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As from 2024-1010 and under @maja agreement, I'm the New Management for Bon Voyage. In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0921) It works from KSP 1.8.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Downloads on CurseForge. Soon™ on SpaceDock (for CKAN users). Soon™ on GitHub (for manual and/or KSP-AVC users). Relevant Notes Bon Voyage only kicks when the craft is on rails. You need to switch scenes, or focus a vessel beyound the current physics range! Description: What's the best way of getting science from celestial body? The answer is DRIVE! What's the best way of delivering ore or supplies from distant location to your base? The answer is make your wheels rolling and ships rowing! But did you try to drive for 110 km for two hours, avoiding obstacles and keeping your speed in sane limits? It's not fun anymore. Don't worry! Automagic Industries brings you a new autopilot, which reduces driving accidents by 100%. Bon Voyage is here and it will drive your rovers and ships in background! Credits: Contributions From: RealGecko. [original release thread] Maja [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Navigate Safe!
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There is an old topic on this but it advised me to start a new thread so here it is. The rover wheels are not good at all. They just don't feel well suited/balanced to the game. The main issue for me is they lack torque. I don't need or expect them to go 45m/s in every scenario (which would be 100mph!), only on perfectly flat ground might they eventually reach 30ish m/s, but I do really think they should be able to move a heavy load faster than a Kerbal can sprint (lets say 3m/s) up a very steep slope, such that a very heavy rover might tip over backwards from the torque of the wheels if the slope gets too steep. Yes, I know that might not be realistic but this is meant to be a fun game is it not? I had a roughly 20 ton rover/lander on 4 ruggedized wheels and when I landed at Eeloo they did basically nothing, the craft just rolled down into the center of the very shallow valley I landed in. From the very rugged look of them, I would have expected them to move heavy loads, not very fast put with a bunch of power. As it is, they acted like roller skate wheels, completely unpowered. I get that with low gravity there would be less traction while the vehicle has the same inertia, but still I think the wheels need to be buffed to make them less frustrating, more fun and way more usable in more situations, maybe at the expense of some realism, but even then they seem to be broken far beyond what would be realistic. They just aren't suited to the hilly terrain found in the game. They work okay on the runway though. I don't know why they would be geared to go so fast when they can't move much of anything. They need to be buffed with more power and grip, but maybe there should also be a slider which allows the player to adjust the gear ratio from a crazy fast 50m/s but low torque to 3m/s but with massive torque. I think that would be a great improvement that allows for the fact that the player can build such a wide variety of things that the rover wheels need such a wide variety of performance characteristics to suit. The brakes are also broken. They did nothing on Eeloo, until I did eventually stop they was able to stop me rolling as long as I kept my finger on the B key. Testing them beforehand on kerbin was totally different. After a short pause after pressing the B key they stopped the rover so hard that it flipped the 20 ton roving lander thing end over end! Turning the brake force down from 100% to 98% made them not seem to work at all.
always when i build a rover with a lot of wheels, the angle of wheels near the center is lower than the ones which are a bit more distant has anyone got an idea how to override this?
KSPWheel - An alternate physics-based wheel collider solution for Kerbal Space Program. This is not a parts mod. It does not add new parts to the game. It is useless by itself. What it is, is a new Wheel Collider component, and a set of PartModules to enable its use on stock-rigging-compatible wheel models. It is intended to be packaged as a dependency with other mods, similar to how FireSpitter / ModuleManager are used. What it does is provide a new physics-based wheel collider that is not subject to the limitations or performance constraints of the Unity5 WheelCollider component or the stock KSP PartModules. It allows for multiple colliders in a single model with arbitrary collider orientations. It uses a discrete spring/damper based suspension model that properly responds to changes in wheel loading (add more weight, and the suspension compresses more) (also now includes an optional auto-spring-calculation mode). Includes curve-based independently tune-able lateral and longitudinal friction calculations, configurable rolling resistance, accurate and configurable motor power use calculations, and configurable steering parameters. There is nothing here intended for end-user use. This plugin is an API and consists purely of functions and features intended for other mods and modders to use. This thread is intended as a centralized area for discussion of features and balance. DO NOT use it to submit bug reports. You may -check- with others to see if something is a bug through the forum thread, but if it turns out to be a bug, you -must- file a report through github; failure to properly file the bug report will result in the bug not being fixed. Downloads: Documentation: Bug Reports: Only accepted through Github. Include logs (KSP.log), screenshots if applicable, and steps for duplication or your issue will be summarily closed without response. Be polite, do the responsible thing, and file proper bug reports. Bugs reported on the forums will result in being reported to moderators for cluttering the thread and being personally ignored. Just don't do it. If you can't be bothered to submit a proper bug report, I'm not going to bother to fix your problem. Source: License: Source is licensed under GPL. Please see the accompanying license files, browse them at the repository, or view them on the web at: Legal / Other: This mod redistributes ModuleManager under its own license terms. KSPWheel is Used in the following mods (pm me to be added to the list):
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note: collider problems mentioned in this post may be the problems of wheel colliders and\or at the same time problems of objects' coliders around KSC 1. those are supposed to climb over obstacles on distant planets but they cannot overjump a tiny rail? (the response force of hitting a rail even slowly is very high - are you using Motor.SetTorque on collision??!) 2. for Kerbals wheel colliders do not exist you can run, jump and do hoops through this wheel and also you fall through it
I've been playing around with rovers, and they are all struggling to go up slopes. IRL, I think a car can do about 20 degrees, and the Curiosity rover is programmed to attempt slopes up 30 degrees. I took a rover with bigger wheels to The Mun, and it had similar struggles. As did this stock vehicle, And this thing: Idk if it's realistic or not, but they feel underpowered to me. To make rovers more useful to play with, I think wheels need better ability to take on slopes. Especially so we can make things with proportions like this: Rather than having to cram on as many wheels as possible like I tried with my larger vehicle.
I had a "oh now I get it" moment after doing a bunch of research and testing on wheel settings in career mode, and here's my attempt at the post that would've saved me some time: Friction Control: Varies the amount of friction between the wheels and the ground. You can think of this as changing out different sets of tires with varying amounts of grip. Higher Friction Control: The wheel is less prone to sliding, slipping, and spinning out, at a tradeoff of the craft being more likely to flip over during a turn (the wheel becomes more likely to lift off the ground when rapidly changing direction since it doesn't want to skid). Higher friction can help keep a vehicle in place when braked on an incline. It can also help keep wheels from spinning out in low gravity environments (lower gravity = less downward pressure on the wheel, for which higher FC can help compensate). Lower Friction Control: The wheel is more likely to slide, both front to back and side to side, and hence a craft with low FC may be more likely to spin out than to flip over. It can also make your steering-enabled wheels less responsive (they slide a little in addition to turning), which helps keep a rover stable at high speeds by preventing overly tight turns. Wheels with lower FC are less responsive to acceleration and braking as well. Tips: Having a higher friction control on the back wheels (with steering disabled) can prevent you from spinning out Having a lower friction control on the front wheels (with steering enabled on the front and not the back) can prevent you from flipping over while trying to steer at high speed (effectively makes your wheels less responsive to steering without enabling advanced tweakables) You may need higher friction control when driving up and down steep inclines or on low gravity surfaces UPDATE June 2023: Per the third link below (and my testing), while counterintuitive, you actually want to lower the friction control when driving on low-gravity bodies. While you may want to compensate for the low gravity environment (which imposes less downward force on the wheels) with more friction to make your vehicle more responsive to acceleration and breaking, you also make the vehicle more likely to flip over when turning. First priority in a low gravity environment is generally keeping your wheels on the ground in the first place when driving, and low friction control helps you do that at the cost of lower responsiveness. Consider combining tweaks to brake percentage with tweaks to friction control when trying to keep your planes from spinning as you land/brake More of a brakes thing, but remember that KSP doesn't have anti-lock brakes, so if you're spinning out while breaking try pumping the breaks rather than holding them down Traction Control: Lowers the motor output to a wheel if it is spinning faster than the vehicle is moving. It's like the traction control in cars. The Drive Limiter function lets you lower the amount of power the motor is outputting to the wheels Higher Traction Control: The motor will put out less torque as a wheel meets/exceeds the vehicle's speed. This can prevent a wheel from spinning out (no torque for you until you match the rest of the vehicle!), but tends to lower motor output for the wheel overall. This lower output can also use less electricity per wheel on average when traveling. Lower Traction Control: The motor will continue to provide higher output as the wheel approaches/exceeds the vehicle's speed. This can make a wheel more prone to spinning out (overcoming its friction with the ground and sending your rover flying out of control). Lower traction control can help a vehicle on steep inclines (as it delivers more power to the wheels) or if a vehicle is stuck. Tips: Pay attention to electricity resource consumption and the "Motor" status gauges in the wheel right click menu to get a better sense of what Traction Control is doing to your vehicle Unlike Friction Control, Traction Control only affects your vehicle if you're using the motor. If you're powering your vehicle with jets, rockets, or rotor blades, Traction Control isn't relevant Dev Blog References here, here and here Hope this helps, and if I missed something important/got something wrong, please chime in!
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What's the best way of getting science from celestial body? The answer is DRIVE! What's the best way of delivering ore or supplies from distant location to your base? The answer is make your wheels rolling! But did you try to drive for 110 km for two hours, avoiding obstacles (screw you Mun Highlands) and keeping your speed in sane limits? Well I did! And that was boooooooring! And who wants to be bored by super crazy explosion simulator called KSP? I guess no one! Well, no more boredom! Bon Voyage is here and it will drive your rovers in background! Kerbal stories Chapter 1: Fast and Furious Chapter 2: Around the Mun in one munar day Legal Information: Superb "Bon Voyage Pathfinder" model was created by @Enceos and is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Cool and colorized app launcher icon made by Madebyoliver and licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 Source code is licensed under GPLv3 How it works: I don't know.... I honestly don't.... OK OK, just kidding. Rover must be landed It has to have BonVoyage controller aboard, seek in Control tab or use some cool rover mod (listed below) All rover wheels must be intact At least three of rover's operable wheels must be on the ground Rover must be landed Rover will move with average speed varying from 50% to 70% of wheels max speed (can be boosted up to 95% by skilled pilot ) To start moving your power production must be at least 35% of wheels max consumption Rover can be solar powered Rover must be landed Rover can have alternative power source(RTGs, Nuclear Reactors, Fission Reactors, Antimatter Reactors, whole bunch of reactors is supported, if it has "reactor" in it's name than it will definitely work) If rover cannot move without solar power it will idle until Sun is 0 degrees above the horizon There must be a clear straight path to target not anymore...heheheee (just try not to overload pathfinding) ROVER MUST BE LANDED!!! How to: Add BonVoyage module to your rover (seek in Control tab) If you have MM installed, then Malemute, Karibou, Buffalo, ARES, Puma and FUR cabs get BV automatically, no need to use additional part. Launch your rover If you're just playing with BV and launch a rover at KSC, then at start your rover state will be "Prelaunch", BV won't work at that state. Move your rover a little so that MET starts ticking and then BV is ready to be activated Right click on BonVoyage module (or rover cab if you use some cool rover mod listed above) Click "Pick target on map" or "Set to active target" or "Set to active waypoint" Path finding may take some time, be patient (C# is not the power horse ). You can go to map mode and see built route for inspection If path was not found in ten seconds it will break, try some closer point Click "Poehali!!!" Go to tracking station...or launch a new vessel...or do whatever you want... ?????? PROFIT!!!!!111oneoneone Some math: Power requirements calculations are really simple. Let's say you've built a rover on Malemute chassis with six Malemute Modular Wheels, each of 'em has max power consumption equal to 3.5. This means overall max consumption is 3.5 * 6 = 21. BV "requires" that your max power production is equal to 35% of max wheels' consumption 21/100*35 = 7.35 EC/s. So if your solar panels and/or RTGs provide 7.35 electric charge per second, then you're good to go. Your rover average speed will be 70% of wheels' max speed. In case of Malemute Modular Wheels it will be 35/100*70 = 24.5 m/s. Of course 7.35 charge per second is not really easy to achieve in case of rovers. What other options do you have? The answer is pretty easy: shutdown motor on two of your wheels. This will reduce power requirement to 3.5*4/100*35 = 4.9 EC/s. But beware that your rover average speed will fall to 60% - 35/100*60 = 21 m/s. If you disable two more wheels, then you power requirement will be just 3.5*2/100*35 = 2.45 EC/s, but average speed will fall to 50% - 35/100*50 = 17.5 m/s. There few things to note: Pilots, USI Scouts and crew members with Autopilot skill can increase average speed dramatically, train your crew Low on power? Your rover will be sloooow Night rides are slooooooooow Unmanned rovers are sloooooooooooooooooow There is a plan for average speed to vary according to gravity of celestial body and mass of rover. If you can propose some better math, then do it Hey man! That's too complicated! How do I build rover that just rides??? Build your rover as usual Add solar panels Add moar solar panels Grab some RTGs Don't forget couple of nuclear reactors KSPI antimatter reactors are pretty powerful, add at least one. Now for wheels: more wheels = better. Add a dozen of 'em, it does not even matter if your wheels point in different directions, just have a lot of 'em. Take your most skilled pilot and send him on vacation, he already got mental trauma while you were building the rover described above. Add probe core to your rover. Don't forget to add some powerful radiators to dissipate heat from probe core overloaded with the mess you've done building the rover described above. Done! Your rover will be able to deal with any slope and any crater in The Universe....if pathfinding algorithm won't fail first... Wanna wanna wanna: Bonus: Victims of the alpha test. Not for the faint of heart. Sponsored by HyperEdit(R) Changelog: Known issues:
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Launching any craft that has wheels contacting the ground instantly start bouncing wildly. This persists until I manually override the Spring/Damper settings. Adjusting the sliders to higher values makes the issue much worse; throwing the entire craft into the air and flipping it, causing it to crash into the ground. Adjusting the sliders lower seem to fix the bounciness, but the moment I reset the Spring/Damper back to Auto, the issue returns and persists. My current mod list is as follows: Here's the relevant log: And here is a demonstration of the issue:
I've just built an aircraft with mod parts, the landing gear specifically being from the Firespitter mod. Even when I load the craft, it starts moving backwards, but it stops when the engine starts and is put at full thrust. But when I try to land the plane and stop, it begins to go into reverse again. I turned off the reverse movement in the wheels, but it didn't stop. Starting the engine doesn't do anything, nor does braking, only an annoyingly loud noise. What could be the issue?
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My wheels won't stop turning
InkzDJ posted a topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs)
I modified one of the stock crater crawlers to suit my play style, managed to land it safely on Eve using cheats (I'm quite new to the game, i'm playing sandbox to wrap my head around the mechanisms before I start a career). Once I'd landed I realised that the crawler was sliding down a sand dune at about 19m/s, the vehicle began to roll and I saw that the wheels were turning. TL/DR: I'm upside down on Eve and my wheels are turning on their own. I can't stop them please help -
So I had a thought today, "Would mecanum wheels work in KSP?" The answer is: Yes. They do, in fact, work. For those wondering what mecanum wheels are, they are wheels that allow lateral (sideways) movement. They are wheels that are made with smaller wheels/rollers around their circumference of them, canted at a 45 degree angle from their center axis. I made a short video demonstrating a drivetrain in KSP using them: I'm not entirely sure what applications you could use this for in KSP, but it is interesting that they work in the game, and I thought I would share that. Have fun!
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We've all done it, we're loading up a vessel on the runway and we get called away so we leave the game. When we come back, our plane is either in the field off the runway, down near the end, or worse, in the water, sometimes with broken parts. So my suggestion, add a button that lets you deploy the brakes in the hanger, or change the default to brakes are deployed upon loading. And I know you can just undeploy the wheels in the hanger and the plane would sit still, but I've had stuff break a few times when making the plane stand up from the ground. Also, there's a chance the kraken could strike and make the plane bounce 25 feet into the air before falling on it's side and destroying a wing.
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I know that landing gear have a set limit for which is the max they can hold and land. I think that it also matters if you land on the runway or out in the field somewhere. I understand that for the basic fixed land gear the max tonnage was something like 5 tons. (At least it was a few game version ago.) Hence I never use them because all of my basic science planes are heavier. But recently I overloaded the LY-10 gear and so now I was looking for a chart. Imagine my surprise when I see that the Kerbal Wiki says the max limit is 7 tons. I just landed my 17 ton plane just fine with them! So the question is, does anyone know what the max weight is for these gear and for a bonus the practical effect of spring and damper strength?
So i havent played for a really long time. Now with the new Update and DLC i thought well lets start over again. I started to work on my first Rover on a completly new Install of KSP with no Mods and noticed that the Rovemax S2 Wheels are hovering above the surface. I cant remember that they did that before so i wonder if this is a bug? The forum itself didnt gave me a answer when i searched it. And i didnt noticed any problems with other wheels. I find this slightly disturbing and triggering :'D ~Neko
Obviously my own "stupidity" rating is on the high side... I've been trying (and failing) to piece together something understandable from all the discussion of landing gear/wheel problems in 1.1.2. Would some kind Kerbingineer please summarize it at a relatively simple (i.e., non-programmer) level? I have searched through a lot of the discussions on the forum, but I haven't found a post that explains it all satisfactorily. Specifically, I hope to find straightforward answers to these sub-questions: 1. I have heard that landing gear/wheel behavior has changed, apparently not for the better, in 1.1.2. Is this a bug, an intended modification of the game physics, or perhaps a combination (i.e., buggy modification of physics)? 2. Are all landing-gear type items affected? For instance, landing legs, aircraft landing gear, and rover wheels? Anything else that contacts the ground? 3. Is there a known workaround(s), patch, or recommended best practices to minimize/avoid the problems?
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- 1.1.2
- landing gear
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Hi, So I've been fighting with KSP for a while, as gradually more and more glitches have piled up. The game is at the point of being fairly unplayable now, with most recent glitches including; rover wheels not interacting with the ground or not turning at all, landers failing to extend their legs when asked, and parts in the VAB/SPH failing to attach to one another as intended... These problems are limiting what I can make to the extent that I basically can't do anything fun on KSP anymore - is there any way I can fix them? I'm running KSP on a 2012 Macbook Pro, running Sierra 10.12.6, with the latest available version of KSP. No mods are running, and I already tried deleting and reinstalling the game. Thanks
OBSOLETE -- PLEASE SKIP (OR MODERATOR DELETE) Sorry if this is stale and covered long ago. I took a break from KSP last September just as 1.2 came out. It took a while to upgrade mods etc but I am fionally back and trying to sort out compatibility problems. I had to upgrade my mining rig from 10 small radiators to 22 to get it to operate sustainably (although an advantage is that I can now operate all 3 excavators simultaneously without overheating). Now I notice that my fuel truck will no longer steer reliably. All of the docking ports are vertically oriented and motor and steering directions were all, once set, consistent. Now, I find that steering direction seems to depend on the terrain and going over a rise can cause everything to discombobulate. Rather than debug or analyze this change, can someone point me to a HowTo for rovers oriented toward how to control and steer them in a set-and-forget manner? (It's also worth mentioning that fuel pipes I had previously connected from tank to *engine* no longer function reliably. I'd love to get more information on any changes that may have impacted that.) UPDATE: Apologies: I mounted an Okto on a forward-facing surface, and it's all fine regardless of terrain, including it now gives me an accurate compass heading. Sorry for shooting too quick.
getting no friction or grip with my wheels causing my rovers and space planes to either flip over or just slide around the place and drift... is this a bug with my modded install or 1.3.1 in general? I've put my ksp log up anyway if you need anything else just ask. KSP log:
So I came back, and I bring an idea from two years ago, but improved: Omnidirectional wheels. In addition of other two new: Continuous tracks and Screw drives Omnidirectional wheels: Omnidirectional wheels are wheels and systems that gives the ability of move omnidirectionally without spin to the land vehicle. My idea is basically add these three types of wheel (and variants by company or size, of course): - Omni wheel (little). - Mecanum wheel (small and medium). - Liddiard wheel (medium and big). Omni wheel: Omni wheels are basically primitive omnidirectional wheels. They are common wheels with added little wheels to the edge, in perpendicular to the main wheels. These wheels would be slightly hard to use, possibly would need the use of action groups. However, with this you can make functional omnidirectional vehicles with octagonal, triangular, etc shapes. Mecanum wheels: This type of wheel is a multi-wheel that contains small wheels aligned 45º over the extreme of multi-wheel, and aligned 45º degrees over de radius of multi-wheel. How it works? Small wheels deviate the multi-wheels when these multi-wheels spin each in different direction, this causes a lateral or spin movement of vehicle, much more useful. These wheels would be easier to use than omni wheels, using like controls AWSD, and also Q and E for move to left and right without spin. Basically, vehicles with this type of wheels would have a better maneuverability and bigger left-right speed than the other two types, but it would have a big lack of friction. Liddiard wheels: Liddiard wheels are basically toroidal wheels which inside has rollers and tires has an special rolling system. This type of wheel move like common wheels, but its toroidal tires can spin from inside to outside for move right or left. These wheels, like mecanum wheels, use AWSDQE controls. Basically, vehicles with this type of wheels would have a big friction and traction, however the left-right speed is the lowest of the three types of omnidirectional wheels. Continuous tracks: This is the drive system of tanks and several types of tractors. This drive type would have sizes from small to big. additionally, these could have an special modular building (ie, you can adjust the length of the continous track, longer will cost more expensive and shorter cheaper, obviously). Screw drive: This would have an extremelly big friction, plus the ability of move left and right without spin. Controls are, again, AWSDQE. The problem of the screw drive is its big size and mass. Screw drive in action: What do you think?
Hello. I recently recieved a contract to make a outpost on minmus with wheels. I have created two segments that will combine to make the outpost. But when I was testing if they would dock correctly half of the wheels broke when they did dock. I quickloaded and this happens every time. Also I do not have a lvl. 3 engineer so I cant repair them. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I built this Munar rover for a kolony I'm working on. Unfortunately, it randomly shakes until a wheel breaks. When I repair it, it shakes until a different wheel breaks. This repeats indefinitely. Here's the .craft file so you can try it out yourself - By the way, control from the docking port clipped into the top of the lander can. Also, some parts are "floating"; here's how I did it in case you're curious or mess something up -
Hello, I am wondering what the most very basic setup for a wheel is - no suspension, no steering, just a free-rolling axel type thing. Currently I have like so in Unity: Click for zoom. Each wheel pivot object has a sphere collider. And the config: PART { name = Tantavan module = Part author = Tantares MODEL { model = Tantares/Parts/VAN/van } scale = 1.0 rescaleFactor = 1.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 bulkheadProfiles = size1 attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0 CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 buoyancy = 1.5 buoyancyUseSine = False TechRequired = flightControl entryCost = 3500 cost = 1000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = VAN manufacturer = VAN MAKERSD description = WE MaDE THIS VAMN tags = VANS mass = 2 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.20 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 20 maxTemp = 3400 skinMaxTemp = 3400 heatConductivity = 0.1 thermalMassModifier = 1.0 vesselType = Ship CrewCapacity = 3 MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 1.5 YawTorque = 1.5 RollTorque = 1.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.075 } } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = crewReport experimentActionName = Crew Report resetActionName = Discard Crew Report reviewActionName = Review Report useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2.0 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = WheelBase1 wheelTransformName = WheelBase1 wheelType = MOTORIZED // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = True TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = WheelBase2 wheelTransformName = WheelBase1 wheelType = MOTORIZED // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = True TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = WheelBase3 wheelTransformName = WheelBase1 wheelType = MOTORIZED // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = True TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = WheelBase4 wheelTransformName = WheelBase1 wheelType = MOTORIZED // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = True TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized } } Unfortunately, in-game it does not work at all. The van is stuck in place and doesn't move, the wheels also do not spin at all. (I attached some thruster to push and try to get it rolling on the wheels). I am only familiar with two current mods and modders who do wheels (There are probably a lot more, but off from the top of my head I cannot think of any). @Angel-125 @RoverDude @Shadowmage ( I think? ) Sorry to tag you guys and drag in - but, the secret knowledge is elusive and I don't think many community members who know this are still around Can I put a powerful bounty here? If somebody helps me learn to do this, I will put out a Lunokhod!
I am new to the forums so please let me know if I am doing anything wrong here. I have been playing KSP for a while now and have thoroughly enjoyed the game and the updates the devs have made to it. I love designing and building ships and vehicles, and this game provides one of the most fun ways to do it! One of the updates I really like is the auto strut feature; it keeps the ships stable while also keeping them clean looking. These days I usually play with mods, and I have recently been having a lot of fun with Infernal Robotics (IR). The other day, I was trying to build rovers with IR parts and suspensions (The stock wheel suspensions cannot provide the up and down wheel travel that I would prefer). I noticed that the wheel bases being locked on auto strut to heaviest part seemed to make any IR parts connected to them in some way either unable to move or cause any IR part movement to twist the rover parts violently. This was frustrating and creatively inhibiting for me. I found that other people were having issues with this, including the wheels' auto struts moving to (or failing to move from) different heaviest parts when docking/undocking craft, especially when using Kerbal Attachment System. This basically illustrates the problem that others and I are having: My primary question for Squad is, can auto strut locks on wheels and other parts be removed, letting us choose whether or not to auto strut the wheel bases? I like auto struts and don't think they should be removed. Perhaps the default could be to auto strut the wheels to heaviest part, but if advanced tweakables is selected the user can change it. I get that auto strutting the wheel bases to heaviest part keeps rovers from wiggling and exploding on undock when being carried in cargo bays, but is there a more elegant solution than locking the auto strut on the wheels? My secondary question is whether or not anyone has found a temporary workaround for this? I dabble in C and Visual Studio but I am new at writing mods for the game. I do not have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed and I am using KSP 1.2.2. I am using the latest IR build 2.0.10 from, and I have confirmed that the mod works properly when not using wheels. Here is what I have tried to do to temporarily get around this issue: 1. I edited the 'autostrutMode' values for all the wheels in the craft file, turning it from 'ForceHeaviest' to 'Off'. This had no effect. 2. I made the cubic octagonal struts weigh dozens of tons and attached them to the wheel bases with the hope they would auto strut to that part and not the rest of the craft. This did not work because of course the wheels could be auto strutting to only one of the several cubic octagonal struts on the craft. 3. I tried to add a new technology to the game and then change the 'autoStrutTechRequired' value in the physics configuration file. I thought that this might work for sandbox mode if a science career was started and then all but that tech was unlocked in the debug menu. I failed at this because I am not good at modding this game and could not even get the new tech added. I also don't know if auto strut is always on for the wheels even if it hasn't been unlocked by general construction. 4. I tried the fix proposed by J.Random in this thread: Putting his code into a cfg file in the GameData folder did not work for me. 5. I tried a basic patch using code suggested by Shadowmage in this thread: This did not work, but I am also not good at modding this game. Here are a few other posts I have been looking at: Thanks for reading my post and considering my suggestion! Please let me know your opinions and if you have found a workaround for this.
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- auto strut
- strut
(and 3 more)
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