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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Which can easily be stated about all the armchair game developers we have around here
  2. Yes there is, it’s prevent abuse by those who think reputation on an Internet forum means something.
  3. You’re right, creating a thread specifically to criticize other’s opinions probably wasn’t such a good idea. Locked at OP’s request, but please report a thread instead of pinging individual moderators. Some pointless bickering and some off topic posts have been removed.
  4. For what you want, just download the version you want from either the ksp store or steam. Anything earlier than 1.3.1 will be a waste of your time.
  5. It’s not a problem! Don’t worry!
  6. @Little 908 your post in the grand discussion thread has been split off into modded tech support. I know you probably weren’t actually looking for tech support, more just making conversation, but we’d rather keep modded and stock discussions separate to avoid confusion.
  7. Seriously guys, if you want to post in various sized fonts, go to the games sub forum. Changing your font sizes for emphasis is the internet version of screaming, and nobody enjoys reading that buffoonery. Further shenanigans with fonts will be removed without warning.
  8. My interpretation of the launch window is primary target is the 10th, and pretty much everyday after until Christmas is the backup date. https://www.fly.faa.gov/adv/adv_spt.jsp
  9. Ksp1 is well known for its ability to play on potato’s. You might have to be very tolerant of very low fps’s, sometime bordering on spf’s. And the load times can be atrocious (my old 1.3.1 modded build on my old laptop took 30 minutes to load), but the game is still very much playable on calculators and abacuses.
  10. I can almost guarantee someone said this will make a great mod, and they grabbed the artwork for the thread. I sure hope so.
  11. Welcome! I do! Welcome back!
  12. As this conversation is no longer valid to the game, we can lock this thread.
  13. Ok, since this thread has become a place of absurdity, we’re going to lock it down.
  14. You’re right. KSP2 is not going to migrate to Unreal. End of story. Since that’s settled, we can move onto a discussion of Unity vs Unreal, without it directly pertaining to KSP, and that discussion belongs in the lounge.
  15. Okay doke, so moved. I might have missed which game it was in originally.
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