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Everything posted by Royalswissarmyknife

  1. I think at the very least they need it for colonies.
  2. Maybe a "Black N White" Theme would be a bit better then Black and Red and Black and Blue. Would be more visually appealing the Black and Red is a bit... Interesting. And the black and Blue is Ok.
  3. Floor 3325: This is a story about a man named Stanley
  4. I love flying planes and almost killing my kerbals by having them blackout and crash!
  5. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
  6. My Prediction is we will at least see science by the end of 2023.
  7. I am here to ruin your day I think @kspbiuitscursed might come
  8. 10/10 Everywhere I go I see his face.
  9. Could I bend the rules a bit and use a Japanese's Concept rocket? it makes some more sense for the Japanese's module.
  10. I wasn't even going to add DIRECT but decided to anyways made a good choice. Now I will have to figure out the lore of NASA not using Ares 5. (although....) I will wait until the payload is decided though to pick my rocket (Don't want to launch a Space Shuttle on a Scout )
  11. My guess is the Ares V/Ares IV Or NLS-1. From the fact you have used the Ares I It seems to me Nasa is going ahead with the Constellation Program in this alt history. It would also make sense for them to have a test flight of it before its launch BUT the fuel tanks are from ORANGES used for making NLS rockets so that makes it very probable to be NLS-1. (Or it could be DIRECT nothing Preventing that) Or it could be NLS-1 Although i doubt that a bit as its quite an obscure rocket (cant be NLS-2 BC it has boosters) It also cant be anything side mounted due to the fact nothings on its side (duh) It also is most likely not SLS due to it not using ACK's SLS tanks (Also cant be SLS Block 2 due to it not useing BOLE I would assume with the budget that nasa has in this alternate universe they would go directly to Bock 2 and not use Block 1/1B). TLDR; Most likely Ares V/IV or NLS-1 those are my biggest bets but you can never remove DIRECT from the picture.
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