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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Having finished it a while ago, I did enjoy it, but don't watch it for the science. But it's so farcical, you just accept it. But I do recommend. But if it went more than 10 (8?) episodes for the season, I don't think I would have hung on.
  2. Not the flash of the SpaceX streams, but still a great launch. Watching Tim Dodd's live stream, and He was using his mouse to point out things in the 2nd stage interstage. I thought it was a fly that got trapped during assembly.
  3. I ran KSP up until very recently on an i3 with 8gb ram, but it ran on 4gb for a while. Upgrading your ram is probably pretty cheap and easy to do. Do that, and you'll run KSP, but it might be laggy a bit with big ships. You will probably be able to play KSP without any Mods or DLC with what you have now.
  4. Try validating your files in Steam first, probably not the correct solution, but it's a simple check. Right click the Game in your library, Properties, Local Files, Verify Local Files. If that doesn't work, We'll need some logs. But Honestly, it seems your save is borked, along with the logs, post a link to the save, maybe somebody can find a solution. Also, there is a method for moving VAB/SPH builds between saves, so you might lose the save, but not the designs.
  5. It's not a bother, no worries mate. It's just hard to see the exact issue without a pic. The engine should snap right onto the bottom of the tank.
  6. Welcome to the Forums @qwerty the pscho. Perhaps if you could post some pics of your build we could help out.
  7. Yup, Me too. Launch to rendezvous, and I had a Unplanned Extreme Docking attempt. I was so impressed with the accuracy I wasn't even mad, revert to launch and all.
  8. GOG sale thread merged with STEAM Sale thread, and master post created. Thanks @MechBFP
  9. Like I said, it's either a photo-realistic render, or a model. It just looks like the type of model you'd see in a museum/planetarium under bright display light. If it's a render, then I'm hoping that's not the finished product, as the texture just doesn't look right. I'm assuming they'll play with the lighting and such, tweak it a bit so it looks more 'organic'. If it's a model, then I can only assume it's for the art department to use to create the finished product. Either way, it does inspire me for the end result.
  10. I'm pretty sure that's a physical model. If not, a darn good render, but with a weird surface texture and odd lighting.
  11. Pretty sure it loads the file on each device, and is completely Ignorant of anything else loading the same save file. Might not even be allowed due to file permissions. There are a couple mods out there that already deal with multiplayer, and there's a fairly lengthy MP discussion thread in the suggestions forum.
  12. Overlapping threads have been merged. Please be aware of posting dates :D.
  13. Yay! I bet that during your initial build, something got set the wrong way and convinced KSP that dividing by zero was a good idea. Subsequent builds, KSP had smartened up.
  14. Hey @bodryxon, grats on the release. As per our Add-on hosting hosting guidelines, this will need a license. Thanks!
  15. Hey, welcome to the forums! That is a very odd bug. I'd be curious to see some of your log files. I know it's a pain in the butt, but could you try rebuilding the craft from scratch? See if the problem occurs with a clean build?
  16. Seeing as you crossposted the identical thread over in tools, I guess I don't have to move it there then :D. This thread has been locked to avoid confusion, please direct discussion to:
  17. Parachutes work best on the way down, not the way up. This is like trying to do a drag race with the parking brake half set. You'll go much slower, and by the time you need the brake, it's burned up. Move your chutes to the topmost stage in your stack. That way you can deploy them manually on the way down. I have never liked setting my chutes to fully deploy at the max value. I usually have it set to 500m-1000m. I prefer to let atmo drag reduce the craft velocity to terminal velocity, and the not yet fully opened yet still deployed chutes to add more drag over time. I also hate waiting for the dang capsule to finally land, so having them fully deploy closer to the ground solves all these. So simply, you're trying to launch with open chutes, which breaks them when the rocket pushes through their fail speed. Also, moving the thread to gameplay questions.
  18. Hey, no problem! @Lisias, this post may have gotten buried in the thread due to approval lag. If you'd kindly have a look at it, thanks.
  19. Hey @AngryToddler welcome to the Forums! If you would like to share a log file with us, please host it on a site like google docs or dropbox and then link it. Posting Giant Walls of Text can mess up the forum display for some people on some devices. Thanks.
  20. And what did we learn? When you're done building a lander, before building the rest of the rocket, test it out on the pad first. Grats
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