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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. If it's something for a contract, then look in the track station for a waypoint on Eve called Akatsuki Lake.
  2. I vaguely remember there being one a long time ago, but it might just me remembering incorrectly.
  3. I mean... B9 is still around, so it might still work???
  4. I know that there are telescopes as experiments, but I don't think any of them functions as an optical telescope.
  5. http://ksp.deringenieur.net/ It tells you the lat long of your cursor.
  6. Welcome! I would recommend checking out a couple of tutorials, this is rocket science after all. This is a good one, and also a Youtuber by the name of Scott Manley has a good collection too. Be aware of the fact that in the older version of the game, the aerodynamics were very different, so old tutorials might have misguiding information about gravity turns.
  7. In addition to kanyons, rivers would be nice too. Like rivers that actually flow.
  8. It's probably some that has to with contracts, maybe try deleting play your way and see if it runs smoother?
  9. My bad I didn't read it carefully.
  10. That's a cool idea, but I don't think science parts would make sense at the end of the tech tree, where extra science points are almost useless.
  11. I would prefer upgrading parts in a way similar to the way it's done in RO/RSS, were you can unlock upgraded versions of an engine in the VAB by spending science.
  12. The better question is does it work? Some times modders don't update the avc files immediately, so it says it's incompatible while it is. It should be fine as long as it works.
  13. Did you put the zip files in the Gamedata folder? If you did make sure you unzip them. But it might have to do with your game being in program files.
  14. "remove from staging" should be a tweakable option under the right click menu in the editor. You might need to enable advanced tweakables in the options first.
  15. Or if your friend loves death and destruction I would recommend the works of danny2462.
  16. That would be interesting if there's also an economy.
  17. You'll be able to run KSP fine. I'm running it with some visual mods with intel integrated graphics.
  18. Please actually follow that.
  19. That's a stock feature. It's accessed through alt f12 on windows. The video shows an older version of it, in the current one the infinite fuel and stuff is found under cheats.
  20. Here are the downloads. Or if you have the game through Steam you should be able to run more recent versions like 1.0.5.
  21. For uploading logs, put them on a file hosting site such as drop box or Google Drive then paste the link here. Also the error.log isn't as helpful as the out_put.log The log there says you're running the 32 bit version of the game.
  22. KSP.exe is the 32 bit executable, use KSP_x64.exe. ALSO DON'T PUT THE LOG IN THE FORUM POST.
  23. I think what he means is giving his friends his modded GameData so that his friends can easily install mods. Like what @adsii1970 said earlier, make sure you don't violate any mod licenses. What you are doing is almost like a modpack, which was a very controversial topic of discussion a while ago. The conclusion is that they are allowed, but must follow licenses. An alternative to sending the GameData folder is to install the mods through CKAN and send your friends the .ckan file. Although CKAN comes with its own issues.
  24. Welcome to the community! if you need help, pop over to gameplay questions and there are people who can get you to every planet and back.
  25. It's Kerbal Engineers, if you click on the button that says Kerbin you can change the celestial body. FAR is a mod that changes the aerodynamics, but I think you're looking for a graphics mod? If you are looking for a graphics mod, here's a thread on it:
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