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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I didn't find creating a spreadsheet for dV calculations to be "magical." Which is the reason HarvesteR gave for not including them in the game. Not "it's easy to make a spreadsheet so why add it to the game?" Which frankly is a terrible reason but that's another subject.
  2. I still remember when everybody hated him because he didn't want to put dV readouts in KSP.
  3. If you like Shapez.io I cannot imagine you not LOVING Factorio. Sweeeeeeeeeet. My only suggestion (that you probably learned from Shapez): However much room you think you need for something: Double it. Then add a little buffer.
  4. I'll take a stab. The gaming development amateurs shot for the building across the street (the original plan was 2 dimensional and the first released game didn't have an actual Sun) and missed, hitting the moon (which was actually in the game along with Kerbin, that was about it). They just kept tacking on new stuff until the game was so big and unwieldy, they had no choice but to stop. The pro studio [sic ] saw what the goofball amateurs did and thought they could make a game 4 times bigger with massive interconnected systems. They started from the standpoint where the game had to be ready for all these systems before it was ever released... and they never ever got there. It may be just that it can't be done (at that scale, though dialing back maybe it would work). It may be that it can but they can't do it (though I see no one else stepping up). All I do know is that it didn't happen. Maybe in 10 more years someone will try again. Maybe computers will be good enough then to run it. Maybe maybe maybe.
  5. Yeah they should fire someone. ...oh wait.
  6. Like any of the big streamers care. They're happy for the furor over it because it drives ad views.
  7. EA worked for a couple years when indie developers used it to promote and fund good games that publishers would have probably ruined. See: FTL. Factorio. KSP. Darkest Dungeon. If a publisher who makes so much total money that the financing of a game is akin to an error on their tally sheet, makes that game EA, then no it's not even remotely in the "spirit" of EA. But that spirit's been dead* for so long it doesn't really matter anymore. I won't sign your petition. Not because I don't agree with it but because Internet petitions aren't worth the paper they're printed on. *can a spirit die?
  8. No. It was worth it TO ME when I paid for it though, which was after For Science! came out. I should add, when KSP2 was originally released, I took a week off work not specifically just to play it, but playing it a lot was in the plans. When the game came out and the streamer party they had showed that the game was really truly not what I was hoping for, I decided to not just not give KSP2 my $50 but also not give it the time THAT I HAD SPECIFICALLY SET ASIDE FOR IT.
  9. I do. And I bet a lot of the rest of us will now going forward.
  10. A brilliant marketing move, or a very luckly coincidence for them. I try Juno a couple times a year since buying it, and have never played it for more than an hour before setting it aside again. I don't know how much of my issues with it are "that's not how KSP does it" and how many are "okay that's objectively bad" but I just... never enjoy playing it. Maybe they didn't like the progress on all the games all 4 studios were making. Seems like maybe the problem isn't IG so much as PD.
  11. I had a similar day. Took a walk, and 2 minutes into it had to take shelter from a thunderstorm that lasted all of 5 minutes. Then I went for ice cream and while standing in line, had another 5 minute shower interrupt an otherwise nice time. Luckily Handel's has awnings
  12. Really it's the fault of the Chinese. Had they never invented fireworks, Filipe would never have played with them as a kid and gotten the idea for KSP in the first place.
  13. Wacky theory #721: This is all a clever ploy so we stop asking them to tell us everything every step of the way.
  14. Not me. I've got plenty of better things to do and do you really think someone's going to call him and let him know the "real" information?
  15. You expect a lot of those to not have already bought the game?
  16. Yeah delete posts and lock threads I'm sure that will calm people down.
  17. I speculate that the layoffs were so several teams could be liquidated and the remaining employees be put to work on KSP 3. You're right this is fun. And now a "reporter" can say that's what is "reportedly" happening.
  18. I'm not. Through all of this (like, the past 5 years) all I've tried to stay is confined to known facts.
  19. I love the thought that they're all chock full of information they can legally spill yet were just waiting for someone to tag them and call them out. "Oh. Sorry I was watching Fallout. Yeah we're boned. Enjoy your weekend."
  20. "Reportedly" AKA "Someone said it. Who cares who that was or how much inside info they have." Reporting sucks these days. Video Game Reporting doubly so.
  21. Finally we'll get Kerbal Kart Racing, Kerbal Kong, and Flappy Kerbal! You can sue for a lot of things. You won't win, but you can sue.
  22. Like everything else on this entire forum, I'll wait for official word before I decide anything.
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