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  1. License: CC-BY-NC-SA, see license.txt in folder NeistAir UPDATE P9.0 is finally brought out! Check SpaceDock link for further info + download Now B9PartSwitch is a dependency (but also bundled in the mod zip!) today, i took my time, and updated some stuff on the NeistAir Mod, made by neistridlar, and here we are - i am uploading my first reupdated version. Original NeistAir Thread: Changelogs: All Parts in the mod currently: DOWNLOAD: SPACEDOCK: https://spacedock.info/mod/3034/NeistAir Reupdated
  2. TweakScale Companion is a series of "Add'On's Add'Ons", adding TweakScale /L support for third parties, but decoupling the target Add'On's life cycle from TweakScale's , easing maintenance and distribution efforts. The ÜbetPaket is a mega package including all Companions currently published for the lazy installers. This package is updated sparingly, the Companion's repositories (listed below) will always be updated with the latest versions - and are still the canonical way to have everything up to date. In a Hurry: Current Release: 2025.2.7.1 for KSP >= 1.3 Downloads on GitHub (and KSP-AVC users).. on CurseForge.. on SpaceDock. Announce for the current release. Announce for 2022.05.22 Initial Release. Announce for 2023.03.04 Announce for 2023.03.28 Announce for 2023.03.28.4 Announce for 2023.10.21.0 Announce for 2023.10.21.2 Announce for 2024.02.20.0 Announce for 2024.07.13.0 Announce for 2024.10.9.0 Currently, the following Companions are available: Current Companions Gold Status TweakScale Companion for AirCrafts Airplane Plus Neist Airline Parts Stock eXTension - SXT TweakScale Companion for Firespitter For (surpringly :P) Firespiter and Firespiter Extended TweakScale Companion Frameworks Test Flight Cryo Tanks Space Dust System Heat Waterfall TweakScale Companion for KIAS KIS KAS (unreleased) TweakScale Companion PKMC Far Future Technologies Near Future Technologies Near Future Aeronautics Near Future Construction Near Future Electric Near Future Exploration Near Future Launch Vehicles Near Future Propulsion Near Future Solar Near Future Space Craft Stock alike Space Station Expansion (Redux and Legacy) TweakScale Companion for ReStockPlus For ReStock[+] Alphas, Betas and Release Candidates TweakScale Companion for OPT Alpha For OPT Classic Legacy Continued TweakScale Companion LivingStyle Beta CxAerospace Station Parts PorkJet's HabPack HabTech (1) HabTech 2 Station Parts Expansion (Classic) Station Parts Expansion Redux Tokamak Industries TweakScale Companion Multipass Beta MechJeb 2 Tarsier Space Technologies TweakScale Companion SpannerMonkey Beta Large Ship Parts pack SM Marine TweakScale Companion for Rockets Beta Arc Aerospace RealEngines And more to come! Licensing Terms Notes * ALPHA means Companions terribly new and unstable, with features that can be added, changed or removed on every release. Don't use on "production" (i.e.,serious gaming). * BETA means Companions nearly feature complete, but not 100% reliable yet. Bugs are expected and will be fixed on demand, but no current features will be changed or removed otherwise. While being possible to use these on "production", you may find bugs on the gaming and the fix of some of them may render your savegame problematic. * Release Candidate (RC) means the last stage before going gold. Only bug fixes are applied (if any), nothing will change otherwise. These releases are supported the same way Stable ones, they just are not widely published yet. * You can follow what I'm doing (or planning to do) on the github issue tracker.
  3. As from 2018-1016 and under @pellinor agreement, I'm the New Management for TweakScale. From now on, it's all officially my fault! (well, not everything... ) In a Hurry: Help Wanted! See this post. Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-1117) It works from KSP 1.3.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT Users of KSP 1.12.x need to install KSP Recall. Users of KSP 1.11.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.10.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.9.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.8.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.7.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.6.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.5.x need to install KSP Recall as well. Users of KSP 1.4.3, 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 need to install KSP Recall. Am I detecting a pattern here? read this post before updating! Announce for was ditched. Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™. on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™. on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). TweakScale Companion Program Third Party support is being implemented into Companions, and all legacy patches are going End Of Life on TweakScale 2.4.4. Most of them are unusable anyway Check the TweakScale Companion Program's Thread for more information. New Companions are being released on a regular basis. Or get the ÜberPaket from: CurseForge. SpaceDock (for CKAN users) Github (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Relevant Notes Kraken Food (unholy interactions between Add'Ons) is detected on startup, and a proper (and scary) Warning is shown when appropriated. Pay attention to that message, and reach me here for help! Overrules and HotFixes can be issued to workaround the problems if needed. See this post. A PhD thesis about the current problems can be found on this post. An article about how new patches will be handled is here. For users of Infernal Robotics: The Classic Infernal Robotics has a showstopper bug. See this post for details. TweakScale strongly advise using Infernal Robotics/Next where these issues were solved. Description: TweakScale lets you change the size of a part. Not just that, but it will figure out how much fuel is in the resized part. And if it's an engine, it will become more powerful by scaling it bigger, or weaker by scaling it smaller. (Pictures are eternal work in progress! ) Credits: Contributions From: Goodspeed and Biotronic. [original release thread] Pellinor [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Scale Safe!
  4. I have no idea what the issue is, but originally b9partswitch wouldn't work(error thing should still be in the log). Installed Ckan and updated my mods to see if that would work, ended up breaking kopernicus and Tweakscale. I have many mods and i cannot pinpoint anything. please help, log is below [snip]
  5. my tweakscale randomly stopped working. like no parts are working. i have ksp recall, companion, and tweakscale. what do i do?
  6. KGEx (KGX) Agency, flags, common files, tanktypes, and scaletypes for addons. For Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests B9 Stock Patches Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) GPO SpeedPump (GPO) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Shielded PicoPort (SPP) More: Hitchhikers (MHH) More: Service Bays More: Cupolas On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Tags agency, flag, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Footnotes this isn't a mod. ;P ↩ may work on other versions (YMMV) ↩ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date! ↩
  7. i have been using a mod called "NeistAir", and i would really like to know how i can make the cabins of this mod scalable, as i want to build a scale-accurate Boeing 707. what changes do i need to make in the parts cfg?
  8. upon loading the game it tells me there are 2 fatal errors which will seriously curropt the game and it told me to upload the log onto forums so,Here is my ksp log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_kQYY3XEh62iQONo4oLBy3tx1EuaTelT/view?usp=sharing
  9. I got latest vesion of KSP and latest TweakScale version, BUT there is some problem with that. Like it still working but not so correct. When I changing the size of part (It happend with allmost all kindda parts) it slids inside/outside, like, not staying at spot that usual for part, but moving away inside or outside from initial attachment pont. Like it can be all good, but then, when you doing undo or loading the craft, parts are slids inside/outside from initial attachment pont. How can I fix it?
  10. Hello. After 4 years of no KSP I decided to reset my laptop and get it up and running again from scratch. 180 installed mods later the game loads but comes up with a big warning about a fatal Tweakscale error that needs fixing, and recommends I ask you guys if you know what I should do? Error here: https://imgur.com/gallery/TqTbFtd Full KSP.log here: https://we.tl/t-bwNFX8FR12 or the top page screenshot below Would really appreciate your input here. Many thanks!
  11. This mod is a Module Manager config which add Tweakscale support to every modded part that doesn't have Tweakscale configs yet. Requires: Tweakscale and Module Manager: Downloads: : Supported Spacedock Github Suggestions and Feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!!! Changelog License: MIT Credit goes to :@Lisias too for giving me some inspiration and help!! This would not be possible without him!! Thanks a lot Lisias!! Note: All Tweak works fine with the new Breaking Ground DLC (Robotics).
  12. Version of the game: 1.12.3 Description: Tweak Scale doesnt changing size of construction part, no plugin Icon at the toolbar at the right bottom - only small text about TweakScale and slide for changing sizes, but it doesn't working. Chatterer - installed, reinstalled, but no any sounds in the game, as no plugin icon at the toolbar. Mods Installed: Logs: ModuleManager.log Player.log
  13. So I've been having some trouble with tweakscaling some modded parts. Essentially, when I scale up or down an engine, the plume remains the same size. I've looked through the part configs to try and find some solution to change the size of the plume, but without success. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks.
  14. I need help figuring out what my KSP Gamedata and Tweakscale folders should look like. A little while before this, I had been having no problems with or warnings from Tweakscale whatsoever. Then, I updated KSP (Not to the current newest version, but a newer version; can't remember what version or when), and saw a warning how it may not work with this version. I ignored it, and had no troubles. Recently, after I updated to the current newest version (Version 1.11.1), I decided to install the newest version of tweakscale, and attempt to get rid of the "May not work with this KSP version" warning. In doing this=, I messed up my files, and now Tweakscale does not work and all my tweakscaled craft files are corrupted. I can deal with the files, I just need to know how to get Tweakscale working again; Please help!!!
  15. Hello everyone! I know, that there's a new fresh ksp version (that maybe better), but I'm used to playing with mods on older versions, i'm sorry. So, I have an interesting problem. "Unfortunately TweakScale found 6 **FATAL** issue(s) on your KSP installment! This probably will corrupt your savagames sooner or later! The KSP.log is listing every compromised part(s) on your installment, look for lines with '[TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL**' on the log line. Be aware that parts being reported are not culprits, but the Screaming Vistims. There's no possible automated fix for these. This is a Show Stopper problem. Your best line of action is to click the OK button to call for help on diagnosing the Add'On that troubling you. Publish your KSP. log on some file share service and mention it on the post. If you choose to ignore this message and click Cancel to proceed, be advised that your savegames can get corrupted at any time, even when things appear to work by now - and salvage can be harder. Backup everything *NOW* if you choose to ignore this message and proceed - it's recommended to use S.A.V.E. to automate this task for you" - I'll link a KSP.log below. If somebody can help, this would be the best Christmas present! An error image A KSP.log file - To find **FATAL** try to croll down to the end. The image of issue
  16. Note: Asked on BDB thread (no response yet) and Tweakscale thread (to no results, unfortunately) Problem: over 900 tweakscale show-stopping errors, gone after deleting BDB Recreation: no known ways, maybe only occured to me??? Log: https://gofile.io/d/PJFuRF On a unrelated note, installing MMwatchdog causes tweakscale identifies it as two module managers, leading to a big error upon load.
  17. Hello dear community! During my career games I have designed many crafts but few survived the game they were initially made. Today I present my LITHOPPER (the one which jumps on a big rock) in this video. It can be built with lvl6 technologies. You can find the craft in this shared drive. It will be posted later on in Kerbalx.
  18. I realize this isn't a very exciting vehicle by the standards of this forum, but I'm very happy with it. Many of the aircraft I've designed have flown well but have been ugly, or have been sharp-looking but have not flown well. This one looks (to me at least) cool as all get-out, and flies very well indeed. Although I know that KSP has no military content at all, and no way (normally) to arm vehicles, I retired after spending more than 35 years in military service (part of that time in the US Air Force and part as a Department of Defense civilian). This design was inspired by both the US A-10 Thunderbolt II (affectionately nicknamed the Warthog) and by the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 (NATO reporting name Frogfoot), both of which are heavily-armed, slow-flying ground-attack aircraft. The KA-1 Stormbringer is a single-seat fixed-wing STOL aircraft powered by a single turbofan engine. It has a generous wing area for its size, giving it good lift and allowing it to operate from short runways. Its robust landing gear and sturdy construction allow it to operate from unimproved surfaces. It carries ten KAS-3 300-mm unguided (but gyrostabilized) air-to-surface rockets which it can fire in pairs. Whether loaded with rockets or after they've been fired, this aircraft handles magnificently, at least by my inexperienced standards. I can literally roll 90 degrees, pull back on the controls, and change my heading by 180 degrees with almost no effort and without pieces of my aircraft falling off. Or I can make the same heading change by performing an Immelmann or Split-S maneuver, at speed, with maximum control input, without my aircraft disintegrating. I have both of the expansion packs installed, and this designs makes extensive use of the TweakScale mod. I was unable to find a way to decouple the rockets when firing that didn't leave part of the decoupling mechanism on the rocket; if anyone has suggestions for this, I would love to hear them.
  19. I reinstalled tweak scale and the same issue is there, I also reinstalled b9 part switch and that same issue is there, does anyone know how to fix it??
  20. Howdy ! my first post so hope goes well! Ok so, seems common issue within tweakscale to corrupt and find "duplicate Instances". No I havent gave logs to modder yet, they seem super busy. So, 4 months i spent perfecting 1 ship and no saving it now from what log says is a"Tweakscale issue within my Near Future Construction install" log lists a duplicate of every single part in the mod and its even a problem inside restock+ . i manually removed every duplicate copy from said folders, nothing. complete reinstall game, fresh copys all mods that worked fine up till the break, nothing.. im so bummed it was perfect. why did it have to be the construction mod?..its incredible!! But is it broken for everyone? Thanks for any advise in advanced
  21. This is a continuation of Felger's amazing RealPlume - Stock Configs mod. Without his amazing work, this would not be possible. Felger has handed over the upkeep of this mod to @DerpyFirework and myself (see here). RealPlume is a mod most well known among RSS users that is now been brought over for non-RSS users to enjoy! This mod adds realistic engine exhaust plume expansion to engine parts in stock KSP as well as other part mods (if supported). IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT How to Install: Dependencies: These are REQUIRED in order for RealPlume-Stock to work. These files are included in the download and do not need to be installed separately. Module Manager Real Plume SmokeScreen Supported Mods: The following lists all of the mods that currently have support for these effects. The listed mods may or may not be compatible with the latest KSP version. AB Launchers Antares & Cygnus - Joint Project Atomic Age Bluedog Design Bureau Cryogenic Engines D.I.R.E.C.T Eve Optimized Engines FASA Home Grown Rockets Jool DIRECT Kerbal Atomics Kerbal Stock Launcher Overhaul KOSMOS URM KSPX KW Rocketry Redux Missing History Moar Mk1 Modular Rocket Systems Near Future Technologies Porkjet's Part Overhaul Planetary Base Inc. Procedural Parts Real Scale Boosters RLA Stockalike SDHI Service Module System Space Launch System Space Station Parts Pack SpaceY Expanded SpaceY Heavy-Lifters Squad Squad - Making History SXT Continued Taerobee Tantares Tantares LV Taurus HCV Tundra Exploration - SpaceX Stoackalike Umbra Space Industries Ven's Stock Revamp VX Series II Engine Pack Download Here SpaceDock Mirror Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Known Issues: Thrust limiting on engines get reset upon install. BEWARE IN THE KSP TUTORIALS Switching to a vessel with an engine as a root part will cause the plume to not show. Smoke effects looks strange, will fix eventually. Contributing: Since we don't support all the mods that add engines, we're always looking for contributors to help attach plumes to engines. The process itself is very easy. Start out with a regular RealPlume install, with Blizzy's Toolbar installed as well. Make a .cfg file for your engine with this text in it: Performance: If you are suffering from a FPS drop, set the particle limit (bundled with a default value of: 5000) in the SmokeScreen settings to a lower number. You will need to use the toolbar mod to access this or change it in the configuration file after running the game with SmokeScreen once. Compatibility: This is fully cross-compatible with HotRockets, however RealPlume will overwrite HotRockets plumes where both configure the same engine. Because of the way ModuleManager works, any other mods that add effects to engines will either be overwritten, or potentially overwrite RealPlume configs depending on where they fall in alphabetical order relative to RealPlume. Changelog: v1.3.1: Updated Module Manager to v3.1.3 Updated Making History configs Updated Sounding Rockets config Updated .version file v1.3.0: Updated Module Manager to v3.1.1 Updated Squad configs Updated Making History configs Updated Ven's Stock Revamp configs Re-added .version file v1.2.0: Updated Module Manager to v3.0.6 Updated SmokeScreen to v2.8.0.0 Added engine configs Fixed configs missing various syntax v1.1.0: TweakScale support added Updated Module Manager to v3.0.1 Updated SmokeScreen to v2.7.6.1 Added engine configs All dependencies are included with their own license and are separate from the development of RealPlume-Stock Older changes can be found here RealPlume-Stock Contributors: Felger - Made the mod, we wouldn't be here without him <3 Sarbian - For giving us the gift of scaling our engine plumes DerpyFirework - Co-Maintainer alongside myself DaZeInBok - Thread header Nazari1382, ferram4, Dragon01, Kickasskyle, Probus, Svm420, randazzo, nanuschao, amo28, NoMrBond, jsolson, politas, Andrew2448, OhioBob
  22. I recently discovered TweakScale - in addition to the other mods I'm using - and it got me wondering, why not just make TweakScale a standard? The mods I'm using have different kinds of containers that come in different sizes cluttering up the parts catalog. CCK helps a lot sorting them out by mod. But wouldn't it be simpler if the modders just create 1 part that we can customize the size via TweakScale; and markings via B9PartSwitch? For example, SSPXR lets me change the container type and the decals on the container changes to reflect the contents. I understand that TweakScale is not a global solution. For example, using it on command pods doesn't make sense. I don't do it, but I'm glad I can make a Tardis-like cockpit if I want to :) But for tanks, containers, decouplers, stack separators, etc., I think that it makes absolute sense. Hopefully, less clutter on the parts list translates to less work for modders.
  23. Tweak Scale Limited I love the idea behind tweakscale and I really want to install it so I can scale infernal robotics parts, but it adds scaling to alot of things that I really dont want scaling on. I also love Kerbal Research and Development for upgrading parts, but it blacklists anything that has a tweakscale module, making using the two together fairly pointless. This is my attempt to build a set of configs that will solve these problems. The first feature I want to add is to limit what kind of parts can be scaled. I ended up putting all parts into a couple different categories as outlined below. Scaling Forbidden Scaling Allowed Crewed Parts Anything with crew capacity, connected living space, everything in the mk2/mk3 form factor, docking ports. Structural Parts fuel tanks, heat shields, wings, control surfaces, structural parts, adapters Complex Machinery Parts All engines, resource converters, drills Simple Mechanical Parts Landing Gear, wheels, landing legs, radiators, cargo bays, air intakes, decouplers, reaction wheels, RCS blisters, infernal robotics, SRBs Complex Electronics Parts science experiments, antenna, data transmitters, resource scanners, scansat parts, probe cores, smart parts Simple Electrical Parts solar panels, batteries The second feature I wanted to add is a limiter on the scaling so that parts can only be adjusted up and down in a small range around the their default size. I also love the 1.875 size parts in several mods and wanted to support that too. Ultimately I decided on adding a new intermediate size between each of the stock sizes, and then allowing any part to get scaled one size bigger and two sizes smaller. For example a 2.5m tank could get scaled down to 1.25m but not up to 5m, this way smaller parts will never supplant larger parts and all the stock sizes stay relevant instead of just becoming cosmetic choices. Compatibility Since this is just some module manager patches that key off the other modules on parts it should work with most mods. Its possible that tweakscale gets removed from something that should still have it, those situations have to be handled on a case by case basis. I have tested it with all the following part mods and will be using this in my future career games. Dependencies TweakScale ModuleManager DOWNLOAD - GitHub Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
  24. I've been trying to re-size a few specific parts, so far with no success. I downloaded Tweakscale, but the documentation included with it is not very extensive. I've searched for tutorial videos, but all the ones I've found so far are just brief reviews saying how great it is... I'm confused. Do I need to insert the proper Tweakscale module manually into each .cfg file of the parts I want to resize? Is there something about the recent updates (1.4.1) that's blocking the functionality that's supposed to be happening? Is there a tutorial somewhere for someone who is essentially a monkey coder (=can copy what else is there and follow patterns, but have no deep understanding of it)?
  25. Hi guys! I want to know if its possible to resize some cockpits, i want to make Ke-111 from SXT mod to 2,5 m. I saw searching for new cockpits some planes with Ke-111 at 2,5 but i have tweakscale and i can't resize this cockpit. Maybe is the version?? I have Tweakscale 2.3 in KSP 1.2 and SXT Continued 0.3 The purpose of this is to make a big b-29 or something of this size Thanks to all!!!
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