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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. ...find some accusations which are spiteful and not relevant to this thread. Please don't dredge that mess up again.
  2. Here's the best quality of life mod.
  3. This (pending) work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  4. A large ship will flex. There's no way around that. To minimize it, visualize the ship as a building sitting on its stern, and add parts in a way that their "weight" will be supported. But don't be afraid of a degree of flexion, as KSP parts can handle it. Assemblages like this do just fine.
  5. I made another Minecraft thing. https://imgur.com/gallery/88Xal
  6. Since this is primarily about the actual shuttle, the thread has been moved to the real spaceflight subforum. Pet peeve of mine: when people complain that the shuttle was a bad design. So was the model A. The first of its kind always is. That doesn't prove that the whole idea is unfeasible. Oh my god, this video is aggravating me. First of all, this dope should stop calling the shuttle the "deadliest" spacecraft. While literally true, it's also misleading because the shuttle just plain made more flights than any other design (I think). 131/133 successful flights over the course of 30 years is not a terrible record, especially when you're doing something no one has done before. (Not meaning to discount the fatalities; merely talking about failure rates.) Okay, the longer I listen, the madder I get. Vehicle failure rate of 40%? Yes, 2 of the 5 were lost. But again that's misleading because only 2 flights out of 133 failed, and the two that were lost had flown many times before their failures. Soyuz remains the most reliable flying system not because it's so spectacularly advanced, but because there hasn't been a political or economic drive to make something newer. It's a lack of desire to exceed Soyuz rather than a lack of ability. We'd be on Mars if we'd stuck with Saturn Vs? So politics had nothing to do with space flight curtailment? And civilian craft are now succeeding where the shuttle failed? Sure enough, with 50 years of newer tech and the lessons learned by the shuttle itself. So much rage.
  7. If he does, we can open the thread again.
  8. As this member has not visited the forum for nearly 3 years, it is doubtful he/she will see it, Jeb-head-mug kerman. It was nice of you to offer, though.
  9. @nascarlaser1, your question about this mod has been merged into the thread about this mod, since that is the best place to ask questions about this mod.
  10. If you are playing in career mode, you will need to update your tracking station and mission control before you have access to maneuver nodes.
  11. If you look at the navball, you will see that the rover believes it is lying on its back. Whatever you are using as the control part from which orientation is determined is rotated 90 degrees skyward from your intended direction of travel. Click on a part which is facing "forward" relative to the ground and "control from here" it. I don't know why the vehicle would only turn right, but I suspect this orientation issue is at least part of the problem.
  12. That would have been a mis-use of our access, and if anyone of us had tried it anyway, the boss guys would still see the activity. Most of our moderation activity is visible to our fellow moderators, and the guys with admin powers can see everything we do.
  13. Squad has little to no control over the modding potential of consoles. Arguing about it here can't change that, so this thread is no longer serving a purpose.
  14. Well, don't. It hardly reflects badly upon you if one particular forum member does not recognize your name.
  15. Oopsie. Looks like this thread has been dead for over a year. Time to let it go in peace and dignity.
  16. The link toward the bottom of this page?
  17. New thread merged into the master thread for multiplayer discussions.
  18. The claw part is a bit finicky about the angle by which it will attach, and you have to be moving VERY slowly, or it will just bounce off. The normally recommended speed is 0.1m/s for a grab attempt. Have you tried to come at the shield perpendicular to is surface?
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