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  1. Here is the spacedock link for anyone wanting to try it out: https://spacedock.info/mod/3108/LudicrousParts The source code: https://github.com/HyperFunOriginal/LudicrousPartsMod Not much else to say other than, enjoy!
  2. I was looking for archives of old mods for old KSP, and i found this website: Kerbal Space Yard Package List (kspyard.com) If you want an old version to play for these mods, look for a forum about archiving old versions of the game. If you were nostalgic for these mods and wanted to use these again, thank me!
  3. Hello! I'm Watermel00n and I have been working on this tech tree mod for about 4 months now. PRERELEASE Needs Module Manager GOALS: 1. Have a more customizable tech tree. This includes adding more nodes. 2. Having a unkerballed start and planes before space tech tree. 3. Adding new fuels, adding new depth to the game 4. QOL patches 5. Making monopropellant more used. Compatibility Dependencies will be added! MOTTO: "This makes sense"
  4. Ultraman Tiga Vehicle Made by garyhoover Launched by Kerwis download link(github ):https://github.com/gary9973/GUTS/releases download link(spacedock ):https://spacedock.info/mod/2527/KSP GUTS Early demo video on bilibili,https: //www.bilibili.com/video/BV19D4y1U7ta Early demo video on youtube, Early demo video on youtube, Note: The weapon part of this mod requires the use of BD Armory as the main weapon Support languages: Chinese, English, Japanese This mod is currently under development and there will be some bugs. If you find a bug, you can leave a message (please use your native language), or join the group to exchange qq: 983276592. : Garghoover, making this mod is entirely out of childhood memories, I believe many people like me dream of flying these planes into the sky. enjoy it. Constantly updated. . . license:
  5. Hello everyone! I made a little mod for KSP (my first one ever), a smaller airbrake for smaller crafts, I made it because I wanted a smaller airbrake and I thought that other people might want it as well. It is half the size of the stock airbrake (see picture). Download on Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3079/A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S (M.I.N.I) (no dependencies, it is just a edited config file) License: MIT
  6. i am finding it hard to get to orbit so how do i get to orbit?
  7. I was wondering if there were other launch sites compatible with KSRSS or a pack like with RSS.
  8. I'm working on a mod that will add a new Solar System, and I wanted to tell each planet's story in a fun, humorous way through Science reports. How do I implement custom EVA descriptions instead of using the Stock ones? I can't seem to find any info on it
  9. Your objective: Build the smallest rocket possible that can get into orbit. There are 2 categories, each with 2 sub-categories. I will judge each rocket in 2 separate ways, cost and mass. Each one will have its own leader board. The rules are simple. No cheating with Hyperedit, debug menu, ect. The rocket must be completely stock. No mods that alter physics and no clipping parts to exploit physics. The rocket can be manned or unmanned, each will have their own leader board. Make sure to post pictures showing your rocket in flight and showing it's mass and cost. ALSO: The rocket must be a rocket, not a cross between a rocket and a plane. It must take off from the launch pad ,and have other rocket qualities. https://imgur.com/a/swbkZaD This is my entry LOWEST MASS ROCKETS Unmanned: 1. Pds314- 0.855 tonnes 2. Pds314- 1.091 tonnes 3. mystified- 1.491 tonnes 4. Johnster_Space_Program- 3.420 tonnes 5. DRAG0Nmon- 4.460 tonnes Manned: 1. Aetharan- 1.990 tonnes 2. Aetharan- 2.053 tonnes 3. Aetharan- 2.085 tonnes 4. Aetharan-2.159 tonnes 5. Ironbars- 2.175 tonnes LOWEST COST ROCKETS Unmanned: 1. Pds314- 640 kerbucks 2. Pds314- 2110 kerbucks 3. mystified- 4580 kerbucks 4. Johnster_Space_Program- 5250 kerbucks 5. DRAG0Nmon- 7,154 kerbucks Manned: 1. TheFlyingKerman- 2603 kerbucks 2. Aetharan- 3907 kerbucks 3. farmerben- 3982 kerbucks 4. Aetharan- 4276 kerbucks 5. Ironbars- 4423 kerbucks Notes- zolotiyeruki, if you can find some screenshots of that old craft, I will gladly accept it! Pds314 maintains the top 2 spots for lightest and cheapest unmanned crafts. TheFlyingKerman holds the cheapest manned rocket. Artharan has almost stolen every spot for the lightest manned rocket, taking 1, 2, 3, and 4! Will he be able to take 5? Keep up the amazing work everyone!
  10. So I launched a Jool misison with the goal of landing on Laythe for the first time. I park in a 105km orbit, dock the mothership and lander, so far so good. I'm not in an ideal spot to launch so I timewarp to the Jool transfer window, but halfway through the warp it stops because I have entered Kerbin's atmosphere. I'm confused but ok, maybe I made a little mistake somewhere. I quickload to the start of the warp and raise my orbit to 130km just to be safe. I double check that my RCS is off and all my engines are manually shut down. OK good to go for timewarp. For extra safety I stop the warp halfway to check my orbital height and what do you know, my orbit has changed from a stable 130 to 85km periapsis and 160km or so apo. I did nothing, and there is no atmospheric drag or anything that could have influenced my orbit. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  11. Hi, I am playing in the Career mode, of KSP. Now I shall install a satellite into an specific Orbit. AP and PE no problem so far, easy. found out how to get on the angle.. check But it also requires to have a Specific Arg PE and LAN and meanwhile I am really frustrated. I might get on the right LAN but have no clue how to set ArgPE right. Anyone here has some Tipps for me?
  12. This is a small mod which adds a detailed Airbus A330-900neo into the game. You will find detailed models and textures, custom sounds for the engines and landing gears, 3 liveries (White, Black, Airbus) as well as a modelled 3D cockpit and cabin. The plane is configured for stock, with flight characteristics based on a comparable stock-part aircraft. At a cruising speed of 220m/s at 3500-4500m altitude, a range of 2100km or fuel for 3h will be enough to cover all major routes on Kerbin. I've limited the crew capacity to 30 (+2 pilots) for performance reasons. Please note that the parts are not designed for a modular use in other crafts. Download from Spacedock I recommend you to install my Airplane Autopilot as well. Known issues All rights reserved.
  13. I want to have some sort of Failures with Aircraft Engines (for example i wanna add support for such thing to My mod) The mod should -just include basic failure system (or it should have availability to turn anything besides failures off) -it should not be a big mod Bonus: If the mod can do particles or animations when the part fails, it would be a bonus TL;DR: Searching for Simple Part Failure Mod
  14. Dear Mod Makers, if you want to find a translator for your mod quickly - please just leave a message in English in >this< thread with instructions and feedback way. Thanks! KSP tiene ahora oficialmente compatibilidad con la localización de varios idiomas, por lo que nuestros modders están tratando de convertir sus trabajos en una versión multi-idioma. Este tema está diseñado para ayudar a la comunidad modder a completar más rápidamente la localización correspondiente, con el fin de permitir un mayor círculo cultural de jugadores que puedan obtener la versión nativa de cada país. Si desea participar en la traducción oficial de mods - ¡entonces esta es tu oportunidad! Enlace a la Página Principal Multi-Idioma Cómo ayudarles: PASOS. 1 - Información sobre solicitudes: 1.1 - Vaya al tema global en este enlace. 1.2 - Encuentre sección de eventos "Localization supported; translations needed", donde exista "Needs .... Spanish". 1.3 - O en la misma sección, fijarse que, aunque aparezca "Needs .... Spanish", puede que ya se esté tratando como indica este post en el segundo punto en ROJO. 1.4 - Puede comprobar si esto es correcto en la misma aplicación del modder. (en la parte superior derecha de la página de GitHub, haz clic en el icono del número situado junto al botón de la horquilla/fork para ver quién ha copiado el reporte de GitHub). Si alguien más ya está trabajando en una traducción siempre puede proporcionar ayuda con la edición y las correcciones, o dividir el trabajo para mods más grandes. 2 - Contactar con el propietario: 2.1 - Haga clic en el enlace que encuentre, o 2.2 - Ir al tema de desarrollo del mod (development), y dejar un mensaje allí, o 2.3 - (Si lo anterior no está disponible), por favor, póngase en contacto con el desarrollador a través de mensajes personales. 3 - ¡Traducir! 4 - Informar: 4.1 - En el tema global, que la traducción ha terminado. 4.2 - En este tema, ¡para que se le marque como intérprete merecido! Mods buscando traductores en ESPAÑOL Alien Space Program - 147 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Asclepius - 174 Líneas aprox - Necesita español CSA Contares "RUS" - 582 Líneas aprox - Necesita español CommNetAntennasExtension - 33 Líneas aprox - Necesita español HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 30 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kerbal Field Weapon Pack - 800 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kerbal Impact - 94 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Kronkus - 193 Líneas aprox - Necesita español KSP Progess Parser - 7 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mark IV Spaceplane System - 120 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mk2 Expansion - 330 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mk3 Expansion - 242 Líneas aprox - Necesita español NovaPunch Rebalanced Beta - 549 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Outer Planets Mod - 117 y 2506 Líneas aprox - Necesita español ScienceLabInfo - 35 Líneas aprox - Necesita español SXT Continued - 1390 Líneas aprox - Necesita español The SSR Microsat Probe Parts - 135 Líneas aprox - Necesita español XTLandertron - 40 Líneas aprox - Necesita español Mods en proyecto Tantares/LV por @fitiales (Requiere actualización, se encuentra en este LINK la parte en Español y en este otro LINK la nueva parte en EN-US) Tantares Stockalike Soyuz & MIR por @fitiales (Requiere actualización, se encuentra en este LINK la parte en Español y en este otro LINK la nueva parte en EN-US) Community Real Agency Pack por @fitiales Mods traducidos en ESPAÑOL (aún no lanzados por su autor - disponibles en GitHub temporalmente) Surface Experiment Pack por @fitiales (se pueden obtener los 5 archivos en este LINK y copiándolo a un archivo .cfg hasta su salida) Cormorant-Aeronology por @Janderklander (se puede obtener pinchando en este LINK y copiándolo a un archivo .cfg hasta su salida) Mods ya traducidos en ESPAÑOL Action Groups ReExtended por @Janderklander Airlock Plus por @GonDragon Antenna helper por @fitiales Astrogator por @Deltathiago98 Auto Actions por @fitiales Action Group Manager Renewed por @fitiales AllYAll por @fitiales AviationLights por @fitiales B9PartSwitch por @fitiales BDArmory Weapons Extension por @Next_Star_Industries BDArmory Continued - por @fitiales Critical Temperature Gauge por @fitiales Cryo Tanks por @fitiales Community Tech Tree por @fitiales Cryo Engines por @fitiales Connected Living Space por @Deltathiago98 Community Resource Pack por @fitiales Contracts Window + por @fitiales CommNetVisualisation por @fitiales Corvus CF por @fitiales Deep Freeze por @fitiales Dr. Jet´s Chop Shop por @fitiales DockRotate por @fitiales Dynamic Battery Storage por @fitiales Explodium Breathing Engines por @fitiales Easy Vessel Switch por @fitiales Feline Utility Rovers por @bice Fenrir Launcher Pack por @fitiales Galileo's Planet Pack por @Janderklander Heat Control por @fitiales Hullcam VDS Continued por @fitiales Interstellar Fuel Switch - por @Janderklander Interstellar Hybrid Rocketry por @Janderklander JSI Advanced Transparent Pods por @fitiales K.A.S. por @fitiales KDEX por @fitiales Kerbal Atomics por @fitiales Kerbalism por @Novak (enlace) Kerbal Planetary Base System por @fitiales Kerbal Science Innovation por @fitiales KerbalSports por @fitiales K.I.S. por @fitiales KSP Interstellar Extended por @fitiales KSPDev Localization Tool por @fitiales Koose (escape pod) por @fitiales Luna Multiplayer (LMP)-Beta por @Dagger Mechjeb por @fitiales Naval Artillery System por @fitiales Near Future Aeronautics por @Janderklander Near Future Propulsion por @fitiales Near Future Electrical por @fitiales Near Future Construction por @fitiales Near Future Solar por @fitiales Near Future Spacecraft por @fitiales Near Future Launch Vehicles por @fitiales Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science por @fitiales PicoPort por @fitiales Precise Maneuver Editor por @Deltathiago98 PatchManager por @swjr-swis Precise Node Continued por @fitiales REKT Escape Pod Mod por @fitiales ResearchBodies por @fitiales RLA Reborn por @fitiales RoverScience Continued por @fitiales Restock por @Pkmniako & @fitiales RestockPlus por @Pkmniako & @fitiales SCANsat - dev version por @Deltathiago98 ScienceAlert Realerted por @fitiales Science Relay por @Deltathiago98 Ship Manifest por @fitiales Simple Logistics por @fitiales SmartTank por @fitiales Special Delivery por @fitiales Speed Unit Annex por @fitiales StageColorPlugin por @fitiales StationScience por @fitiales Stockalike Station Parts Expansion por @fitiales Stockalike Station Parts Redux por @Janderklander SuitRefuelPlugin por @fitiales Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights por @fitiales TAC Life Support por @fitiales Talisar Parts por @fitiales Tarsier Space Tech por @fitiales Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts por @fitiales Toolbar Continued por @fitiales Trajectories Universal Storage II por @Janderklander Vostok Continued por @fitiales Warp Plugin por @fitiales
  15. Hello guys, I've decided to include many realism mods in my current career playthrough and was wondering if any of you knew of any mods that make stock jet engines more realistic (you know, turbofans not magically becoming more efficient above Mach 1...)?
  16. Fossil's Mechazilla [1.10.1 +] A mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds the SpaceX Mechazilla catching system. Works in RO and stock. Pictures & Videos: Pictures Video of Launch Video of Landing Upcoming: Roadmap Compatibility: At this time, this mod has only been tested for: - 1.12.2 ✔ - 1.10.1 ✔ Dependencies: - ModuleManager - Kerbal Konstructs (If You Want The KK Static) - B9Partswitch (For Switchable Paneled Variant) Downloads: Github Spacedock How to Install: From Github: - Click the green 'Code' button then 'Download ZIP'. Read the 'README' located just below or the one located in the downloaded ZIP. OR: - Click 'Releases' on the right of the page and download 'MechazillaKSP.zip' on the latest release. Read the 'README' located in the downloaded ZIP. From Spacedock: - Click download and read the 'README' located in the downloaded ZIP. Realism Overhaul: - Place "Fossil Extras" into your GameData with the included "MechazillaRO.cfg" inside. For the KK Static: - Scale by a factor of 0.625. Changelog: LICENSE
  17. I just downloaded Airplane Plus, and only the propeller engines and mk 3 cargo cockpit are appearing in my parts list. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling from both CurseForge and Spacedock and neither is working. My other mods are BD Armory, Kerbal Engineer, EVE, KAS, and KIS. Thanks for any help!
  18. This planet pack adds 1 red giant star, 2 other stars, 4 planets, 2 moons, and 2 asteroids ANTARES: Antares is a red giant about 10x the size of Kerbol, and orbits very far away, making use of FTL-Drive mods out there. Also has 3 planets. PALOMA: This binary companion to Antares was named after the kerbal who discovered it. It's big, blue, and it's gonna die soon. TERRAN: Terran is quite small, a bit smaller than Dres, and it is a slight reddish color. Terran is Paloma's only planet, and it is in a tight orbit. CORBID: Corbid is a relatively large gas giant, which has a particularly strong calming effect on all kerbals who witness it's red and beautiful glory. COASTER: A habitable moon with little land. It used to be an ice world, but when Antares started to die, Coaster warmed up. RETCHID: Retchid is the outer moon of the Corbid system. It is a large asteroid, about the size of Minmus. Retchid was captured by Corbid's gravity. MALUM: Malum is a T2V brown dwarf, with 27x Jool's mass. It creates a barycenter between it and the Antares-Paloma barycenter. It lies between Corbid and Jerren. EROS: Eros is a habitable desert planet with a tiny ocean, Eros is like this because it is very cold for a desert, sort of like Antarctica, but less cold. ARGO-KERSA: Although it sounds like a binary, it's not. Argo and Kersa are in a Horseshoe orbital configuration with each other. JERREN: Jerren is a nice, blueish-teal ice giant. Unlike it's smaller brother, it has no discovered moons nor does it have an effect on kerbals. DOWNLOAD: http://spacedock.info/mod/754/Antares Solar System PICS: Antares: http://imgur.com/Ffbtvk0 Paloma: http://imgur.com/G0EWI13 Terran: http://imgur.com/g5pHVIq Corbid: http://imgur.com/U4YM1SN Coaster: http://imgur.com/CnH7vDw Retchid: http://imgur.com/wiW2Xr6 Malum: http://imgur.com/UANo4d9 Eros: http://imgur.com/tPJXbD3 Argo: http://imgur.com/tk0OPnA Kersa: http://imgur.com/xwTfE5t Jerren: http://imgur.com/G0Tln6t THANKS TO: ProtoJeb21 for making the configs I used in this mod in his mod IARevived. KNOWN BUGS: There are lighting issues in map view on most planets, but once you get an orbit, they go away. The atmospheres of the Gas Giants are glitched, but Coaster's is normal.
  19. Greetings for whoever saw this page.for mod creators: would a little mod that add the feature"whenever you click the cargo bay opening button,the degree of opening will correspond with the level ground where ever you are" be great? this is an request, if anyone interesting with this please let me know,I will support you every way I can.
  20. i want to have camera support on a cabin part, so if anyone has the monitors for rpm, they have a view of the cabin window, which is rotated to outside of the part. how can i achieve this? what do i need to change in cfgs?
  21. Hi Kerbonauts, challenger here, having some problems! I play KSP 1.2.2 Because IT SUPPORTS A VERY CUTE MOD, THE SPACE SHUTTLE SYSTEM MOD. The problem is that 2 parts (the shuttle cargo bay and the shuttle crew cabin) are completelly black with no texture when loaded. I have the same problem with the 1.7.x version of the mod I just have the SpaceShuttleSystem mod and its dependencies wich, according to the original spacedock link of the mod (https://spacedock.info/mod/1178/Space Shuttle System?noedit=True) , are: SSTU; KSPWheel; JSI; CommunityResourcePack; ASET This are the names of the mods folders, I DONT HAVE ANY OTHER MODS EXCEPT FOR THE SQUAD STOCK FOLDER. Hope you can help, thank you and go at throttle up!
  22. I downloaded some new mods that add a lot of parts to the game, so I'm hoping to be able to program in some custom tabs and reassign those parts to them. If anyone familiar with ksp modding knows how to do this, it would be awesome to get some help. Thank you
  23. Mod We have put our best effort to make the solar system good. This mod is a Collab with @Cyrus Playz to make a revamp of the stock planets AND add new planets and star systems First Released on KSP's 10th anniversary. Key : Green = Done, Yellow = WIP, Red = Planned Plans : Ike Tylo Dres Pol Laythe Sun Eeloo New moons: Karon (Eeloo) Astrium (Dres) The gilly replacer : Ienus Stars Systems: FINAL plan of Dubol: Compatible mods: Astronomers Visual Pack (or any other VE pack) Low-Light levels High-Light levels Zeo's Planet pack Strange new worlds other star system mods Incompatible mods: OPM GU any other system replacer Dependencies: Download: Screenshots Eye Candy Courtesy of @ballisticfox0 Kerbol's new sun flare! courtesy of @Caps Lock New Jool Rings : All the screenshots are with Spectra and Scatterer you could use AVP or any visual enhancement mod on top of our mod. (Eeloo's texture is optional you can change it through configs)* This mod is licensed under : CC-BY-NC-ND
  24. HI everyone Is it possible to make a system where a vessel is treated as 1 part but the sub functions of it component parts remain in the vessel because KSP accounts for every single part although that is for Physics purposes i mean like reentry space station breaking but that also causes kraken so maybe you can enable this mod while in flight or sth or just straight up cheat because the kraken is nothing but the parts physics messing up and and making everything one part essentially negates kraken and if you worry about aerodynamics the aerodynamics is by shape of craft and its not bang on accurate so eh its just reentry and smashing on the ground so basically what my idea is to make a catalog for the OG parts in a Cache file or something which can be Accessed easily and The atmo physics that breaks the parts off can be applied through stress regions i guess but it is a way to do stuff so like the parts are like ghosts they are there but not accounted for and are broken through stress regions how does this sound for a plugin
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