo bay door?
  4. Thank you! Before your message I was able to find ModuleIntegrator, everything worked out without any problems) But with the Kennedy Center it is already relevant for me, I will install and remove what is necessary! Thank you!
  5. Hi all. I may not be the first, but I really hope I am the very last person to encounter this problem. Having installed all the necessary folders in Gamedata, after loading I find that instead of the Earth, Kerbin is still shown, and all the launch pads installed by KSCExtended have disappeared (the Kennelly Space Center mod is installed). What is the error?
  6. I set everything to maximum in the game settings, but the black textures disappeared only in VAB
  7. Hello! Truly wonderful continuation mod of Starships from Tundra Exploration! A few years later I wanted to start Starship again, but a couple of problems arose and one request: 1.Can anyone please send a craftfile for the Crew Starship on the launch pad from another mod? 2. Starship has a darkened, non-reflective texture. Is this how it should be? Or am I making a mistake here? 3. IVA has a standard appearance, and not one that is mod-dependent. What is the problem? Tnanks for answers early!
  8. Congratulations on the release of this wonderful mod!Pathfinder is just great! But I have a question: how can it be easily launched into space?:P Or does everyone have their own fantasy have to work here? I just tried to combine the shuttle and the A300, and was able to take off only 2000m by plane, which is very little
  9. OOOOH, ITS AWESOME! Can you please send a craftfile for my MAKS program?
  10. Hi! The mod is truly magnificent and this is what I was looking for! But what confuses me is the difficulty in creating launch pads for the ship. Will there be an alternative launch vehicle in the future? Or cooperation with Alphamensae's MLP?
  11. Benjee, its looks just great! But I'm wondering if there is a SLS in fashion? Or is a Redirect also needed?
  12. Oh, no, I thought I could do without it. I'll install it now, thanks!
  13. Hey! How install this mod? I put folder into Gamedata, but when i launch game and try repaint, for example, Columbia, i dont see repaint a elevon, payload bay, cockpit and other
  14. Awesome, Awesome, AWESOME!Very,very thanks! Even though I forgot to put the TV camera in the trunk, the rover turned out very cool! Thank you!
  15. I repeat my question again: Does anyone have a working LRV craft file in conjunction with the Lunar Module? I need it urgently, but I can't get it on my own
  16. Okay, now i have another question:D Where i can find craftfile LM with LRV?....I just dont know how build and integrate LRV....
  17. Oh, thats awesome!Congratulate with this! I now check GitHub and dont see update with LRV...Maybe i some not understand?
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