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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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On 9/2/2018 at 2:12 PM, Lisias said:

New Horizons IS WORKING on KSP 1.4.5 and Kopernicus All you need to do is to apply the Tidus fix from Lyneira and to make sure Making History is not Installed. If I would make a bet on the reason, I would place my coins on the code that checks for the Making History halting up while trying to place the new launching sites on a reparented Kerbin. (again, this is a guess - I didn't check this).


let me check this

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Lisas you are correct, And I have found a fix so that it Works with Making History.

All you need to do is add this line in Kerbin.cfg after the first { .

removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site


I found it after looking at an install with Galileo's Planet Pack and GPP Secondary that I had. 


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"KSC, we have a probem…"

This does not works:

	removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site
			sphereOfInfluence = 6000000

KSP loads and goes to the Main Menu, but nothing is clickable. No Exceptions or warnings on KSP.log neither Player.log (Unity's log on MacOS) were found. What's essentially the problem i faced after applying Lyneira's workaround.

So, I tried this:

	removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site
			sphereOfInfluence = 6000000

And things now works, except that Kerbin is not reparented, and it's orbiting Kerbal as usual (and not Sonnah as expected).

This may or may not be a problem, it depends of the player. I would prefer having Kerbin orbiting Sonnah as intended by the mod's author, but it's a matter of taste - I'm pretty sure that someone would prefer Kerbin this way.

What's bothers me is that this appears to be a glitch or side effect caused by something unexpected, not an intended feature. Even by deleting Making History, this change blocks Kerbin from being reparented.

Edited by Lisias
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10 minutes ago, MinimalMinmus said:

I tried doing it using @Lisias and the menu never stops loading, with the 3 spinning planets symbol. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: completely removing Tidus out of the game seems to work, but I'd rather have every moons on. what can I do?

Probably a typo on the Tidus.cfg. This is mine, and it's working:


		name = Tidus
			exportMesh = true
			update = true
		cacheFile = New_Horizons/Cache/Tidus.bin
            name = Laythe
			removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
            referenceBody = Vanor
            inclination = 0.1
            eccentricity = 0.018
            semiMajorAxis = 25582860
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 121
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 32
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.68,0.7,0.72,1
			description = The equator of this vast ocean world is only kept liquid by the tidal forces exerted from Vanor. Scientists at the KSC recommend wearing a jumper when visiting.
			radius = 580000
			geeASL = 1.2
			rotationPeriod = -10799.9560546875
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 139000 145000 150000 200000 300000 600000 800000

			biomeMap = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Vanor/PluginData/Tidus_biome.dds

                    name = Tidal Ocean
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0,0,0,1
                    name = Tidal Shores
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,1,1,1
                    name = Arctic Lands
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0,0,0,1
                    name = Arctic Highlands
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,1,1,1
				flyingLowDataValue = 27
				flyingHighDataValue = 25.5
				landedDataValue = 28.5
				splashedDataValue = 22.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 24
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 22.5
				recoveryValue = 28.5
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 80000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0

				texture = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Vanor/PluginData/Tidus_color.dds
				normals = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Vanor/PluginData/Tidus_normal.dds
				shininess = 0.2
				specular = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1

				rimPower = 1.1
				rimBlend = 1.0

					0.0 = 0.68, 0.7, 0.72, 1.0
					0.8 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
					1.0 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
			ambientColor = 0.243, 0.255, 0.251, 1.0
			lightColor = 0.52, 0.5, 0.48, 1.00

			enabled = true
			oxygen = false
			altitude = 40000
				key = 0 70.9275 -1.896104E-02 -1.896104E-02
				key = 2000 33.00542 -1.337E-02 -1.337E-02
				key = 4000 17.4475 -5.8791495E-03 -5.8791495E-03
				key = 6000 9.488822 -3.076899E-03 -3.076899E-03
				key = 8000 5.139904 -1.597141E-03 -1.597141E-03
				key = 10000 3.100258 -8.401365E-04 -8.401365E-04
				key = 12000 1.779358 -5.44159E-04 -5.44159E-04
				key = 14000 0.923622 -3.37407E-04 -3.37407E-04
				key = 16000 0.42973 -1.82294E-04 -1.82294E-04
				key = 18000 0.194446 -7.88025E-05 -7.88025E-05
				key = 20000 0.11452 -2.82275E-05 -2.82275E-05
				key = 22000 0.081536 -1.47735E-05 -1.47735E-05
				key = 24000 0.055426 -1.1522E-05 -1.1522E-05
				key = 26000 0.035448 -8.6485E-06 -8.6485E-06
				key = 28000 0.020832 -6.1565E-06 -6.1565E-06
				key = 30000 0.010822 -4.0495E-06 -4.0495E-06
				key = 32000 0.004634 -2.3205E-06 -2.3205E-06
				key = 34000 0.00154 -9.8E-07 -9.8E-07
				key = 36000 0.000714 -3.185E-07 -3.185E-07
				key = 38000 0.000266 -1.785E-07 -1.785E-07
				key = 40000 0 -1.33E-07 -1.33E-07
			temperatureSeaLevel = 273.42
				key = 0 273.42 -0.0160416675 -0.0160416675
				key = 4800 201.602364 -0.002272147 -0.002265143
				key = 8400 201.602364 0.002265143 0.002265143
				key = 12400 252.9006754 0.001238036 0.001238036
				key = 22400 252.9006754 -0.00170732075 -0.00170732075
				key = 32000 174.5541634 -0.002272147 -0.002272147
				key = 36000 174.5541634 0.00118443625 0.00118443625
				key = 40000 214.660116 0.00173651025 0.00173651025
				key = 60000 0 -0.00112402275 -0.00112402275
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 3076.923077 0.5 -0.00015 -0.00025661225
				key = 3390.470769 0 0 0
				key = 6173.224613 0 0 0
				key = 14569.01538 0.2 0 0
				key = 22092.35692 0.2 0 0
				key = 28089.10768 0 0 0
				key = 40000 0.4 0 0
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 8
            minDetailDistance = 8

			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
                saturation = 0.9
                contrast = 1.2
                tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000
                powerNear = 0.5
                powerFar = 0.5

                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 1000

                steepPower = 1.5
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 500000
                steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00
                steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
                steepNearTiling = 1000
                steepTiling = 50

                lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                lowNearTiling = 4000
                lowMultiFactor = 100
                lowBumpNearTiling = 4000
                lowBumpFarTiling = 200

                midTex = BUILTIN/ice
                midBumpMap = BUILTIN/bouldernormal
                midNearTiling = 3000
                midMultiFactor = 5
                midBumpNearTiling = 30000
                midBumpFarTiling = 30

                highTex = BUILTIN/ice
                highBumpMap = BUILTIN/bouldernormal
                highNearTiling = 3000
                highMultiFactor = 5
                highBumpNearTiling = 30000
                highBumpFarTiling = 30

                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.1
                highStart = 0.7
                highEnd = 1
                globalDensity = 0
					seed = 319755
					deformity = 5000
					colorDeformity = 6000
					terrainSmoothing = 0.5
					terrainShapeStart = 2
					terrainShapeEnd = -2
					terrainRidgesMin = 0.5
					terrainRidgeBalance = 0.2
					enabled = true
					order = 10

						deformity = 100
						octaves = 10
						persistance = 0.75
						frequency = 1.5
						deformity = 100
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 1.5
						deformity = 60
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.6
						frequency = 1.5
						seed = 11746
						deformity = 0.00100000004749745
						octaves = 4
						persistance = 0.5
						frequency = 0.5
//						Noise
//						{
//							frequency = 0.5
//							lacunarity = 0.5
//							quality = High
//							octaveCount = 4
//							seed = 33127
//						}
						deformity = 1
						octaves = 12
						persistance = 0.7
						frequency = 0.4
							name = Base
							baseColor = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.4
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 2
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23136
							fractalStart = 0
							fractalEnd = 0.05
							fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Beaches
							baseColor = 0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.4, 0.375, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.3
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 4
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23133
							fractalStart = 0.05
							fractalEnd = 0.175
							fractalDelta = 0.001
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = DarkGrad
							baseColor = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.2
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 4
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23134
							fractalStart = 0.175
							fractalEnd = 0.2
							fractalDelta = 0.448999988031574
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = IceLands
							baseColor = 0.66, 0.68, 0.7 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.3
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 3
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23135
							fractalStart = 0.2
							fractalEnd = 0.6
							fractalDelta = 0.449999988079071
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = IceGrad
							baseColor = 0.56, 0.58, 0.6, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.4
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 2
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23136
							fractalStart = 0.6
							fractalEnd = 0.97
							fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = true
							name = Peaks
							baseColor =0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1.0
							colorNoise = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0
							colorNoiseAmount = 0.4
								deformity = 1
								frequency = 2
								octaves = 4
								persistance = 0.600000023841858
								seed = 23136
							ractalStart = 0.97
							fractalEnd = 2.5
							fractalDelta = 1.10000002384186
							startHeight = 0
							endHeight = 0
							lerpToNext = false
					deformity = 1200
					ridgedAddSeed = 946738
					ridgedAddFrequency = 24
					ridgedAddLacunarity = 8
					ridgedAddOctaves = 12
					ridgedSubSeed = 444564
					ridgedSubFrequency = 12
					ridgedSubLacunarity = 6
					ridgedSubOctaves = 12
						key = 0 0 0 0
						key = 0.9328867 0.4 1.659658 1.659658
						key = 1 3 3.005844 3.005844
					simplexHeightStart = 0
					simplexHeightEnd = 1000
					simplexSeed = 732809
					simplexOctaves = 12
					simplexPersistence = 0.2
					simplexFrequency = 15
					enabled = true
					order = 102

					height = -7000
					pow = 10
					enabled = true
					order = 101


If even by verifying (or just copying over) this file you still have the problem, please publish somewhere your KSP.log.

I'm testing New Horizons on a vanilla KSP installment. All I have added is the latest Kopernicus (with the ModularFlightIntregator that came on the package) and Module Manager 3.0.7 (a requirement).

Note: It's @Lyneira's fix, not mine. :) I just realized it how to run on KSP 1.4.5!

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

"KSC, we have a probem…"

This does not works:

	removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site
			sphereOfInfluence = 6000000

KSP loads and goes to the Main Menu, but nothing is clickable. No Exceptions or warnings on KSP.log neither Player.log (Unity's log on MacOS) were found. What's essentially the problem i faced after applying Lyneira's workaround.

So, I tried this:

	removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site
			sphereOfInfluence = 6000000

And things now works, except that Kerbin is not reparented, and it's orbiting Kerbal as usual (and not Sonnah as expected).

This may or may not be a problem, it depends of the player. I would prefer having Kerbin orbiting Sonnah as intended by the mod's author, but it's a matter of taste - I'm pretty sure that someone would prefer Kerbin this way.

What's bothers me is that this appears to be a glitch or side effect caused by something unexpected, not an intended feature. Even by deleting Making History, this change blocks Kerbin from being reparented.

For me Kerbin is in the right place. see image below 

I'm running ksp on a unmodded install except for the mod and kopernicus 


Edited by Borv413
needed more detail
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9 minutes ago, sumghai said:

@Borv413, please rehost your image on Imgur instead - Google Image sharing doesn't allow direct public embeds.

Mine works. But I have to link the raw image, not the link Google gives you.

For example, this image (that shows Kerbin as the 6th planet from Kerbol - the glitch I have with the MH fix above):W12zx9l_SOBJArhq3LxEMihG7WOwksEpy3mIW3La

Is from my Google Photos album:



Edited by Lisias
relevant image
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On 9/9/2018 at 11:05 PM, Borv413 said:

Lisias, in the kerbin config for NH, the reference body should be sonnah

It is. Here is "my" Kerbin.cfg:

	removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site

			sphereOfInfluence = 6000000
			initialRotation = 55
			rotationPeriod = 21549.4251830898
			solarRotationPeriod = false
			semiMajorAxis = 5.4302e+7
			inclination = 0
			eccentricity = 0
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
			epoch = 0
			referenceBody = Sonnah

My guess is that the removeLaunchSites, by some reason, is aborting the CFG processing on my installment. I'm clueless on this, the KSP installment I'm using for testing has only Kopernicus, New Horizons and Module Manager.

— POST - EDIT — 

Kopernicus cache is involved. I'll do some more tests tomorrow.


Nope. Deleting Kopernicus cache didn't solved anything,

Edited by Lisias
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@Borv413, could you please publish your KSP.log?

I can't solve the problem here, I must assume it's something environmental.

I decided to delete "Kerbin.cfg" to see what happens and I got exactly the same result as using "removeLaunchSites", what corroborates my thesis that Kerbin.cfg is not being processed at all.


3 hours ago, Borv413 said:

I put the Making History files from the GPP Secondary save into NH the install

Oh. Now I see. I will download Galileo and see what happens


— POST - EDIT — 

That's the thing: GPP doesn't reparent Kerbin. It plain delete it, and then create another planet with the same name.

So, whatever is bugging NH, doesn't affects GPP. I'm considering this to be something to be handled by Kopernicus - it appears to me that something else must be done in order to keep Kerbin in the loop, and Kopernicus appears to be instrumented to only get rid of this planet.

Or perhaps we should do the GPP way: delete Kerbin and recreate a new planet with the same name.

I'm still on it. I will advise as soon as I have some new info.

Edited by Lisias
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On 9/11/2018 at 3:21 PM, Borv413 said:

Other than running on Win64 and using Modular Flight Integration, I see no differences from my KSP.log running on MacOS , and Modular Flight Integrator .

Except by the order some things are loaded. In your log, for example, Squad/Flags/* are loaded right after Squad/Contracts/Icons , but on mine Squad/FX takes precedence. In your log, FX is loaded after Flags.

This can be easily explained by the File System: I'm using case sensitive HFS+, while Windows use a case insensitive one. Since in a case sensitive ordering 'X' < "l" (ell), and on a case insensitive one "X" > "L" (as "l" and "L" are the same), we have an explanation.

Another difference is that my installment still has the KSPSTEAMCTRLR stock mod. Almost sure is unrelated.

Things start to be interesting on the end. On your log, we have:

[LOG 17:08:26.021] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to TRACKSTATION =====================
[LOG 17:08:26.245] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 17:08:26.261] UICanvasPrefabSpawner TrackingStationSpawner spawning TrackingStation
[LOG 17:08:26.374] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 17:08:26.376] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 17:08:26.378] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 17:08:26.655] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 17:08:26.655] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 17:08:26.655] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 17:08:26.655] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 17:08:26.655] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 17:08:26.655] PlanetNodeCount:  0
[LOG 17:08:26.659] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 17:08:26.668] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 17:08:26.672] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 66%)
[LOG 17:08:26.672] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 66%)
[LOG 17:08:26.672] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 100%)
[WRN 17:08:26.734] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Etal'
[WRN 17:08:26.756] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tidus'
[WRN 17:08:26.789] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Oree'
[WRN 17:08:26.811] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Ete'
[WRN 17:08:26.822] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Titanus'
[WRN 17:08:26.833] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Nolas'
[WRN 17:08:26.844] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Leouch'
[WRN 17:08:26.888] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Serran'
[WRN 17:08:26.900] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Eli'
[WRN 17:08:26.912] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Aptur'
[WRN 17:08:26.936] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Derso'
[WRN 17:08:26.970] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Atell'
[WRN 17:08:26.981] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Astid'
[WRN 17:08:26.992] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Arin'
[WRN 17:08:27.015] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Ernus'
[LOG 17:08:27.015] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Ernus
[LOG 17:08:27.016] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 17:08:27.033] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Serran_color.dds and New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Serran_normal.dds
[LOG 17:08:27.056] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Sonnah_color.dds and cloud_normal
[LOG 17:08:27.077] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse and NewMunSurfaceMapNormals
[LOG 17:08:27.077] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Aptur_color.dds and New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Aptur_normal.dds
[LOG 17:08:27.082] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading KerbinScaledSpace300 and KerbinScaledSpace401
[LOG 17:08:27.102] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 17:08:27.102] [UiApp] Awake: Missions App
[LOG 17:08:27.102] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene TRACKSTATION ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() False iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 17:08:27.104] [KnowledgeBase] OnAppLauncherReady 4524
[LOG 17:08:27.113] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 17:08:27.138] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Contracts
[LOG 17:08:27.140] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Eli_color.dds and New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Eli_normal.dds
[LOG 17:08:27.165] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 4525
[LOG 17:08:27.165] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 4525
[LOG 17:08:27.165] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 4525
[LOG 17:08:27.181] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 17:08:27.412] [UIApp] Adding Missions App to Application Launcher
[LOG 17:08:27.438] [MissionsApp] OnAppStarted(): id: -320504
[LOG 17:08:27.438] MissionsApp does not execute in this game mode, destroying this instance
[LOG 17:08:27.438] [UIApp] OnDestroy: Missions App
[LOG 17:08:27.439] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 17:08:34.282] KbApp.OnDestroy Unowned Info
[LOG 17:08:34.283] KbApp.OnDestroy NullName

But on mine, we have:

[LOG 22:22:51.623] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From LOADING to MAINMENU =====================
[LOG 22:22:55.043] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP'
[WRN 22:22:55.065] Contract Log: ContractDefs cannot load Sentinel.ExceptionalDeviation , it is not in the node. Initializing with default of 3!
[LOG 22:22:55.068] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AtmosphereFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 22:22:55.068] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'RuntimeUtility' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 22:22:55.087] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'StarLightSwitcher' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 22:22:55.089] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'MainMenuFixer' from assembly 'Kopernicus'
[LOG 22:22:55.116] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 22:22:55.494] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsGeneral.
[LOG 22:22:55.494] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsFacilities.
[LOG 22:22:55.494] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class MissionParamsExtras.
[LOG 22:22:55.494] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class CommNetParams.
[LOG 22:22:55.494] [GameParameters]: Loaded custom parameter class AdvancedParams.
[LOG 22:22:55.572] ADDON BINDER: Create binding redirect: ModularFlightIntegrator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null => ModularFlightIntegrator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[WRN 22:22:55.575] DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[LOG 22:22:55.639] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Sonnah_color.dds and cloud_normal
[LOG 22:22:55.640] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Sonnah_color.dds and cloud_normal
[LOG 22:22:55.810] [Kopernicus] ShaderLoader: GetShader Kopernicus/Rings
[LOG 22:22:55.813] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Sonnah_color.dds and cloud_normal
[LOG 22:22:55.816] [ModuleManager] Total loading Time = 248.466s
[LOG 22:22:55.850] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/Sonnah/PluginData/Sonnah_color.dds and cloud_normal
[LOG 22:22:56.356] [ScenarioTypes]: List Created 20 scenario types loaded from 8 loaded assemblies.
[WRN 22:22:56.438] File '/Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.4.5/KSP.app/Contents/../../Missions/MissionScoreInfo.cfg' does not exist
[LOG 22:22:56.442] [ApplicationLauncher] Awake False
[LOG 22:22:56.444] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown
[LOG 22:22:56.459] [UiApp] Awake: MessageSystem
[LOG 22:22:56.459] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene MAINMENU ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop True
[LOG 22:22:56.463] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun
[LOG 22:22:57.237] [UIApp] Adding MessageSystem to Application Launcher
[LOG 22:22:57.246] [ApplicationLauncher] SetHidden: 
[LOG 22:22:57.301] [MessageSystem] OnAppInitialized
[LOG 22:22:57.301] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.136162 3883

I have some messages about Loading Missions on my log, where your doesn't. More interesting, you have three repositions messages, and me only one. And then  your log talks about a PlanetaryCamera, where mine ceases logging. This is the point in which my KSP stops working, I think.

I'm still on it.

— POST - EDIT — 

For the sake of curiosity, I deleted SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/makinghistory.kspexpansion and then I got a working KSP installment. :D 

I'm wondering if deleting makinghistory.kspexpansion should not be a "official" fix. :sticktongue:

(the removeLaunchSites on Kerbin.cfg are needed either way)

Edited by Lisias
new info. and some grammar fixed
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Lisias, Good job! Here is the thing, I got KSP and Making History directly off of their website, not on steam. that is why I have a GPP install and a NH install. For your post edit it should not be an official fix but a backup fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/10/2018 at 8:03 AM, Borv413 said:

Lisas you are correct, And I have found a fix so that it Works with Making History.

All you need to do is add this line in Kerbin.cfg after the first { .

removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects, Woomerang_Launch_Site


I found it after looking at an install with Galileo's Planet Pack and GPP Secondary that I had. 


Where is the Kerbin.cfg file located? 

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18 hours ago, Borv413 said:

It is located at: wherever your KSP install is ->GameData ->New_Horizons -> KopernicusFiles -> Sonnah -> Kerbin.

Thanks @Borv413 and thanks @Lisias for the patch. I got it working with the Mission Builder and did some flying last night.

I was really surprised by Titanius. I would have thought with twice the gravity and about half the atmosphere it would be a challenge to even get off the ground.  Instead, it is the most forgiving planet for flying I have been on.  This little K.R.A.S.S.H. Industries prototype is maneuverable, but I cannot pull off these tight maneuvers on Kerbin, not to mention the really sketchy takeoff.  You can see a bit of it in the video from 30 seconds. The first bit is Tidus.



Edited by Klapaucius
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I have an idea about finding gravity assist routes to get to planets like Ernus and Vanor, with the same ideas as the K-E-K-K-J route in the stock game. To put it simply, I want the gravity assist routes to be: simple, repeatable, available

at any transfer window, and easy to do in reverse. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, two questions 

First, can someone post a complete pats or instructions on what to do to make this work?

Second, since it appears that  @KillAshleyis not around for a while since may, would there be in soon having a community supported release of New Horizons? At least until he comes back

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Well, I seem to have it working in 1.5.1, including Making History, and I've added back the planet textures of Derso which were last seen in 1.7


So, is there interest in having a Community Supported release?  I'd be willing to curate it, but am not fluent in Kopernicus to be able to do much right now

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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