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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Yup! Mod adds no game play, but adds so much depth! One of my must have mods! Just a little love here for the creator (probably again!)!
  2. But if you feed them scraps of tin foil the night before, they do come out already wrapped and ready for distribution!
  3. I have found the biggest trick to easter eggs, is getting them out of the bunny in bulk.
  4. Ah ok... but I'm still confused. The kerbalizer was an out of game app that didn't affect the in game appearance of the kerbals (AFAIK). There are mods that will affect the appearance in game. Some of them are reskins for the faces (The Scott Manley Face mod comes to mind, but I don't recommend it if you are easily frightened).
  5. Alt-F12 menu has a create kerbal option.
  6. I kind of disagree with this. I routinely use it for launch, as it has become cumbersome to do this repeatedly. I can easily do it, but why not let MJ do it for me? If it fails to launch properly, it's usually due to my design rather than a MJ error. First launches of new craft I'll observe, in particular to the launch angle for subsequent flights of identical craft to the same altitude. That way I can send up repeated ships to the same station, usually within 10km upon completion of the circularization burn. When I know MJ can handle a launch, I will frequently tab over to another window, but listen for any odds sounds from the speakers. I let MJ dock for me, but sometimes it does go wonky. I have no problem stepping in and taking over the reins if needed. Some craft just don't fly well with MJ's RCS algorythms. But again, it's a routine cumbersome task that I let MJ do for me. Rendezvous on the other hand, I'm not that good at, so I let MJ do it. The margin of error in this case is much lower as MJ will do it's best to stop the prescribed offset from the target. I should do it more for the practice, but oh well. Landings are the only thing I really babysit MJ. Sometimes, things just go sideways with MJ's landing algorythm, literally. But by then it's usually too late to save it, so I have taken to quicksaving before every landing attempt. Learn what MJ can and can't do. For transfers, let it do the burn for you. Then when you switch SOI's, immediately change your inclination to the desired one, and then the periapsis. As long as MJ sets you up with an encounter, don't worry about it, you can adjust things later. Don't be afraid to add your own nodes into the flight plan if necessary. Learn to do so to add small tweaks. Never change anything during a burn. It's usually ok, but some bad data at the wrong time can have burn in a completely wrong direction. If you aren't going to use the landing autopilot, then just use the SAS. But if you want to use MJ, then use the autopilot to do the landing. There's plenty of good tutorials here on how to land, those may help you out. There's nothing wrong with using Smart ASS, but the SAS buttons are easier to reach IMO.
  7. The previous thread we had (last week?) deserves it more than this one. I linked it on the first page of this one I believe. Very little if any personal arguments, and the cavemen showed up in force to give us some good lessons on easy ways to play the game their way. But I think the consensus would be happy with that Dv readouts should be in stock, if only because the consoles can't use mods, and if it does exists, it needs to be a toggleable option.
  8. Out of curiosity, I checked my version, it too is .1891. I downloaded from the KSP store it shortly after it dropped (last fall?), but just installed it a couple weeks ago.
  9. Absolutely love this mod. Thanks for the work you guys have put into it! Having an issue though. I am running 1.3.1 and Snacks!, and when I enable the soil recyclers on my various stations, it is using up a huge amount of EC. >100 per sec for the hitchikers module. I have 2 of those and the aquaculture module on one of the stations, and it is requiring over 100k EC to just make it around the dark side of Kerbin. The modules are saying 360% -ish load on each. I have upped the recycler efficiency in the snacks settings though. Is there a way I can bring down this insane power usage?
  10. I was going to suggest this too. This is how we used to do it before we had manuever nodes in the game at all.
  11. You might want to try this link: http://www.hoardersanonymous.org/
  12. It usually frowned upon to talk about the easter eggs out in the open like this. If you mention any of them, please enclose the text in spoiler tags. This is intended to allow players to search for them on their own without getting any hints, and be surprised when they find them. For a real discussion on easter eggs, I think it would be interesting to go back and check all the threads about the EEs and compare how they have evolved over the years.
  13. Good question. Not my video, so I dunno. I chalk this into the same category of stock bearings. Really cool, but kinda impractical. But the flip in the opening scene is worth watching.
  14. Once you realize that hitting X stops time warp and throttle, then it shouldn't be a big deal. I mean it's not hard to go back into time warp afterwards. I prefer the functionality as it serves as kinda of abort button for panic situations.
  15. This has been done in stock already: But I do see the allure in a command seat only mod for the chute....
  16. One more before you tackle a reinstall then.... Right click the engine, disable it, and then reactivate it. See if that works. Still not the normal behavior, but it may save your saves.
  17. By Pilot diameters, do you mean the size of a kerbal's head? Coupling? Docking ports?
  18. No. Adding the kopernicus mod into stock would not happen. If they add outer planets or start systems into stock, it would be designed from the ground up into the stock game. Functionally very similar, but all the kopernicus based mods out there would be dead. (I think). Sadly, them's the breaks of mods. It's the brain child of one or a few people, and they bring it to life. They make it for the love of the game, not in hopes of being compensated. Most do have patreon links on the mod thread page though. When a modder goes MIA, there's a strong chance that the mod could die, as some of the licenses attached to the mods prevent others from working on it. Other modders do willingly give up their work and hand it off to others. We have a few modders who have taken these lost orphans under their wings. @linuxgurugamer is running a veritable orphanage right now (130+ mods he controls), and I expect him to setup franchises soon.
  19. This is based upon their stats in game, not their sex.
  20. Yeah, the Mk2 X scram jet requires mach 4 give or take. Or around 1400 m/s. If you are below 20,000m at this speed, the plane will burn up before the engine comes to full thrust. When I play around with this engine, I have trouble not going to orbit with it. I find it almost useless as there is such a narrow flight envelope that it can run efficiently, not burn up the plane, and not enter orbit. Even if you did get the scram jet to light while on the rocket sled, you wouldn't survive the temps. If you want to try a rocket sled, cheat the vessel to the polar ice caps. Those are the closest thing we have to a giant lake bed. But we don't need a longer runway, but I sure wouldn't mind a second one at an angle to the first......
  21. Heh... nice. Never had to check since I still have all my old version going back to .17. And after watching gameplay of .07 or something (when 1.x was already out), I knew I would just get annoyed with it, so I never bothered.
  22. You have never apparently had my brother's cooking....
  23. Betcha it's not a bug. I'd bet the cricket noises and such at the KSC are treated as a music file. I've never had music in the KSC view, just ambients.
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