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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. If the mod contains anything that was compiled by either yourself or another user, you need to post the uncompiled source code.
  2. Well.... you did channel my penchant for trying to kill this game, for you did not name somebody. And nice try @James Kerman, but no, it twas not I. So..... is @Erwin in the house?
  3. The forum rules dictate you need to provide the source code for any dll's or such that your provide in your mod. While you did list the license on the OP it also must be included in the downloadable you distribute. Until these rules are met, the download links have been removed from the OP.
  4. Well, I have been advised with those more familiar with Kopernicus and modding in general, That my second paragraph is completely off base. Carry on. Nothing to see here.
  5. The problem I have with this is that one does not hear the boom in the craft that is making it. https://www.nasa.gov/connect/chat/sonic_boom_chat.html Might be useful for those making cinematics with fixed camera positions, but for me as a regular player, it would be immersion breaking to a point. Not that there aren't gloriously glaring reality issues with the rest of the game.
  6. Since you have a steam install, let's try this first, go into the library, right click the KSP entry, and under Properties you will find "Verify Local Files" somewhere. Run that, make sure your stock install is good. Then, luckily, you don't have a lot of mods, so you can step through those and see if the problem has been resolved. Just because I am not familiar with these mods, I'd start by removing SpaceX, Launchers, and Warp. See if the problem has been resolved. If not, remove a few more till you find it works, and then add them back in till it does.
  7. Why? Unless you have a specific need to line up certain interplanetary transfer windows, I don't see a need to start a new game each time. Maybe if you want to try a new mod set, or just want a clean start instead having 50 different missions going at once, ok. But short of that, there's not a great reason to start a new game each time. Build off what you have in game, or just ignore it completely, there's no penalty in stock for letting kerbals or orbiting vessels just sit there indefinitely.
  8. Which is the point of Kopernicus. Most of how KSP runs is config based. Just alter a config file, and boom, your part is different. Planetary bodies are not config based. They are hard coded. This is what Kopernicus and it's predecessors set out to fix. They tapped into those hard coded files and made it able to use a config based system for planets. That is no easy task. And that's the rub with getting this into stock. It's hardcoded into the base game, and to change that would require a major overhaul of the game, which would mean basically doing it from scratch, and while they were in there, the might as well fix all those other legacy whoopsies that turned out to be bad ideas in hindsight. That means basically starting all over with a new game..... oh... they are doing that, in KSP2. So while we most likely will never see natively moddable planets in KSP, KSP2 should have them in place if I'm not mistaken. portions redacted due to idiocy.
  9. @cukkoo, as per the forums Add-on posting rules, you need to provide a license and a link to any source code you might have.
  10. Probably been a few of these threads, if so, point me in the right direction. Was going to comment in the Bad Sci-fi thread, but this is for all books, especially good ones. Just finished The Calculating Stars and The Fated Sky, both by Mary Robinette Kowal, with a pre-order placed for the third book of the series, The Relentless Moon. The scenario is that in the early 1950's a large meteor has hit the east coast of the US, wiping out most of the cities. The story is about how the world reacts to the possible pending environmental disaster that will result, and the push to get human colonies off world. It focuses around a female pilot from WWII, and her struggles to be part of the space program. With the altered timeline, and the resulting push to space before a lot of tech was invented for it, it takes a good look at how the early space program worked. The stories may not be 100% accurate, but I really didn't notice anything glaring at me that I can recall. I think I was even more impressed that the bibliography she uses was a list of mainly authors or people I already recognize. The stories do take a fairly pointed view on gender, race, and religious social issues of the time. Before reading those, I finally got around to reading the classic Sci-fi work by Carl Sagan, Contact. The movie is one of my favorites, and so I had to view the book through that prism. The book hasn't aged well tech wise, the time frame (late 90's?) for the movie is probably the best it could be, but it really doesn't change the story much, just made the narrative a lot smoother. But overall, the story is well written and an enjoyable read. It does raise the question though of 1 vs 5, for the end plot of the story. And then, as mentioned by @Clamp-o-Tron in the bad sci fi thread, I too am currently re-reading SevenEves. First time I read it, i found it a bit sketchy, unbelievable. I don't know what has changed though, but it seems to be a lot smoother to me this time. The first 3 acts are coming together nicely, which gives me hope for the 4th act, which I couldn't even finish last time, but here's hoping.
  11. Those are the stock files. Check the CKAN thread for more info, but there is a reinstall guide. Following that partially through should clean out your install. Or better yet, just reinstall the game from scratch from the Zip or your game service into a new folder completely, and Ckan won't have it's fingers into that one yet.
  12. I like it! Nice work. Reminds me of my programmable, motion activated thermostat I made for a garage. I had the Uno and a breadboard taped to the wall for the longest time. Moved to Fan Works.
  13. I don't know the details, but you can open you save .pfs and search for the name of your vessel. In there should be a state labeled "Landed", you can switch that to whatever a flying vessel would have ("flying"?). As I said, I'm unsure of the details, so I might be wrong, but take a look. Someone else should be along shortly to confirm or refute my theory.
  14. I do not like it. Not at all. 2 reasons. 1, Shares the name with an ex that I don't have fond memories of. And 2, those textures are so good they are disgusting. I mean, I get the willies just looking at that thing. It's gorgeously hideous. (Sorry if the puns are confusing you, they might get lost in translation. It's a good looking moon, I love it)
  15. Check the link I provided in the first post so you can learn how to install mods.
  16. This should help: Also be aware of KSP "modpacks". If you are referring to just a set of mods a player has put together, then that's fine. But if it is listed as a single download "modpack", then be aware. KSP mods are notoriously hard to bundle in a pack due to licensing and such, and a lot of modpacks you might find will contain out of date mods, or even worse, malware. Your best bet is to use their mod list as a guideline, and build your own as you go. Right now my "lightweight" mod list is upto 65 mods, and I plan on adding quite a few more as I go.
  17. If you are worried about playability on your machine, then get it from Steam. They have a return policy, something like 2 hours of playtime or 2 weeks past purchase. If your machine was a Win10 PC, You would have no problem playing the game at lower settings, so I would guess (Mac guys confirm this?) you should be fine with your Mac.
  18. I mean, if NASA, SpaceX, ULA, Roscosmos, ESA, Blue Origin, Rocket Labs, etc etc, use it, why shouldn't you?
  19. Yup, I chuckled at that. And Moved to Fanworks.
  20. Nice pull... I would still love to see an analog gauge HUD
  21. I still use Mechjeb. Mainly it was due to my old potato's crappy frame rate, but now it's for automation. Immediately upon building the new computer, I went and did both a Mun and Minmus Apollo style landings, and returns, all manually, no mods. Just to prove to myself I still could. Then I went and got mechjeb, cause I know I can, so why should I? Play how ever you want to. Watch how MJ does each manuever, so that when it breaks down, and it will on the rare occasion, you know what's going on and can take over.
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