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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Banido, por que ele não é mais é e nem nunca foi Illuminati.
  2. I am wearing that shirt to work today!
  3. I kinda see where you come from, but see: MechJeb: the name says it all, it's a mechanical version of Jeb. It's supposed to do all kinds of stuff. I, myself, used it for some time just for launches. Some people use all of its features. I don't think any two players will agree what the 'core' of it is KAC: everything about it is alarms! Again, I don't see how it should lose any functionality; and its UI isn't going to get much simpler by removing different types of alarms KER: Apart from the DV guide, there's only the flight information windows, right? Do you think KER is bigger and harder to maintain because of them? Those are just reported straight from the game, AFAIK, or most of them anyway. Or is its UI bloated? You can turn the flight information windows off, so the only interaction you'll ever get with it is in the VAB. I don't see how any of these mods could be simpler, while maintaining their purpose. Sure, a mod that only did DV calculations in the VAB has a niche, but one that also displays the same calculations mid-flight is more useful, at least to me. And the barest MJ ever is already stock, those autopilot buttons. Seriously, launch assist is a thing of the past.
  4. Banido porque... como raios você atraiu um like do @WinkAllKerb'' aqui???
  5. Oh, got it. Like @TheRagingIrishman said, that's what they use for the asteroids, so I guess it'll work for you
  6. At last, here it goes: The one with more hair on the head, and less hair on the face
  7. Ha, I never played with one of these mods. Seems fun! Reading the wiki, I noticed parts can fail more frequently when temperature is high. What about electronics and fuel-related hardware failing at extremely low temperatures, too?
  8. In this case, it seems to me that even the notion that NASA is sponsoring the research is media misunderstanding. As far as I can tell, the article linked merely states the researches work for NASA, not that they are conducting said research for NASA. And the closest I can get to "EM drive" on an actual NASA site is this: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/warp/warp.html Doesn't look like much, either.
  9. "Readily" as in, you need to unlock it? Why not use the techtree for that?
  10. 6/10 "legally binding", heh. I am a robot. I am so advanced you think I'm human.
  11. Don't worry, many of us here are not of English native language, myself included. It looks like your English is pretty fine Hi, and welcome to the forums!
  12. Isn't fixing the display a possibility? If you're asking for suggestions, mine is also 'don't get the PS4 version, yet'. At least, not until these things get sorted out. Now, if your mind is already set that this is the only way... no one will hold you back!
  13. 1/10 nice try on "my" homeworld there. I am human, and the picture on my avatar proves it. (Paging @WinkAllKerb'', he's gonna be a killer on this game...)
  14. Banido por lições de moral de coroa que já passou pelos paranauê
  15. Banido, por que quem saiu na vantagem fomos eu e @luizopiloto. Ou não, ainda vamos descobrir
  16. 0/10 And I don't know you, but hi!
  17. ...a shining new green text below my username! :D 

  18. Banido por que tem dois moderadores novos na área. Tamo de olho
  19. Hey, just noticed Tetryds is still in the moderator list.


  20. Wasn't that the experiments where the problem was a faulty contact in a cable? Shows you how simple the problem can be that generates news of "NEW SCIENCE!" And no, I don't think this is a scam, just as I don't think Mars One is a scam. That's because I don't doubt the people's intentions, rather their beliefs and/or conclusions. They're good-hearted (as far as I believe), but wrong nevertheless.
  21. Cara, o que eu faço é manter as antigas no HD, copiando a pasta. Mas já apaguei quase todas as que eu tinha, só guardei a 0.90 por causa de um save RSS que nunca mais joguei e agora já fiz o backup da 1.2.1 (que tá linda, se o jogo der alguma deslizada morro abaixo pra mim essa é a "edição definitiva"). Mas, especialmente se você joga no Steam, é sempre bom fazer backup das suas versões; até onde eu sei não dá pra desativar a atualização automática dele, e quando atualiza e queba seus mods é triste Agora, se o que você quer é compatibilidade do seu save com versões anteriores, aí acho mais difícil :x
  22. Aw, damn, why didn't I wear this to work today??
  23. I haven't used USI-LS ever since habitation time was just future talk. This seems very interesting
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