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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. I Still saw it after flushing all the usual caches on that game. BUT--Running this exact OCISLY + TUFXJR on a different, less-modded game does *not* show those warnings. I should have tried that first. So, likely no issues. I'll report back if I see it again. I've been struggling with a lot of startup freezing issues prompted by/when attempting to use TUFX, and copying & overwriting game files tying to suss it out, so I may have inadvertently ruined something deeper. Also a feature question: Is it planned to integrate the various camera filters/effects that are present in Hullcam: Night vision, Rover, etc.? They all just appear as normal video in the OCISLY feeds.
  2. Just dropped 1098 in, and am seeing this at startup: https://prnt.sc/11u6kb8 I double-checked that I did grab the WIN version. (also, running KSP 1.11.2, etc.)
  3. So pre- and post-inflation, there should be two separate values, for sure. The airplane floats in STX retain a slider which works in-flight as I was tinkering with a few posts back. Maybe the mk1-3 config doesn't actually change upon inflation.
  4. Seriously. We need the Kommunity to put a foundation together to create workstudy grants so people can take sabbaticals from their jobs and support themselves while they make mods
  5. Inquiring minds want to know! I'd love to see these in Of Course I Still Love You, as well... How/where does this custom title get set? Just based on the part name?
  6. I'm really loving this so far! So far we cannot remove the telemetry info from in-game hullcam videos, correct?
  7. So this opens up an interesting alternative to Probe Control Room, or at least some cool additional features to leverage. This is so great!
  8. It'll be a great experiment to see how wells these play with Rational Hydrodynamics... giving the landing floats a bunch of buoyancy vs the landing pods themselves.
  9. Check the subform at the top of this section, it has a lot of random info, but there should be some pinned tutorials and part model and plugin basics, if maybe a little outdated by a version or two of the IDE tools or KSP itself. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/104-general-mod-development-help-and-support/ Check on the KSP discord too: https://discord.com/invite/kerbal
  10. That's actually good to know, in part. My rolling back of the driver may have "fixed" it in part due to the cleanup of my driver configs. I'll try re-updating again.
  11. Well, if nothing else it could serve as some confirmation/data. But if only to kill some time installing/rolling back...
  12. A quick tech/confirmation question for TUFX users --- Is anyone using Nvidia/Geforce driver 466.11 successfully with KSP/TUFX? After updating to those latest drivers, I was seeing weird glitched out images during scene changes even before TUFX, and couldn't get into the main menu at all once TUFX was installed. Rolled back to 465.89 and everything loads/works fine.
  13. SUCCESS! Okay --after looking at it again this morning and cleaning up my sandbox-sandbox game a bit, I can guess that it's Ferram Aerospace that's messing up all of the automation curves. Clearly any control surface effects are going to get deleted by FAR, and I'll assume that's why the rotor controls were dumped as well (they also use the 'deploy' feature...). I seem to recall a bunch of other issues with the KAL-1000 nuking parts of playlists on craft reload, etc. but in this case it's FAR. [I really love making planes with FAR, but it's becoming increasingly less tenable to continue using it in career games... ] Just another tiny note about an extra module: tweakscale. I don't think any parts are 'tweaked' but it flags the craft with a missing module warning if it's not installed.
  14. There are some yet-finalized commits to the code that are being tagged as 0.2, but they're not ready to download. They're somewhat recent, so maybe a new release is imminent.
  15. My god. That thing is still a thing? Does the servo controller help with this? [edit: ] shoot -- doesn't seem to be happy loading in to 1.11.2.
  16. This is totally great. I think I'm running into a weird bug with the KAL, though -- none of the flight/prop controls (aside from the elevator pitch adjustment servo) were bound to the KAL or other default controls. I really want to fly this thing around! I'll take some screenshots to see if there's anything I'm doing wrong, but I think there's a weird bug I'm triggering where KAL playlists will get dropped.
  17. Beetlecat


    You are the cheekiest of monkeys. And also--- a great idea / implementation of a mod! ty.
  18. It's been a while since I've used VSR, and those batteries and lights are amazing. Totally torn over using these vs. Restock. Obviously the solution is to create a patch to clone these parts so both are present.
  19. The windows issues are *all* my own to sort out...
  20. I was pretty excited to try this out, but thought I may have an utterly borked python install on my windows machine and I'm getting yet-un-figured-out errors. I also got an error trying the pip install on my mac about being unable to checkout '[large string]' in submodule path 'tests/images' -- could that be a hiccup I was experiencing on the Win10 attempt as well? Curious if anyone else got this to install cleanly. All this does it make me want to figure out how to tidy up/understand all those python installations before it starts to look like that XKCD comic.
  21. I'd love to have this option, too -- but since TURD is based on the vanilla parts, it may not work universally well. A lousy, but reasonable option could be to create copies of the TURD-covered parts (was that pun intended? You be the judge...) that overlap with RS (a few fins and such...) using an MM config so that TU can apply its features to those new parts, and leave the stock ones alone for ReStock to overwrite/add variants to? Not sure the MM-fu required to intercept the parts and make sure TU gets a separate set. Possibly need to change TURD's configs.
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