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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Not only should they, they ARE. Hopefully they'll discuss it in today's Devnotes, which should be coming out any time now. But they teased it 2-3 weeks ago on Twitter.
  2. I will say it'd be appreciated. Especially with Extraplanetary Launchpads where I want to design a ship and then build it. One awesome button that I asked for way back when that mod was being developed, that I'll also ask for now if you do this, is a "return to the last vessel" button, so I can be at my ELP base, click "VAB" and go there, create a vessel, click "go back" and be at my ELP base again.
  3. I believe what is now allowed in the debug menu is for you to clip multiple parts onto the same attachment node. All other part clipping is just enabled in the game. I do not suggest having multiple things attached to the same node, though. It's just asking for a visit from Mr. Kraken.
  4. "Never" is a long time. It may never be worth lifting Karbonite off of Eve (I don't know, just saying if it is,that's where it'll be for sure) but Gilly? You could probably lift some off of Gilly by getting your Kerbal to fall under the ship and do the "stand up" animation, tossing the ship into an escape trajectory.
  5. Just understand, Humans fail at FAILING sometimes. cpqwein
  6. While true, it doesn't change the fact that we don't know. 1.0 could be rock solid optimized, or it could be a mess. My money's on that it'll be somewhere in between and some people will say it's a mess and others will not understand where they're coming from. IF it is not properly optimized, I will consider optimizations of primary import. But (like regex) I consider them of primary import NOW. I hope that Squad understands that releasing a buggy, crashy, slow game as a 1.0 release is a supremely bad move and if they don't, I hope they'll read this post and agree with me. If not, then I don't know if a 1.1 "bugfix/optimization" update will save the game. We agree 100% on this. I installed a memory monitor mod so I could be warned when the game was in imminent danger of crashing. I can play 90-120 minutes before that happens on my current favorite mod setup (My LP series). What I don't agree with is thinking forward to 1.0 when they're still telling us things they're doing in 1.0 that we didn't even know about. And (to reiterate) I also think waiting for 1.1 to optimize is a terrible idea.
  7. There already is one, kind of. Scene Jumper never got updated to 0.90 and seems to have problems with it, but the code IS Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike licensed so anybody could grab it and make it work. Well, not anybody. I couldn't. But someone who knows what they're doing
  8. Not really. You could likely make much more money spending the hour or so just doing a few contracts. If you had Extraplanetary Launchpads installed as well, and every once in a while just built a "fuel returner" on the surface of Minmus and returned it full of fuel, then that would be profitable, because you're not really spending that much time (just launching from the surface of Minmus back to Kerbin as opposed to launching into orbit, then transferring to Minmus, orbiting, landing at your base, loading it up, and then launching back to Kerbin for your proposed plan) for the same profit. Or more, as you can build the largest ship you can LAND, not the largest one you can LAUNCH.
  9. Yes it's in the "Orbit" section. You may need to add it through the configuration. I'm almost sure it's just called "orbital period" but I don't use it so I'm not sure. I did use it in the past, though, when setting up satellites for RemoteTech.
  10. I voted "semi-realistic." I basically want planets and moons like those already in the game. They look okay from space and from the ground but if you think about it they're not really possible. I like good sized mountains on Kerbin. I'd like deeper canyons on Duna. I also like being able to fly around Kerbin in a plane in less than 15 hours
  11. 32 bit or 64 bit? There's a known bug in 64 bit where the buildings look upgraded and can't be upgraded, but they're at the lowest level. As far as I know there is no fix. It's just one of the many ways 64 bit is borked.
  12. I find I have a lot more luck when all modules of my base are on landing legs or wheels. But I do frequently wish for a flexi-pipe that would not be a fixed length, and would just be however long it needed to be (up to the max 25 meters).
  13. They have already said they are doing major and massive bugfixing, so I'll address the "Fresh, original content" part. Modders have several huge benefits that Squad doesn't have: There are literally hundreds more of them. They have a much lower threshold for bug and ease-of-use tolerance. They can update hourly, dozens of times in a day if need be, and (almost) nobody cares. Squad has to move slower than modders. They MUST get it right (and by right I mean at least reasonably easy to use and without any huge bugs) the first time. Their failures to do that are actually proof that they must; they get LAMBASTED whenever anything is wrong - and other than the bitterness in the posts I tend to agree with them. Because Squad has to move slower (and they're doing more than any modder does), it takes them MONTHS to get a single update out, and in those months modders take everything new that's come out in the previous update and expand on it in every single conceivable way so there ends up being NOTHING left to do except - in the next version - put some of those in the game. Sometimes these mods put in something that Squad hasn't started on at all, like when Squad mostly just added FinePrint instead of thinking up their own contracts, or adding the B9 parts instead of reinventing them. Other times its things like their added icons on the navball that do the main portion of what Enhanced Navball did that was actually just finishing something they had started but left unfinished, or the upcoming changes to aerodynamics which sound like they are going for a far more fundamental change to the system than Ferram did. Not because FAR was bad or anything - but because with their access to the core code of the game they were simply able to when he was not. Could you name some fresh, original content you'd like to see in the game that a modder has not done? I can't, which is why I ask. Or do you just want some nebulously defined "new" stuff?
  14. Yeah I'd drop the top fins entirely. It also looks like - unless you severely tweaked those solids down, that thing takes off like a... well like a rocket By the time you ditch the solids you may be going WAY too fast to keep it going straight. Try starting with somewhere between 1.2 and 1.6 TWR at launch and just let that slowly ramp itself up naturally until the solids burn out.
  15. ElectricCharge is one of the simplifications that I am happy to live with. The big thing you need to consider is benefit (in fun and interesting gameplay) vs work (both for the devs and us). It seems like having to keep track of what parts can use what voltages, and converting between voltages and amps and whatnot seems to be a whole lot of work for both parties, with no gain. I studied to be an EE back in the day and I barely remember any of this now (I hated those classes and changed my major, but still for a while it was in my brain). I have no desire to re-learn it. I think of it that I'm the guy in charge. The engineers tell me they need the equivalent of X batteries if I want to run part Y for Z minutes, and some solar panels to boot. That's all I need to know. They can handle the specifics.
  16. I also will happily jump into 1.0 with no mods. Especially with the hinted-at-yet-oddly-unconfirmed addition of delta-V readouts in some form, I may actually be able to do a full unmodded career without tearing my hair out in frustration at the lack of information. "Hate" is a strong word, but in its current state I have no desire to play this game without what I consider to be the "core" mods of: DefaultThrottle: Mostly because I used it for a week and now if I don't have it installed I can't figure out why my ships won't launch. Editor Extensions: Because I like actually having freedom when building my ships. Enhanced Navball: Because I like my navball larger than stock, and off to the side so it's not in the way. Kerbal Alarm Clock: Because I'm not a masochist. Kerbal Engineer Redux: Because not having the ability to reach your destination AT THE LAUNCH PAD and not knowing it lost its "magic" over a year ago. PreciseNode: If for no other reason than it allows me to kludge my way around the stock game not letting me put maneuver nodes in certain parts of the orbit. But being able to accurately add and remove velocity 1 m/s at a time (or less!) is a huge boon. RCS Build Aid: Again, when building ships more information = better Stock Bug Fixes: Because it fixes bugs in stock.
  17. It's been a long time since I did it, but can't you 'connect undocked'? Though the last time I did it (which is why it's been a long time) this caused the ships to start swinging wildly around each other until they exploded.
  18. Actually the debate is over and female Kerbals are a thing. Having females in the game and then not having some on the administrative staff is odd. It'd be like changing Kerbals to be blue but leaving the admin staff green. Yes, so changing some random characters' genders shouldn't really raise a fuss. I personally would like it if 1/2 or more of the static, named characters we see throughout the game were female.
  19. I have never ever experienced this. I mean, I've hit space by accident before but never to stage on purpose at the wrong time.
  20. Not really, other that just knowing. You should be able to figure out how much dV you need to simply get into orbit (Usually it's 4500-5000 but every ship and player varies) and then from there you can use a chart like this one to guesstimate how much more dV you'll need. For example, if it takes you 4500dV to get into a basic 70-80km orbit then you can guess you'll need another 1100-1200 to get Keostationary, 860 or so to encounter Mun, 950 or so to encounter Minmus, etc. For orbits lower than Keostationary you can get away with less dV, for higher, more. You can use the in-flight readouts to note how much dV you have remaining before and after you reach orbit, and thereby get hard number for a specific orbit.
  21. I would appreciate a link to where they said they were not going to optimize the game.
  22. Talking about what should be in 1.1 when we haven't even seen 1.0 seems - at best - premature.
  23. Thanks for continuing work on this mod, and for the new thread!
  24. I would suggest a mod (or the OP) alter the first post of this thread, pointing to the new one (It currently points to your development thread which will confuse people) and then locks this thread. Nothing will stop people from replying here otherwise. For example, I just replied
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