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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Well, this is rather cool! TY
  2. I'm finally diving into a new KSP build with the Kiwi Tree! Lots of neat changes under the hood. I'll likewise provide any feedback/concerns as I go. I think it's been most of a year since I've seriously fired up the game. Sakes alive... Time to fling some probes into the void! --A quick observation/question for @hemeac : What version of CNAR should I be starting with for use in this tree? The latest full github release, or the dev version? You've added a few cool refinements, and I want to make sure the community "fixes" in the CNAR thread aren't going to fight with them. I'm unable to get off the ground after reducing the engine mass, for instance. I'm assuming it has to do with the scaling?
  3. This maybe an entirely stock-game science report, though Kerbalism may add their own flavor text as well.
  4. is it when the *mission* spawns (as in: in the offered list) or when you accept the mission, and the target craft spawns?
  5. If you're gonna do the bit, commit to doing the the whole bit!
  6. I deal with this every time I move to a new 'freshly painted' apartment and try to open any cabinet doors...
  7. Sad nobody responded, but hopefully you've stumbled on some help by now. Depending on what aspect of modding you're most interested in, a variety of coding and modeling skills could be useful. Certainly knowing your way around Unity a bit could help. For things like the part models themselves, there are posts like this to get you started:
  8. Superb! Early-game is often my favorite phase, so this fits right in
  9. There could be some difficulties due to the new inventory system and how KIS now works to fit it. Are you on KSP 1.11?
  10. These are so spiffy! If I haven't already said so--thank you!
  11. I'm pretty sure it's from the QuizTech pack as in the caption. Not sure if it's fully up to date, but it definitely is up to 1.9.x
  12. That's probably for things like heat shield positioning. The external edge of the body of the pod body then lines up with what it's attached to. Stuff sticks out "below" that would then just be incorporated into whatever union/barrier there is between it and whatever is below/behind the pod.
  13. heh. That's a good fix! Now I'm imagining Jeb stuck in the recovery queue machinery like a Looney Tunes character... "Dat dat dahhhhhh dah-dat dah-dat dahhhhh"
  14. Oh, man. Yeah -- FAR and water interaction is beyond functional at this point. I'm having the same issue. I really want to use it, but not sure it's doable. Craft will sometimes get stuck in place, unable to move at all, then suddenly bounce up and out of the water. But-- back to OPT--- "OPT is great!"
  15. That's a good question, but i'm going to guess that shared textures aren't affected. This is only assuming that the texture files aren't renamed/pruned out of the way, just the configs?
  16. If it's the Scatterer waves, you need to tone those WAY down to have a realistic chance of landing. I can't remember how to tweak those, but it's it not in the usual settings. It might be in-flight settings where you can tweak the ocean.
  17. Those are extremely *calming* shapes. I'm really enjoying watching the progress.
  18. Somebody asked somewhere (I love sentences that start that way...) about the possibility of using balloons as makeshift CommNet relays --- could AirPark facilitate that? Do "parked" vessels still count as part of the network simulation? Oh, heh. It was CAPFlyer further up this same page.
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