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Everything posted by hieywiey

  1. Blackheart, you are some kind of multitasking wizard (or witch). HOW do you keep up with so many projects at once, and still keep them alive?!?!?
  2. Could this be compatible with Bobcat's Proton? And could you also make a Briz-M and escape stages?
  3. Could you add the little solar panel? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=jorSlz_CYEYCmM&tbnid=xOYggYLZOsVdeM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.davidicke.com%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D122272&ei=xZ1aU66mJYqpyAGJooGgDA&psig=AFQjCNF8Y-23TLFnkCNSjqpsx_Se5Tj80w&ust=1398533955176874 (Sorry, I'm on my phone)
  4. Could you also do an Apollo-style "flower" fairing?
  5. Can the new F.L.A.T. landing leg thing have a built in probe core, RTG/Solar arrays, wheels, fuel, and a matching engine that is a seperate part? Also it's hard to get back in once on the surface (without using the MMU thing). And some kind of nose cone/docking port/parachute device for on top.
  6. The modularity is very Soviet. I like it.
  7. I also don't get any engine sounds, but I did install correctly (I use a Mac), and my naval if flipped 90 degrees! I think the Kraken has found my game files!!!!!
  8. The Sopwith Camel, Fokker DR1, and Gotha Bomber won't load in the SPH. I think it's because those cockpits don't show up in the command tab, or anywhere else.
  9. YES!!!!! THERE IS FINALLY A VENERA FOR KSP! But, can we at least have a sketch instead of a bland Venus-like Eve with lettering?
  10. yay, it's the one that went "pop"!
  11. It's a bit more complicated than that, Finder (the Mac equivalent of Explorer, NOT Internet Explorer) (used) to give you multiple options when copying and pasting: Replace, Stop, Merge, Keep Both, and Skip, the problem is that in a more recent version of Mac OS X, the Merge option "vanished", so basically I'm screwed (and it's because of Bill Gates). And can we STOP having the ****ING Mac vs. PC fight! It seems like every thread has had this fight at least once, can we please stop.
  12. Well, it's more that I need a Mac for work purposes (and that I've invested a lot in my Mac, and because I love having NO viruses), so that's not really an option.
  13. No, sadly there isn't (I personally blame Bill Gates, because I don't like him and I like to be rash sometimes). I searched the forum, Spaceport (It glitched out as usual, giving me rover .craft files), Google, and Yahoo! (Even though it sucks).
  14. Sorry, no that won't work because of the whole licensing thing, so basically all the KSPRC download has in it is supplementary content for the prerequisites. (Sorry if I used overly-complicated words)
  15. I use Mac, so I have the ****ING NO "MERGE" THING NOT ****ING POPPING UP! THIS ****ING MEANS THAT I ****ING HAVE TO ****ING MANUALLY COPY EVERY ****ING FILE INTO EVERY ****ING FOLDER! (I'm sorry that I sweared a lot like Gordon Ramsay, but I am VERY angry because of Apple's ignorance) Can you please help me?
  16. Can you post an assembly guide (Or a .craft file and/or subassemblies), because I can't really get that many details from the pictures on the first page.
  17. I think everything is 66.666666...%, so â…†of in real life.
  18. Could You show a side-by-side comparison to the regular KSO?
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