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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Check for anything on either vessel that may be auto-strutting to "heaviest part". If so, turn that off and try again. If, after docking, the heaviest part on one vessel is no longer the heaviest part on the whole thing, all the auto struts will have to connect to the new part, and that can cause a wobble.
  2. Nope. The original Kerbals aren't direct representatives of anybody in particular, and Val is an homage to many different people. But I would seriously lobby for a Comnet Ground Station to be renamed in his honor though. There's one for Bill Nye, and another for Harvestr, this seems to be the place to do memorials within KSP. This is how KSP seems to honor people who have influenced, but have not directly been involved with spaceflight (although Nye being the president of the Planetary Society....). Hawking was never directly a part of any space program (AFAIK), so giving him a cameo role in some of the windows, doesn't really fit in my mind.
  3. I get these often enough, they're from the AVC's. I've never had an incompatible mod shut down. If you install a different version of KSP, and then tell CKAN what versions to show, you should only get listings for mods that are compatible with the version you installed. This might also help you somewhat:
  4. You're telling me! Second attempt was even better! Added some more fins to help stabilize. Nope...... Fighting the tumble during launch. I might make it, all I need is to get to an orbit, I can meet up with the station from there.... And then the part failure mod throws me a curve... Klaxon alarms screaming... I have no orbit sequence since this isn't a manned mission.... Booster goes flying off...... Ok..... this thing likes to fly backwards.... maybe I can use this.... Chutes deploy on the Tug module, as it's supposed to be recovered... get it vertical... pop the fairings.... pump some fuel around to move the COM... Easy Does it..... Falling over..... don't break.... don't break... don't break........ Woohooo! Got like 75% back on a fairly expensive rocket!
  5. Betcha the range safety officer was a little excited during that one... Flipped my my first rocket during launch in long time... Guess that's what happens when you stick an egg on a straw....
  6. D & E's..... but I've been lucky in my recent career saves that I've been able to capture them fairly easily and early on, and then I'll just do some burns, and then wait a while for the tanks to top off again. Once I have them stable, I'll lose the engine stack, and put up a docking port/mining/converter rig. But that's my ideal setup.... I can't always do that so easily....
  7. She's either going to love you or hate you later..... ;D Problem with Hard Sci Fi, is that the fan base is somewhat limited. The general population wants drama and action, like what we saw with Gravity, Interstellar and Armageddon. They sacrificed quite a lot of realism for these aspects. The HSF wants realism first, and drama and action a close second. It's very difficult to appease the HSF fanboys without a faction going off on a tangent about how that's not how *insert technical stuff* works!
  8. I have a box of 1 ohm resistors around here somewhere. They're about the size of an AA battery. We could mix them together and make some real life steam punk esque weapons!
  9. I like this idea. Another aspect to LS, compatible with most. Could be tracked by biome. Geographically this is somewhat unintuitive, but gameplay wise, it makes sense.
  10. Under File, there is "Select KSP install". Try that, having it look at the install again might update the listing. If not, you can go to "Compatible KSP versions" under settings, and force it to only show mods that are compatible with your current install. But let's page @HebaruSan, he might have something to offer.
  11. I've also seen people recommend closing speeds of 1-1.5 m/s, but I've had better luck around 3m/s. Usually if the part has to spin a bit to be grabbed, this faster impact will still carry enough force to grab it.
  12. The radiators you are using only cool the part they are attached to. The foldable ones will draw heat from the entire ship. In your design, you have to wait for the heat to build up and propagate through the ship and into the radiators before they will start working. And I'm not even sure if that's even a thing. So in your design, ditch the 8 radiators you have, and place 4 foldable ones in the same orientation as your landing legs. You've got the space to do it.
  13. And I can get behind clipping this into an empty tank or such for appearance sake.
  14. I usually prefer bringing a couple big asteroids into KSOI. One around the mun so I can refuel there, a standard minmus operation, and one in high LKO, so my mother ships have a place to fuel up when they get back home.
  15. Aside from the confusion angle... I kind want it in there... for no good reason other than I can imagine them to have traits. Like I'm not hiring a scientist with High stupidity and very courageous, that's just a bad combination. But yeah, if it's gone, it'd keep a lot of newbies (and veterans) from getting confused.
  16. Yes, the 16 pin ATTiny isn't that much bigger, and I don't think I can tell the difference in mass in my hand. Obviously there is one, but it's pretty negligble for our needs. The accelerometers I've used for Arduino don't have much latency from what I can tell. I think the one I was playing with was sampling around 100hz, and was responsive enough to make a steady cam. As for the range finding, the ultrasonic sensors I mentioned might have enough latency to cause an issue, but they should be able to source one that is fast enough. I've never played with I2C, but given how many components we're using, I don't think it's necessary, and most everything can be wired directly to the chip. Redacted comment about fins, cause I'm dumb.
  17. From what I've seen, they've taken note of what the biggest issues of KSP were, and addressed those early, so hopefully they won't be issues later. But they seem to be sticking with the touch screen interface, but made it for mostly non touch screen systems, odd.
  18. Yeah, oddly the contract pack doesn't set a time limit for those ones.... Hint hint @linuxgurugamer
  19. Digging through your KSP log quickly..... I see no errors. That's odd. Your error log though, does show this: I'm not quite sure what that means. Anybody? What happens if you install the latest version?
  20. Normally I poo poo suggestions that might be cosmetic or take away from expanding the game play of the game as a whole, but an update, or even a DLC *gasp*, that adds a lot of that functionality, I think the community could get behind. Adds a lot more things to do and see in space. This might be a good step towards having more roles for bases and stations.
  21. Yup, Bases and Stations contract pack. It asks you to rotate crew, send up specialists to fix random issues (that really don't exist), evacuate stations, and medical emergencies. I had one where our dear friend @Kerbart was suffering a medical emergency, but my scheduled crew rotation was 12 days away, so I told him to float it off, and broght him down with the rest of the crew. As mentioned, I also do scheduled rotations. After crewing a station, I'll set a KAC timer for say 120 days, and when that timer runs out, I'll send up a replacement crew, and start a new timer.
  22. Call around to libraries and local colleges. A lot of them have printers available for pubic use. One of my local library systems, you just pay for the filament, and your library card gets you the time.
  23. Hear hear. That's on the civilian leadership then. Attacking civilians because you can, is a horrible thing, and should be a war crime if it is not. But you don't attack an enemy's soldiers, you attack their ability to fight. It shouldn't matter if a battleship has a crew of one, or 1500, you're aiming to kill the battleship, not the crew. I see this is a sensitive topic for you, and I don't want to rile you up anymore, so right or wrong, let's let this one go. Feel free to respond if you'd like, I won't respond out of respect.
  24. You might want to choose a file hosting service that doesn't require outside users to actually download a file, which I, in particular, are very wary of. DropBox and googledrive allow this sort of access. This looks like a pretty good cloud service, but for a single user or a group of trusted users.
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