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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. OH MY GOSH. I loved your cockpits for 1.0.4, even porting them manually in through 1.1 - and these blow all of those away! They look so good. Any plan for the C versions to include the ASET MechJeb SmartA.S.S. controls, or in spaceplane-specific versions? Also, for even more amazing vintage spacecraft instruments, there are a couple more ASET-style mods these days: @MOARdV's Flight Systems Redux - he's got some amazing instruments that match Apollo and Gemini navball and docking radar functionality, as well as controls to set up MechJeb ascent guidance, and a lot more besides: There's also @DeputyLOL's B737, including a 737-accurate autopilot control to interface with Pilot Assistant! It might be well suited to put MOARdV's Gemini rendezvous and docking instruments in the rear station of the Mk1 cockpit A, a combination of those plus a simple CRT MFD for the MLU, and fully integrated docking glass cockpit in the final version.
  2. In hours played divided by dollars spent, KSP would be the best game I've ever had even if I had paid $100 for it. In days where five multiplayer maps and shiny graphics cost $60 (looking at you, NuBattlefront), $40 is not a bad price for what you get. But if it's more than you want to pay, sure, don't pay it.
  3. Boy, this would be amazing. Currently I just use your old pre-1.0.5 Mk1 cockpits as "aircraft" cockpits, and the new Mk1 cockpits as "spacecraft" cockpits. But I would love to see what you could do with this. It seems to me that if one is able to do a model and texture switch, one should be able to do an IVA switch with Editor tweakables as well, as all of them are defined by lines in a part's .cfg file. I don't know how the Firespitter texture and model switch work, but maybe @RoverDude, who keeps Firespitter up to date, might know.
  4. I only use the Mk1 Pod and Lander Can from this mod, and they seem to work fine.
  5. I just installed the new version of customasteroids with the Basic Asteroids and Trans-Jool configs, but I'm getting no asteroids except for the stock Kerbin intercepts. How do I tell Kopernicus to stop interfering?
  6. Oh, I know that, of course. I've used EVE for years. I really like the textures and overall look of SVE - especially the city tiling and so forth - i just need it to run faster. :-/
  7. I don't suppose I was clear. I'm not looking for lower-res, just less CPU intensive. Will the SVE textures work with the default EVE configs?
  8. my apologies if I've missed this in a recent page, but is there a less CPU-intensive version of SVE? It's incredibly gorgeous, but my old laptop just can't quite handle it without my framerate going in the toilet. Alternatively, do you have any recommendations for removing cloud layers or changing anything in the cfg to make it run more quickly? I'm entirely willing to go poking around in there myself, but it would be wonderful if anyone else had any suggestions.
  9. @MasseFlieger, I don't appear to have the zip file, but I do have the mod extracted in my GameData folder. (Unfortunately, I also have some personal modifications I made to the original to get it to work with 1.0.5, copying over Squad files from 1.0.4 and renaming some things in the .cfg files - I'm sure you'll be able to figure them out. Can't post the Squad files here. :)) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6ZYgATQfNhBZUhabC00dFQwZms
  10. My goodness this is gorgeous. Installing for the Yarbrough now. What do I need from the FASA pack if I am disinclined to use the Gemini in my non-RSS setting? Just the props, or some textures as well? EDIT: any chance of getting some of these props installed in an analog-style Mk1 IVA? I'd love to feel a tech progression as I go from Mk1 to Yarbrough to Mk1-2.
  11. Have you considered using the ASET Props and Avionics packs for IVA props? It might make the interiors even more beautiful.
  12. Some of that very much reminds me of latter-day Starfleet. Some of the late DS9 and post-2000 concepts, I mean.
  13. Well, that is just fantastic and delightful. I'm on Chapter Four of Duna, Ore Bust! and I just got to the Robert Frost parody, which prompted this reply. I memorized "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" as a kid long ago, so I got a real kick out of that.
  14. You make beautiful, crazy-looking, things.
  15. That's how I use it in my install as well, except I put the old parts and internals into the AKI folder. NavUtilities works for me, though. So does the placeable external JSI cam - I don't think the parts have cameras built in. Do you have the AddNavUtilstoASET.cfg in GameData/AKI/ModifiedIVA/Configs?
  16. @AlphaAsh It's no problem, sorry to hear you've been ill. Life comes first.
  17. Oh, those are so good. I don't see a gear lever in the Mk1 inline, but the G key will do. The only thing I would ask for is the ASET buttons for turning on the panel lights and instrument backlighting, if it's not too much trouble. This really is great work, thanks!
  18. This is fantastic! Geez, I hope RPM gets updated to 1.1 fast, and all of this stuff still works! (though who knows, maybe we still have a couple of months to play with 1.0.5)
  19. I'm having a lot of slowdown and NRE errors when using props. Anyone else having similar behavior?
  20. AGH. Something is really bugging with the reply and quoting. @magico13, I will post my problem in the KK thread. Thank you for your help.
  21. Hullo, @AlphaAsh, I had a problem with using StageRecovery and KK together, and Magico13 says it's a KK issue. StageRecovery spat out about 850 "Failed Recovery" messages off a single stage. Here's the log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ZYgATQfNhBejAxeGlvdC03cnM/view
  22. Hey Magico, just had a problem. StageRecovery just spawned around 850 "your stage crashed" messages. Here's the Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ZYgATQfNhBejAxeGlvdC03cnM/view?usp=sharing
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