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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Depends on what else you have loaded and running on that computer. The answer to that specific question is "No idea. But you should really just try it and see". Buy the game through steam. If it doesn't work, get a refund. Nothing lost, everything to gain.
  2. Pretty sure we've said we're pretty sure it can, but without any DLC or many mods. Upgrading your RAM should be fairly cheap and trivial to do if you eventually want to take that route. Give it a try, see if it runs. If it doesn't work, I know Steam has a refund policy that you can use.
  3. Oh, I absolutely love stale popcorn. 2-3 day old popcorn is fine by me. In fact I still have half a pot left over from yesterday. That never bothered me.
  4. I already pay for streaming services, I buy popcorn and butter oil in bulk, use a pot on my stove, and make any variety of popcorn I want. All the time. Better than theatre popcorn. No reason to ever go to a theater, aside from when she asks to go.
  5. You do know that when you finally post in the Welcome section.... your post count and rep gets reset to zero, right?
  6. Considering I am currently using this mod to build a really nice Station, along with the other 59 pages of the thread stating how it works, I think you might be mistaken. Most likely you have installed it wrong, and inadvertently borked your install. Please show a little respect to the mod writers who make these mods in their own time, for no pay. The first post in the thread usually has troubleshooting guides and how to request help with fixing any errors you have. This might get you started in the right direction:
  7. @WTR437, Your question has been merged into the KPSIE thread at the behest of @FreeThinker.
  8. Kerbal hair color determines their prospective career paths. Black haired Kerbals are the only ones allowed to be astronauts, while the brownish red ones go into IT.
  9. First few modules of the new station have been installed.
  10. I forget what setting in MJ it's under, you'll have to dig around a bit, but you can have it display things like COM, COL, etc, and I think direction of travel is one of them, Prograde even. Dig around and you might find it. But make sure your version of MJ is the right one for the version of KSP you are playing. A mismatch would cause some functionality problems.
  11. Yup, max Q in either ascent guidance or uitilities. It might be the acceleration limiter too. Sorry for the late answer, thanks to @Al2Me6 for posting that!
  12. Do not disturb the Kraken with your inquiries. It has deemed you worthy, it is now moving onto another to bedevil. Let it be..... Glad you got it "fixed".
  13. It would be far easier to see what's going on with a set of still pics, rather than a jumpy video where we don't get to see the build. Unless you have timed the liquid fuel engine stage to run dry at the exact same moment that the SRB's do, you need to attach the boosters using a radial decoupler. I really doesn't look like it in the very little time I had to look at it in the video. It is though, very easy to attach a decoupler to the main core, and then think you're attaching your SRB's to the decoupler, but miss the click and also attach them to the core. It happens often enough that I still double check this on every build.
  14. I have found a new hobby. Speed scrolling through this thread and stopping at random times, reading random bits. It must be what walking through a Trek convention would sound like. "Well the Raptor has guns... But the Other one has lasers! .... No the treadmill is going the wrong way!.... No hear me out.... what if we put a dinosaur on the moon?".
  15. Really hard to tell from that video, are you using radial decouplers?
  16. This we're getting shortly IIRC. The forum would lose it's mind if Jool gets clouds before Kerbin.
  17. Moved to Gameplay Questions. Some pics of the problem, both in the VAB and Pad would help.
  18. I dunno, suffer is such a harsh word. :D. I used it as time to make dinner. I'd load up KSP, do some chores around the house, make dinner, and then sit down at the computer with my favorite game and a warm meal. I considered it a reward for being a productive adult.
  19. Welcome to the Forums @Kerbal enginner bird boi. I have reduced the size of the font you decided to use, as it can make it hard for some users to read on some devices. And this thread has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
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