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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Those are some splendid additions! The airbrake is dreamy! Thank you.
  2. I think LGG is asking if you'd like it up on CKAN -- or am I mistaken?
  3. A fond dream would be to utilize the functionality of @allista's Hangar [Or does this already? I often forget what's what with these wonderfully elaborate mods]
  4. Avatar Buddies!!! And, yes -- maybe so. Greetings, @The_Cat_In_Space. I like your choice in suits.
  5. Hot dang! Thank you for keeping the dream alive! Now to see if the side-jobs contracts still work...
  6. There *is* something funny happening with the folder structure. Is it attempting to place two copies of the same file? CKAN is barfing because of this, but a close look at the archive shows two literal instances of Mk1RazorBack.mu and MK1TRazorback.mu in the /Parts/Command directory. Each file in the pairs has a different file size, and one of the pairs has different capitalization, which normalizes in Windows.
  7. what set is that? It's pretty cool to see all the analog gauges!
  8. And the TB2 was nearly/literally the inspiration for these parts.
  9. That second one is phenomenally cool to watch. Just screeching to a halt. Next, you'll have to create a power-slide parallel parking autopilot for high performance rovers.
  10. I think that works well with other rotor mods--as it properly simulates the pitch/collective performance of many helicopters and rotorcraft.
  11. Okay -- reading comprehension fail! -- though I may have somehow thought your post was from yesterday, as well.
  12. I'd not call that awkward -- terrific is the word I'd use! Cetera's suits, yeah?
  13. Oh, shoot. Did I miss it? I guess that said Eastern Time...
  14. Awesome! Cheers for doing this. Between KAX and Airplane Plus, it's easy to forget that this is actually a "rocket" game.
  15. This is spectacular! Great video.
  16. Oh, yeah! That chopper. my earlier idea was simply to angle them so that they do not cause lift in forward flight--or manually set the trim of the control surface so that it offsets the lift? I'd have to play with a similar craft to see what might work to maintain the visual effect of having the tail surfaces.
  17. I really appreciate that feature -- I was worried when I first saw the nested list, and thought I had to open a ton of spare tabs before I lost the new notification, but, voila! You built in that safety. I was thinking "updated" could be another button in the sorting selectors on the top right of a mod browsing page (such as here: https://kerbalx.com/Raptor9/craft ). It would make it super easy to see the latest changes to existing craft for a specific author, or the main craft list in general. This way, if the notification is dismissed/ignored, the newest versions of things could still bubble up to the top. Still using our friend @Raptor9 as an example: If the "updated" button was clicked, the 'Titan 4N' (a brand new upload) could still be near the top (as "update/date" could be set to the same at first upload?) along with the older X-plane craft that all got action group tweaks this week. I hope that makes sense, and thanks for considering this! -Layne
  18. Hey @katateochi -- I can't express how awesome kerbalx has been and continues to be as you develop it. I especially like (sorta) the new nested announcement/update feed. Any chance of an additional sort-by criteria for "updated" ? This is a major way I browse KerbalX these days --well, for Raptor9's updates, anyway.
  19. Put much smaller lift surfaces back there (or do you even need them?) or adjust their angle so that they don't create undue lift when moving forward.
  20. It's likely because the clouds info has to overwrite each other -- I think there was some efforts at making the clouds config be more modular so that different mods could contribute and not overwrite the whole thing.
  21. Not at all trying to harp on this, or beat a dead horse---- Can mods themselves (optionally) provide the "updated" date as a property? I'd love to just be able to sort the overall list by "date" to see the freshest stuff on top of the list. If I release version blah.blah.blah of my mod, and give it an arbitrary "February 23" as a release date, then the CKAN network doesn't need to track the date internally, it's just part of the mod details. I think this could/should be included in the .version info, as well.
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