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I'm Making My Mod For KSP But The Compiler In Visual studio 2022 is failing because of cs1513. how to fix it? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Media; using NAudio.Wave; namespace KSP_RocketGenerator { public class RocketGenerator { private static WaveOutEvent backgroundMusic; public static void Main(string[] args) { try { PlayStartupSound("/mnt/data/Windows XP Startup.wav"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the KSP Rocket, Spaceplane, and Robotics Generator (2001 Edition)!"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------"); // Step 1: Ask if the user is new Console.WriteLine("Are you new here? (yes/no)"); string isNew = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower(); // Step 2: Show guide if the user is new if (isNew == "yes") { Console.WriteLine("Great! Let's get started with a quick guide."); PlayBackgroundMusic("/mnt/data/The Windows XP Tour Music [Original].mp3"); ShowGuide(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Welcome back! Let's build a vehicle."); } // Step 3: Ask user what type of vehicle to build Console.WriteLine("Would you like to build a Rocket, a Spaceplane, or a Robotics Module? (rocket/spaceplane/robotics)"); string vehicleType = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower(); // Step 4: Generate instructions based on user choice if (vehicleType == "spaceplane") { GenerateSpaceplaneInstructions(); } else if (vehicleType == "robotics") { GenerateRoboticsInstructions(); } else { GenerateRocketInstructions(); } // Step 5: Thank the user Console.WriteLine("\nThank you for using the KSP Vehicle Generator. Launch your imagination!"); } finally { StopBackgroundMusic(); } } private static void GenerateRocketInstructions() { Console.WriteLine("\nRocket Assembly Instructions:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("1. Start with the command pod or probe core."); Console.WriteLine("2. Attach a decoupler to the bottom of the command module."); Console.WriteLine("3. Add a fuel tank below the decoupler."); Console.WriteLine("4. Select an engine suitable for the fuel tank and mission profile."); Console.WriteLine("5. Repeat steps 2-4 for additional stages."); Console.WriteLine("6. Attach aerodynamic nose cones or fairings to reduce drag."); Console.WriteLine("7. Add fins or reaction wheels for stability."); Console.WriteLine("8. Include parachutes or other recovery systems."); Console.WriteLine("9. Set up action groups for critical functions like stage separation or science experiments."); Console.WriteLine("10. Test your rocket in simulation mode and adjust as necessary."); Console.WriteLine("\nYour rocket is now ready! Proceed to the launch pad and start your mission."); } private static void GenerateSpaceplaneInstructions() { Console.WriteLine("\nSpaceplane Hangar Instructions:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("1. Start with a cockpit module suitable for your mission."); Console.WriteLine("2. Attach wings for stability and lift. Delta or swept wings are popular choices."); Console.WriteLine("3. Add landing gear to ensure a smooth touchdown."); Console.WriteLine("4. Choose propulsion systems like jet engines for atmospheric flight or rocket engines for space travel."); Console.WriteLine("5. Equip the craft with control surfaces for maneuverability."); Console.WriteLine("6. Balance the center of mass and center of lift for optimal performance."); Console.WriteLine("7. Test your spaceplane in simulation mode before flight."); Console.WriteLine("\nYour spaceplane is ready! Take it for a spin in KSP."); } private static void GenerateRoboticsInstructions() { Console.WriteLine("\nRobotics Workshop Instructions:"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("1. Begin by selecting a robotics control module."); Console.WriteLine("2. Add hinges, pistons, or rotors for desired motion and functionality."); Console.WriteLine("3. Configure action groups to control your robotics mechanisms efficiently."); Console.WriteLine("4. Use struts and stabilizers to ensure structural integrity."); Console.WriteLine("5. Test your robotics assembly in simulation mode to fine-tune movements."); Console.WriteLine("6. Deploy your robotics creations for tasks like satellite deployment, station assembly, or exploration."); Console.WriteLine("\nYour robotics module is ready! Deploy it in KSP for advanced missions."); } private static void ShowGuide() { Console.WriteLine("Guide to Rocket, Spaceplane, and Robotics Generator:"); Console.WriteLine("1. Decide if you want to build a Rocket, Spaceplane, or Robotics Module."); Console.WriteLine("2. For Rockets: Follow the step-by-step instructions to configure stages."); Console.WriteLine("3. For Spaceplanes: Follow detailed instructions to design your craft."); Console.WriteLine("4. For Robotics: Add motion parts and configure controls for your mechanisms."); Console.WriteLine("5. Once configured, you'll get a blueprint or setup guide for your vehicle."); Console.WriteLine("6. Have fun launching or deploying your creation in KSP!"); } private static void PlayStartupSound(string filePath) { using (var soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer(filePath)) { soundPlayer.PlaySync(); } } private static void PlayBackgroundMusic(string filePath) { backgroundMusic = new WaveOutEvent(); var audioFile = new AudioFileReader(filePath); backgroundMusic.Init(audioFile); backgroundMusic.Play(); } private static void StopBackgroundMusic() { backgroundMusic?.Stop(); backgroundMusic?.Dispose(); } private static void PlaySoundEffect(string filePath) { using (var soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer(filePath)) { soundPlayer.PlaySync(); } } } }
I just uptade my window 11, after that, i open the game and realise now all the mod is stop working and the game freeze in "loading asset bundle definitions I use lots of mods but I have not touched the KSP files recently so pretty sure it not mods fault after that, the game freeze when "Loading Asset Bundle Definitions" appear the update name: 2024-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5046633)
Exception Detector (ED) This add-on creates a log file by hooking into the logger callbacks in Unity and is able to extract more value from the available information. Assists in finding issues that you might not even be aware of and might be able to find any pesky add-on(s) that might be causing your issues. For Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @godarklight and @Grigetio "SlimJimDodger" Help Wanted Localization How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal See More Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Installation Directions Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) 1 or 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Module Manager 3 Conflicts ExceptionDetectorUpdated Tags plugin, convenience, information *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks see for comprehensive list @godarklight for this glorious mod! @Grigetio "SlimJimDodger" for updating and maintaining! Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) Current (1) - zer0Kerbal Forum: Thread - Source: GitHub License: Disclaimer(s) All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations, sounds) are distributed under their own licenses Original (1)- Maintainer: @Grigetio aka SlimJimDodger Forum: Thread - Download: SpaceDock - Source: GitHub License: Original (0) - Author: @godarklight Forum: Thread - Download: SpaceDock - Source: GitHub License: this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
I can't join a server because I'm having this issue repeatedly. I've tried checking the version of the game to make sure it is correct, and reinstalling mods. All of the mods in my KSP file are manually installed, as many of them failed to be installed by ckan. The server I'm trying to join is the Sushut Interstellar Server. I believe the issue may have to do with B9 part switch, as it is a dependency to enter the server and I'm continuously getting this error without proper knowledge of how to fix it. My KSP.log is here. If you need any other files, such as my gamedata folder or others, just ask, and I will provide them. Screenshots: The B9 part switch issue. The LMP error. And a screenshot of my gamedeata.
Does anyone know anything about this Map/OutOfFuelManeuverNode popping up? It says it when I try and place a node and the node doesn’t let me place it, it just keeps saying Map/OutOfFuelManeuverNode. I still have fuel in my rocket too. It seems like it’ll happen randomly. Like when 2 rockets are docked together, I had to get my kerbal out of the ship he was in and into the other docked ship attached. Which doesn’t make sense because the ship I had to transfer him to already had a probe to control it.
Dawgs I need help. My kerbals equipped the modern suite which is apart of one of the dlc's (dunno which), but the texturing is wierd. Have a look for yourself. Google Drive Image I know that I need to put some mods out there, so Here's the mod list: B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0) BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13) Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.6.1.0) Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:3.7.3) Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4) Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1) Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.2) Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.13) Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.13) Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3) Editor Extensions Redux (EditorExtensionsRedux 3.4.5) Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1) Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3: Harmony 2 (Harmony2 HyperEdit (HyperEdit Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1) MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3) PlanetShine (PlanetShine PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4) SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary Stock Waterfall Effects (StockWaterfallEffects 0.7.0) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.5.3) The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.8) Toolbar (Toolbar 1: Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.3) VesselMover Continued (VesselMoverContinued v1.12.0) Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0) WaypointManager (WaypointManager I manually installed blackrack's VC (which is stunning!) I hope someone knows how to fix this and sees this.
I boot up KSP 2. When I try to make a new agency, it just sits there. Eventually, it crashes. I unfortunately have no more info. I am on Windows 10.
This is the first time ksp 2 has crashed on me, probably not the last before it had just freezed, but i think the problem is instead the mod "lazy orbit" im using
I'm not quiet sure if I'm the first person to discover this, because I havent heard of anybody else using it, (I bet I'm not) Say you have a fairing, and you finish it, and it pops up with a message saying "warning: cannot accept current changes. Fairing is colliding with invalid assembly part." So you try and try and try! To get the fairing right, but one of the two keeps happening; 1. You can't do anything without the fairing saying the message or 2. You can get a fairing, but it is not to you're liking Well, I have a easy fix for you! So, I discovered this while playing around, but it turns out, all you have to do it get the pop up message, and after that you can do one of the two things; 1. Click on any place, then place it back or If you don't want to replace a part on the craft 2. Click on any part on the part picker and recycle it It's literally as simple as that, hopes this helps!
KSP 1.12.4 I cant seem to open the build menu with RSS, But it works fine without rss. I also have Tundra Space Center with KSC Extended, and lots more mods like RO and Modular Launchpads. Player.log:
- ckan
- kerbal konstucts
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I honestly have no idea what could cause this, but it's very annoying. I don't think its the trajectories mod because I've disabled it at times and it still happens, and I have no clue what else it could be. This bug also severely lags my game out, reducing it to ~5 FPS ish. Can anyone help? I'll send my ksp log if I have to. See clips below: (all unlisted)
I am currently experiencing a bug with Scatterer were the ground and the KSC DISSAPEARS Oh and also, it is in flight too. I have tried so many things to NO AVAIL, I have made 3 new installs, have tried to reinstall scatterer COUNTLESS times, have made sure to be using DX11, changing game versions, spending an hour sifting through my log only to find "Eve shaderloader type not found" which when searched shows NOTHING, and spending hours going around the forums trying to fix this. You may be thinking, "Oh its probably a software issue my friend" BUT no less than a month ago scatterer worked perfectly fine and had good frames but just recently it [snip] itself to a horrid extreme. I have indeed had this problem in the past but that could be fixed by reinstalling scatterer or deleting the atmosphere cache folder. I have uninstalled ALL my mods and used all the "fixes" provided to me by my friends but to no avail. Please god help me my sanity is being sand blasted by this bug and scatterer has became the bane of my existence. I have 2 options, 1. accept that KSP without scatterer looks like absolute [snip] or 2. find a fix for this horrendous bug. I am running on 1.12.2 I have tried 1.12.1 and 1.11.1 AND 1.10.1 no dice
So I was struggling with getting to the Mun, so I decided to try out training and do the Orbit thing. I got somewhat far into the training until it told me to get a liquid fueled engine. It only allowed me two engines (Terrier and Hammer) but it is telling me to use the Swivel. Am I doing the training wrong somehow or is the game just messed up? Image:
Hello, i recently have encountered a problem, ksp gets stuck on loading the massive booster part from the squad engines folder, so i decided to delete it to see what would happen and it got stuck on another part in the same category, this issue wasnt caused by anything as at the time this happened, i installed no mods or updates can anyone help ? its been a LOOOONG time since i have played ksp (because of this issue) (i suspect restock or stock waterfall might have something to do with this)
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- issue
- modded install
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Good day! I come here to the forums as my last resort. I've been attempting to debug this install for three days now. A variety of related bugs have been solved already regarding incompatible mods, but this one has proved to be a... deeper issue. Upon loading all the mods completely, the loading script is killed with a ReflectionTypeLoadException while 'verifying' the Breaking Ground Expansion, the last stage of loading before the main menu. (That's a special type of fury, trust me). Anyway, I've exhausted the KSP Discord and the Internet looking for a concrete solution, finding nothing of true use. My full mod list and KSP log will be provided below. Any help or suggestions would be welcome! Note: Reinstalls of all mods and a reinstall of KSP itself along with file verification did nothing to remedy the issue. KSP.log - Mod List (screenshot) - List.png?dl=0 Error (screenshot) -
- 2 replies
- broken
- loading bug
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Hello I played KSP 1.9.1 with Real Scale Boosters today. I wanted to launch a satellite in an 53 degree inclination orbit. The targeted Altitude was 300 Kilometers. I tried to launch 5 times without sucess. I flew on a Atlas V, after Meco and stage sep and SES 1 I fired the engine with full power. My apogee was 300 Km but everytime I reached the apogee to fast (after 1,5 minutes after stage sep) after passing apogee my altitude increased very fast and at 100 Km my vehicle exploded. Whats the problem? I‘ve also tried mechjeb at the last try. Thanks Fly save
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- realism overhaul
- ksp
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Hello, I have a problem with KSP 1.11.1, my rocket flame out are really small and transparent compare to 1.11. See the picture Here is 1.11.1 And here is 1.11 I used scatterer, boulder co and navi fish >Then, have a great day ! EDIT : I just see that I'm in the wrong section sorry for that!
I have stock KSP, just kerbal engineer and kos (and module manager and toolbar thingie mod). Even though, when i look the (or a planet) my KSP frame rate drops badly. I've never checked my fps on KSP, neither i know a way how to, but i would say it drops to 15 fps or less. Does somebody has a solution or anything that i have to set off on settings to fix this?
Hi, when I launch KSP with Steam, it shows me this window and crash. EDIT: I don't have any mods and if I run KSP_64.exe it shows me a same error EDIT 2: I tried to reinstall game - same problem
I've just built an aircraft with mod parts, the landing gear specifically being from the Firespitter mod. Even when I load the craft, it starts moving backwards, but it stops when the engine starts and is put at full thrust. But when I try to land the plane and stop, it begins to go into reverse again. I turned off the reverse movement in the wheels, but it didn't stop. Starting the engine doesn't do anything, nor does braking, only an annoyingly loud noise. What could be the issue?
- 2 replies
- firespitter
- wheels
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MultiModeEngine animations problem
Guest posted a topic in KSP1 General Mod Development Help and Support
Hello ! I'm trying to make an engine with the MultiModeEngine module but when i add this module, the flame animation doesn't play in the game. I made two engines with it and they all have the same issue. Is there something else to add for it to work ? Thanks. -
I have been playing KSP for quite a while but recently there is a problem. Every time I start my KSP save, it would revert in progress many days ago. At first I addressed the problem as KSP autosave stop functioning, but in Backup folder there is the updated autosave file. I am able to recover my progress but the fact that the main "persistent.sfs" not updating automatically really irritate me. Are there similar issues in others KSP? More importantly, Are there any fix?