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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I can't tell if this is some uber-meta tongue in cheek joke to riff on the whole Dres is Fake/Dres is Real joke, or if this actually bothers you. If the former, Kudos to you. If the latter, you should probably chill out a bit. It's a joke.
  2. What @Empiro said, with the addition of "If I could see a picture of your ship I may be able to tell you exactly what's wrong."
  3. I'll (mostly) leave this alone but I will say I pretty much agree with @Padishar's reply to it. I believe you are correct about this for stock, and this is why the stock burn time will - except in the extremely rare case where you stage midway through the burn so as to lower your TWR just the exact right amount to correct reality to the otherwise incorrect burn time value. By your reasoning, stock should remove that timer, because it's almost guaranteed to be wrong. As are maneuver node predictions. They're never exactly correct, so get rid of them. Right? That's the argument you're making here. I apologize if you take this as a personal insult. It's not. It's a thought-out response.
  4. I've never done this in particular but several times I've found it easier to launch a ship upside-down. Sadly, I can't think of a good example right now but it's not THAT hard, and in my case at least it was more efficient to do it that way than any other way. Any other way than rebuilding the payload, of course Though I made sure I was well on my way to orbit (Ap out of the atmosphere and Pe near the ground if not above it) when I had to do the flipping. Don't want to be rushed during that step of the sequence.
  5. By all means I encourage the OP to test this himself. If he builds reasonable rockets with typically low TWR, then he will soon see for himself how wrong this is. If he moars his boosters to Kingdom Come and back, then he will see how true it is.
  6. I'm not 100% sure either but I think that in addition to what FMM said, you also need your Ap within the atmosphere. If I may suggest: Make a named quicksave, and then test a few scenarios to see what's needed.
  7. I have a friend who was also bitten by this. I wonder if anybody's considering a class action lawsuit. FWIW I think Windows 10 is better than 8 was, but both are worse than 7. And whatever your prior version, auto upgrading because "Yay we're Microsoft" is a BS move.
  8. I believe that means you can attach multiple parts to the same node. Or, it's a throwback to when clipping was disabled and SUPER ANNOYING because things that weren't clipped wouldn't place because reasons.
  9. Squad has been on vacation since release of 1.1.2. You can debate whether or not that was a good idea* but can't count that time against this problem. It's not been a problem for 3 weeks of development time. It's been a problem for zero of them. And I suspect it'll be pretty high on the list tomorrow (I assume? I don't have their schedule handy. Or at all. But from what I read it seems they're back to work on Monday). The workarounds with cubic octagonal struts are workarounds. They are not what Squad wants you to have to do and Squad does not think they are the best way to build planes.** They work right now. Use them, find another workaround, or wait for the next build. Or quit and play Space Engineers. Whatever sees you through. *I think it was, even though I - like you - am not happy with the current state of the game. I've been burned out enough times myself that I suspect this vacation was more a requirement to keep going than a reward for completing the job. If a car runs out of gas on the freeway it does no good to complain to the driver that walking to the gas station is taking a long time. **I do not speak for Squad and do not actually know their intentions or desires. I do however have what seems to be an excessive amount of common sense and applied it to this situation.
  10. tl;dr: They work. I tested the auto strutting inside fairings during the prerelease, and was among the many who found that they vanished during one of the releases and then were re-added. My test craft was an orange tank on a stick (i-beam) held sideways by launch stability clamps. No fairings, the orange tank went way down. Fairings, it held firm. Except when they were disabled by accident, and then the orange tank clipped outside the fairings. Here's a pic from when it was broken. I didn't make one for when it was fixed because - well - you don't report fixed bugs
  11. I found on Minmus (and Gilly, Pol, and Bop) that wheels are more a detriment than a help. I personally just make my additions capable of flying themselves around with RCS fuel.
  12. If you're curious why I "Like"d your post, it was for this nugget. As well said as I've ever seen it.
  13. They've been on vacation and with any luck during that time have accrued lots of verbose and log-heavy bug reports on the issue. Have you filed any?
  14. Huh. I wonder if this works in all the challenges when you crash/die. I always hated that recap screen. It seems like a throwback to when you could only run one mission at a time.
  15. KSP: Love it. Orbiter: If I ever did play it, I don't remember it. I think maybe I tried it once before I even heard of KSP and was underwhelmed. Conclusion: No valid opinion here.
  16. I have precisenode installed and use the default node 90% of the time. I only use the actual precise part of precisenode to ... well ... be precise. And to put an orbit far into the future. Because there is no good way in stock to get an orbit 100 (or 1000, or more than a dozen or so) orbits ahead of time. Or one orbit back in certain situations where you'd almost NEVER want the orbit the game forces on you (The next one after an encounter). Yeah. I <3 PreciseNode.
  17. About as much as Minecraft has to do with KSP Ninja'd! By 5 hours! I have played a lot of both, though I'm sure I've by now played more KSP than any other game in my life (And I tend to play the same game a lot). I burned out on Minecraft years ago to the point where I don't actually want to play any game where you have almost full freedom to build a base in an open landscape. This includes Rust, Space Engineers, and even Fallout 4. I just have *ZERO* desire to ever go down that road again. It's not that I'm afraid I'll get pulled in. It's that I'd far rather do most anything else. KSP on the other hand, I can't get enough of. Sure it's buggy. Sure there are problems with career mode. But I get to do SPACE.
  18. Much like how catching a baseball doesn't require integrating cosines of velocity vectors. It's why the method works so well: You only need to do it a couple times until you "get it" and then it's second nature.
  19. They probably just accepted a contract to test something in orbit, and then forgot the ship was up there while they were time warping. Happens to me all the time.
  20. I misread this as Apostrophe for All, so I will submit that as my fake mod. Takes every word that ends with an s and does not have an apostrophe, and adds an apostrophe before the s. Example: "Take's every word that end's with an 's and doe's not have an apostrophe, and add's an apostrophe before the 's."
  21. I did a lot, but the cutest thing I did today was create this tiny little SSTO.
  22. Yup Haven't gotten to Tylo yet. It's currently scheduled to be the last world I visit. Wait until you see my lack of radiators on the new ISRU ship...
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