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  1. KDF Bloodhound MK II Advancements in our Walking Tank technology have allowed us to create the next generation of Mobile Armored Suits. Now with new advancements in energy production, we can expand our arsenal with the next generation in our forces. The new MK II version of the Bloodhound is purely for Military applications Requires DLC (NO MODS) ALL STOCK. Drive Instructions This mech can pretty much go anywhere. Before launching please make sure if you are docking with any unit to use the abort key to cut off any power to the Kal-1000s to prevent accidents. Action Groups ABORT - Toggle power to all Kal1000s Stage - Fire Guns AG1 - Toggle Stand AG2 - Toggle Walk AG3 - Toggle Sit Mode AG4 - Arm Missiles AG5 - Arm Energy Cannons AG6 - Toggle Ladder AG8 - Toggle Emergancy Solar Panels AG9 - Toggle Fuel Cell Generator AG0 - Toggle Leg Split (not meant for walking) Operations (PLEASE READ) To Walk Toggle SAS and set craft to (Radial In) and Press AG 2 to start walking. Control its direction by using a, d q and e keys. NOTE: when spawning in with craft Kerbal Space Program likes to tilt it backwards (do not panic) either try and recover by holding down the W key to tilt forward or if you do fall on your back press AG3 to enter sit mode and roll over to your feet and press either AG3 Again or AG1 and your back on your feet. To Stop Press AG2 to stop walking and reset your gait by pressing AG1. From here you can start walking again. Sit/Stand Mode Did you fall down? No fear! Can stand up easily on any planetary body. Press AG3 (Sit/Stand) and rock your body until you are sitting upright (recommended unbreakable parts for this one but not needed) Press AG3 again to stand FIRE WEAPONS Press Space bar to fire By default the Energy Cannons are set off by default to allow you to first fire the Missiles (these missiles do work but they are stock so dont exepct them to always fly straight lol.) You can replace them with BD armory missiles if you want. WARNING: these have extreme force behind them and will make the Mech Tilt backwards. Fire one at a time and give yourself time to reset your gait. Press AG 5 to Switch to Energy Cannons. These cannons have enough force to blow up buildings if you want to do so. Download Links https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/KDF-Bloodhound-MK-II https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3435338106
  2. DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST) Spherical Tanks (DST) adds spherical tanks in multiple sizes for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by DaMichel, and then by Bezzier adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo View full album Have you ever needed a set of spherical tanks of various capacities, to use for a refueling depot? an interplanetary mothership? A resource extraction base? Have you ever wanted a different tank options? DaMichel's Spherical Tanks might just be for you. For Kerbal Space Program. Contains Contains five 1.25m spherical tanks: Mark 1 Spherical Fuel Tank 0.55m radius - 612.5L 0.70m radius - 1250L 0.88m radius - 2500L 1.11m radius - 5000L 1.40m radius - 10,000L Comes with player supplied patches: B9PartSwitch fuel patches TAC-LS Kerbalism SNACKS! Karbonite along with other user supplied patches See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Youtube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 DaMichel Ltd (DM/L) Suggests DaMichel's AeroRadial (DAR) [DaMichel's SphericalTanks (DCB)][DCB] DaMichel's Fuselage (DAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) TweakScale Supports Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) TweakScale Resource Switchers: Firespitter Core B9PartSwitch Life Support TAC-LStac-ls] Kerbalism Snacks Modular Fuel Tanks Karbonite RealFuels Tags parts, resources red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks DaMichel for creating this glorious parts addon! Bezzier for the picking up where DaMichel left off see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  3. DOWNLOAD https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/KDF-BIGGIE-MAC-16 DISCLAIMER THIS IS STOCK !!DOES NOT REQUIRE MODS !! (no matter what it says) KERBALX CLAIMS THAT THERE IS ONE PART rotor.02s from SSTO Project SHOWING UP AS A MOD, BUT ITS A BREAKING GROUND PART DO NOT WORRY THERES NOTHING I CAN DO TO FIX THIS Mods Breaking Ground DLC Making History DLC SSTO Project Squad (stock) Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 998 Mods: 4 KSP: 1.12.5 Description KDF “BIGGIE” MAC-16 (STOCK) THE BIGGIE MAC “MEDIUM ARMORED CARRIER” IS A 1ST GENERATION MEDIUM ARMORED CARRIER THAT COMBINES GREAT MOBILITY, The “BIGGIE” MAC-16 Is a 1st Generational Medium Armored Carrier that combines mobility and lethality. This Big Boy comes fully loaded with x16 STORM rockets to deliver LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LIGHTNING ahem.. to your foes while dropping off your favorite little green men and the women too! Take off the rockets and employ various other applications that go wild! ( note taking off weapon will lower part count significantly to under 600) Frame rate gets better when getting rid of rockets so fire away or press AG6 and leave the area OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS MAIN THROTTLE - CONTROL SPEEDS (DEFAULT FORWARD THROTTLE ) TRIM KEYS H AND N KEYS - RAISE LOWER BACK WHEEL I AND K KEYS - RAISE AND LOWER WEAPONS (INVERTED) J AND L KEYS - TURN WEAPONS (360) STAGE (SPACEBAR) - FIRE WEAPONS ACTION GROUP 1 - TOGGLE TANK TURN ACTION GROUP 2 - TOGGLE REVERSE THROTTLE ACTION GROUP 3 - LOCK WHEELS ACTION GROUP 4 - TOGGLE CANOPY AND DOORS OPEN AND CLOSE ACTION GROUP 5 - DETACH PLOW ACTION GROUP 6 - DECOUPLE ROCKET PODS A mod aircraft called KDF “BIGGIE” MAC-16. Built with 998 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralIBeam3. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
  4. To keep it brief, I would very much like to see a feature where it shows how much fuel your tank has even if it's just in the parts manager. Being able to have drop tanks such as those on the space shuttle without eyeballing it every time and wasting fuel would be great.
  5. Hi! Just when you need that extra oxidizer on your spaceplane..... Spacedock:https://spacedock.info/mod/1778/Mkerb Inc. Oxidizer Tank This mod can be localized if you are a volunteer :-) More stuff follows :-) Just want to put it out there... Update: Added Licence text.
  6. Think about parts where this would be possible and helpful - for example methalox tanks or cargo bays with same diameter and design. Besides simplifying the parts list or limiting vessel part count, also think about gameplay elements - should the tech progression first unlock shorter tanks and limit access to longer tanks? Also think about the fact that having multiple parts allows for fewer clicks when building "round" objects (putting parts head to tail and rotating them).
  7. In KSP we fill tanks with two combinations for liquids - kerosine and kerolox, and in ksp are special tanks for each combination. I would like to suggest a more complex but more comfortable mechanic for future. You can fill tanks with any (I mean liquids) type of resource and limit is only volume of tank and total volume of your resources. Here how it will work You open settings of tank and choose what you want to fill the tank with - specific mix (methan, metalox, hydrolox, hydrogen), which provides right proportions of components, or your custom mix. To avoid confusion in which tank what fuel I propose to make a filter that when you turn it on the tanks displayed the type of mix. So that a beginner is not confused by all this at first, it is possible to make methalox as the basic mix There aren't mentioned xenone, ores or exotic fuels becuase for these resources the special tanks are needed I think that function will reduce amount of tanks -> amount of parts and simplify using of different fuels for all spacecrafts
  8. to be honest i was going to suggest this to the ksp 2 development but i never actually was able to find a way of suggesting ideas which i found odd. things like tank tracks and belt systems would be pretty cool and can be used in harmony with rotors, it wouldnt require the tedious construction of janky belts, although the best part would be the tank tracks as it would add so much possibility for recreations and creativity, and i mean like where they are like hinge pieces but WAY more stable, as you could add a certain part that goes with them like a i dont know boggie and drive sprockets that can be attached to rotors. its just a suggestion and i know this will be burried among the other 100000000 suggestions but atleast hopefully someone sees this.
  9. Welcome to this modded tank design competition, And firstly, You'll need this modpack to make and submit your designs: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nmkfcnew87ij8wt/Modpack.7z/file How this competition came to be I was inspired by HB Stratos's "KSP Original Design Competition" But it was about planes instead of tanks.I originally wanted The Creator of FDC to make an addon that uses same vessel interaction to make custom turrets but since he is busy so I guess we will have to make do with the ones in FDC.(if anyone can contact him it will be great) Notes&Rules Also originality and realism(in original designs) are encouraged as that the point of the design competition Plz only use FDC armor as the hull armor Don't clip turrets or Armor together Please don't go over 300 parts per vehicle Use Ksp 1.10.1 This takes place in a version of Kerbin ravaged by war throughout the 20th century. Thus, the years and dates of the wars are different but they do parallel the real life wars in tech. Now,There are four eras in this tank design competition: pre-war(1930s),earlyWW2(1943-1945),late WW2(1946-1949) and the early cold war(1950s-1960s). And your design shall reflect the design choices and technology of each era(along with the details of each contract).The tanks will be reviewed and evaluated on video over on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEeaU7ksRT3GhBW496LnQyQ Anyway,here are the contracts: Pre-War Era(1930s) Early WW2 Submission format [contact no. xy][author(s)][craft name][description][pictures (max 3)][Download link (if possible KerbalX)]
  10. Hello, I haven’t started the game for a long time, but already at the beginning of the game I’m studying the very first technologies for fuel and engines, for example, “rocket science fundamentals”, I’m buying (developing) all the details, and when I switch to the assembly shop, the fuel tank is as if not bought again, and a copy of the old tank appears in the scientific department, and the development must be paid again, and so on ad infinitum. As a result, I can’t fly on anything other than solid fuel engines Image for example under the spoiler
  11. Today, I couldn't decide whether to build a tank or a plane. So I did both. This is the Sergeant, a tank capable of sustained flight and carrying 12 passengers! It takes off nice and easy if you hold S at 70 m/s. Exactly 70 m/s. No more or less. Its landing abilities live up to its looks as it's capable of landing in hazardous terrain: It also gives some pretty awesome screenies around twilight!
  12. While getting back to ksp i built some military vehicles, and here i present two of them. Gepard is 1177 parts and the S122 is 840 parts. Took about a day each to build and i reworked them a couple of times before i got somewhat happy with the result. Built mostly with structural panels with a bit of tweakscale. Features: Gepard - fully movable turret, functional driver & turret hatch, rotating radar dish that can be folded down S122 - fully movable turret, armored turret & front, -6 to +20 gun depression Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2: Driver hatch is kinda sketchy but meh Turret internals: Driver compartment: Stridsvagn 122: I know the tracks look a bit wonky but there arent any that are the right size without being too wide or high.
  13. I just installed planetary bases systems, Near Future Tech, cyro rockets, and all the other stuff that Nertea makes, which come bundled with a bunch of probably outdated config mods like b9 part switch, dynamic battery storage, etc. I am in 1.5.1. Have a feeling it's because of the b9 part switch thing that lets me modify the tanks' contents conflicting with something. I don't know how to make it stop. It stopped randomly once but it's happening again. It might be a hotkey that toggles this behavior. It's also freezing a lot, once every 0.25 seconds, staying frozen for a full second, as I hover over the big fuel tank/decouplers. I have editor extensions redux, as well as a lot of other mods I had prior to installing Nertea's stuff and PBS. Please don't come here to give me a lecture on how bad 1.5.1 is and how stupid I am for trying to use certain mods at certain times for certain versions or whatever. Just help me. I've noticed that I can use different levels of symmetry on a part that I placed on a rocket with a specific level of symmetry; i.e. I placed a decoupler with 3x symmetry but when I put the fuel tank on it with 2x (the only symmetry level I can use for fuel tanks at the moment for some reason) it has radial symmetry about the single decoupler that I am hovering over with the part. I have tried pressing F and it does nothing.
  14. This is my collection of tanks and other armored ground vehicles. Challenger 2 Jagdpanzer IV M16 MGMC Halftrack AA M16 MGMC Halftrack AA - STOCK Challenger 2 https://kerbalx.com/BuxtonHouse/Challenger-2A1 Jagdpanzer IV https://kerbalx.com/BuxtonHouse/Jagdpanzer-IV M16 MGMC Halftrack AA https://kerbalx.com/BuxtonHouse/M16-MGMC M16 MGMC Halftrack AA - STOCK https://kerbalx.com/BuxtonHouse/M16-MGMC-Stock
  15. After re-doing my WH40k Valkyrie I wanted to redo my Land Raider with all the techniques and finesse I’ve learned in the last year or so. So I present my latest creation: The Land Raider Crusader. CRAFT FILE: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Warhammer-40k-Land-Raider-Crusader
  16. M-52 KERMAN Main Battle Tank What better way to come back to the forums, then to post your favorite thing to do: tanks! As usual, this tank is completely stock [NO MODS REQUIRED TO RUN]. It might be a little part intensive for low-end computers. No real need to list and specifications as they are all located on the video or the following album and spoiler below! If you choose to download it, just hit the "DOWNLOAD HERE" to be taken to kerbalX! Enjoy the pictures! and to the few who saw my publicly released video before I posted this here..... well played DOWNLOAD HERE ↓ PHOTO ALBUM BELOW ↓
  17. Hi, everyone! I'm trying to use B9 part switch to make the stock ore tanks have switchable variants for Water and CarbonDioxide (for some custom ISRU patches I've made), but I really have no idea where to start. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Windspren
  18. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/WH40k-Shadowsword-Titan-Hunter A sister variant of the more common Baneblade. The Shadowsword forgoes the Baneblade's flexibility in favor of mounting a forward fixed Volcano Cannon. This armament, while typically mounted on Titans, allows the Shadowsword to engage enemy Titans and other super heavy vehicles with extreme effectiveness.
  19. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/WH40K-Stormlord-Superheavy-Tank-11-Scale
  20. CRAFT FILE: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/WH40k-Stormhammer-Baneblade Fully Functional Stormhammer variant of the Baneblade tank from Warhammer 40k. Weight is the only thing I wasn't able to get right, but it still comes in at a hefty 192 tons (with double layered armor in most major areas.
  21. I've noticed the fuel mass ratio on some of the new tanks seems off. The little R-4 has a terrible ratio (and is incredibly huge for it's 10 liquid fuel) of 1.33:1 The R-11 is much better, but a bit off at 8.18:1 The R-12 donut is a spectacular 31:1 The classic tanks are 9:1 still it seems (full mass:dry mass) The RCS values are also all over the place, although that's the way it's always been (the R-10 is 5:1, the R-25 is 7:1 and the FL-R1 is 8.5).... I only mention this as I recall something about them being updated with new consistent values. Much data entry. Such error. Much ratio. Wow!
  22. I've been working on tanks lately, and I thought that, hey, what if you could flip a tank with another tank's cannon? Rules: 1. The tank that you are flipping needs to survive with no or minimal damage 2. Both vehicles need to have 6 (at a minimum) wheels 3. Both tanks must have a cannon weapon (not a high powered gun) 4. Weapons MUST be from BDArmory 5. The tank to be flipped MUST be upside down or on its side, not just a little hop. Have fun and post the results in the comments!
  23. This is for @Majorjim! and @Redshift OTF, whose tank track projects I have picked up and continued. Here was version 1. The tank has been rebuilt with less parts and is far less prone to breakage. Even performs well too! Included in the video below is @Castille7's lava rock sample test bed he so kindly supplied for me. KerbalX
  24. I'm happy to introduce to you the Lynx II Main Battle Tank. This completely stock fighting vehicle comes armed with 6 high-velocity i-beam launchers (housed on a 360° rotating turret) capable of stopping any adversary in it's tracks. For an extra measure of self defense this tank also features an independent-rotating half-length i-beam launcher mounted on the top of the turret. The Lynx II takes the name from its predecessor. The Lynx II is nowhere near as heavily armored as past vehicles such as the Relentless and instead focuses on being more agile with a lower chassis profile. The Lynx II however does feature a highly sloped upper and lower front glacis in order to help deflect incoming fire. The Lynx II was built on the philosophy that the best defense is a good offense. A single shot from it's main weaponry is often enough to send it's target back to the stone age. The turret ring and bearing mechanism have also been strengthened compared to previous tank models; greatly improving the durability of the machine. In all this 10 meter long tank weighs in at 340 parts and 27 tons. (Make sure to select "Control From here" from the probe core in the center of the chassis after decoupling the central turret) Download The Lynx II Main Battle Tank Here Or download at KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Jon144/JTF---Lynx-II-MBT
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