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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. For purely personal reasons 0.23.5 was a big one for me. However if you go by which version would I choose to do a brand new career in today, 1.6.1 hands down, no contest.
  2. Been to "Houston" a couple times and the Smithsonian a few more times than that. Never seen any thing/person "in the wild" though. Just museums.
  3. Weird I have this distinct memory of testing it when it first came out and it did exactly what you thought. I've never tried it since.
  4. I somehow missed this for all these years as well. Helmets off (but only on Kerbin and Laythe!) to all of you with triple-digit (or quadruple-digit!) load times. I seriously would stop playing if that was the case for me. It's why I don't do a lot of visual enhancements. 1st load no mod: 83.50797s 2nd load no mod: 36.06953s 1st load with mod: 53.84898s 2nd load with mod: 36.16599s ...so much better (1/3 savings) on first run (though maybe that was due some but not all things being cached? I have no idea how ksp cashes things or how this changes it), and the same on the 2nd run.
  5. The first mod I did any work on was "Clouds and City Lights" which is now called Environmental Visual Enhancements. All I did was the city map of Kerbin and I did it specifically because I really wanted the mod to be made and so wanted to help. The first mod I wrote myself was All Y'All and I wrote it because I was unhappy with both stock and modded options for action groups. Stock was too strict, requiring you to do it in the VAB or not at all, while mods generally assumed you needed 15 to 100 times more action groups than stock and came complete with a GUI to manage them. All I really wanted however was a way to open all my solar panels at once without reverting the flight. So, like many modders, I started modding because there were mods I wanted that didn't exist.
  6. You can double-click Kerbin in map mode and center on it, and filer out most or even all craft to remove the clutter. This is how I launch to meet asteroids. For Minmus I just launch equatorially and meet it at the An or Dn.
  7. Actual conversation between 2 people who watched the movie: "Why can she email space, but only has cassette tapes to listen to?" "Maybe she's a hipster?" "No, because then she'd be listening to LPs." "Oh. Maybe they took all the CDs to Io."
  8. Stock dV gets really confused with docking ports and crossfeed. I don't know if you have crossfeed but you do have docking ports I see. I hope it's on their to-do list. I don't know if anybody's submitted a proper bug report. I've not had the time.
  9. Not really. My expectation was pretty much what @HebaruSan thought: That the bug report was the correct place to make the request, and this post was to direct users to it. I'll surely not be sad if a developer sees this thread, thinks "What a great idea" and bangs it out in a day, and then later someone marks the feature request "already finished" with no other comments. But I don't expect it by any means.
  10. It's new and I've not used it yet (I'm finishing a challenge first) but Snark's Simple Fuel Switch looks promising.
  11. So has anybody here actually watched it yet? I won't but someone I know who did said it was slow and boring and the science was meh, and fell apart at the end so there'd be a happy ending.
  12. I've been doing a lot of solo missions, and therefore have not needed Kerbal Alarm Clock, for most of 1.6.x. Therefore, I've been using the stock "warp to maneuver node" ability in map mode. For times when I'm not in map mode, or can't easily see/determine what part of the orbit is after the maneuver node but still in the correct SOI, I'd love a "warp to" button on the navball itself. I suggest putting it on the dV indicator, as in this poorly made mockup. If you support this please also +1 it on the bug tracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/21006
  13. Very cool first steps. I like how you're doing "More Kerpollo than Kerpollo" I look forward to seeing that crazy Minmus rocket in flight!
  14. There are ways to fix that. Or at least there was back before 64 bit was even an option. https://web.archive.org/web/20150311164913/https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73236-WIP-Loading-textures-only-as-required
  15. Because after doing it a few times you blow away the entire tech tree and never need to think about it again.
  16. Not to mention cheating wouldn't solve anything. If you hack the orbit to put them in LKO you still have the data in the lab to process.
  17. I seem to be misunderstanding you. Why can't you rotate and translate after re-placing the parts? Or do you just want to not have to?
  18. Now I want a mod that auto-transmits science from labs that are full but on rails. No wait, I don't want that because I don't use labs. but if they were actually necessary to get science, then it'd be nice.
  19. Wait so don't do what one modder's doing and instead do what another modder's doing?
  20. Oh wow now that I know it's there I found it in like 3 seconds. I've been on that page dozens of times over the years and never saw it before. For others, it's on the same page where you edit your own signature.
  21. I assume they'll pick and choose, especially considering they've already done the FL-T* tanks and they don't look like that.
  22. Basically, launch your ship and, the moment you want to throttle down, check how much fuel you have left in that stage. Then, go back to the VAB and use that knowledge to figure out how much dV your first stage used, up to the point where you wanted to throttle down. That's the dV that your first stage should have. Your second stage should ideally have 3300 minus that amount, and a TWR equal to what you wanted to throttle down to. Note this could mean dropping the entire first stage, or dropping side boosters leaving only the center engine to have that low TWR.
  23. Are you on mobile? They're off for there, at least by default and I've never seen a way to turn them on. On a real browser, they should be on by default and - similarly - I can't find a way to turn them off. I have a signature, so if you can't see mine you can be sure you can't see them and it's not just that nobody has one. EDIT OH! I just found it. Do you have An X and a triangle in the lower right of every post? Maybe you disabled them that way.
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