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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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I really need some help. my scatterer doesn't see the ModuleManager. and my changes in the scatterer config are not saved(I really have no one to ask this. no one can answer this question. maybe someone will help me here) 

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Hi all. I've been having this issue with the newest version of Scatter (version 0.0772 as of writing this) where atmospheric effects seem to be visible through  terrain. Or, at least that's what it looks like to me. I don't know what to call it. I've tried messing with Scatterer's settings but nothing nothing so far has fixed it.

I've only found one other mention of this on the internet: 


Videos of what I'm talking about:


Kerbin: https://imgur.com/a/ou4hEvA

Duna: https://imgur.com/a/5WUj97M

Laythe: https://imgur.com/a/nnisLfv

The effect isn't very noticeable on Eve so I haven't included it.

I'm running KSP 1.11.2 on a fresh save and the only mod installed in Scatterer. 

My scatter configs (it's the default one):


autosavePlanetSettingsOnSceneChange = False
    disableAmbientLight = True
    integrateWithEVEClouds = True
    overrideNearClipPlane = False
    nearClipPlane = 0.209999993
    useOceanShaders = True
    oceanFoam = True
    oceanTransparencyAndRefractions = True
    shadowsOnOcean = False
    oceanSkyReflections = True
    oceanCaustics = True
    oceanLightRays = False
    oceanCraftWaveInteractions = True
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideWaterCrashTolerance = True
    buoyancyCrashToleranceMultOverride = 3.5999999
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideDrag = True
    buoyancyWaterDragScalarOverride = 1.5
    buoyancyWaterAngularDragScalarOverride = 0.000333300006
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideRecoveryVelocity = True
    waterMaxRecoveryVelocity = 5
    oceanPixelLights = False
    fullLensFlareReplacement = True
    sunlightExtinction = True
    underwaterLightDimming = True
    showMenuOnStart = True
    useEclipses = True
    useRingShadows = True
    d3d11ShadowFix = True
    useGodrays = False
    useDepthBufferMode = True
    mergeDepthPrePass = False
    quarterResScattering = True
    useSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing = True
    smaaQuality = 1
    useTemporalAntiAliasing = False
    terrainShadows = False
    unifiedCamShadowsDistance = 50000
    unifiedCamShadowNormalBiasOverride = 0
    unifiedCamShadowBiasOverride = 0
    unifiedCamShadowResolutionOverride = 8192
    unifiedCamShadowCascadeSplitsOverride = 0.00150000001,0.0149999997,0.150000006
    dualCamShadowsDistance = 50000
    dualCamShadowNormalBiasOverride = 0.720000029
    dualCamShadowBiasOverride = 0.5
    dualCamShadowResolutionOverride = 0
    dualCamShadowCascadeSplitsOverride = 0.00499999989,0.0250000004,0.125
    useDithering = True
    m_fourierGridSize = 64
    oceanMeshResolution = 6

And my graphics settings for KSP:




How do I fix this?

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I just installed this and it looks great but it has an issue... the ambient light boost in the maps view (and tracking station) does not work. It's completely black on the night side of every planet, so I can't plan a night landing. Light boost does work for the normal flight view. 




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On 9/6/2021 at 10:38 PM, Ozzy.R said:

Hi all. I've been having this issue with the newest version of Scatter (version 0.0772 as of writing this) where atmospheric effects seem to be visible through  terrain. Or, at least that's what it looks like to me. I don't know what to call it. I've tried messing with Scatterer's settings but nothing nothing so far has fixed it.

I've only found one other mention of this on the internet: 


Videos of what I'm talking about:

  Reveal hidden contents

Kerbin: https://imgur.com/a/ou4hEvA

Duna: https://imgur.com/a/5WUj97M

Laythe: https://imgur.com/a/nnisLfv

The effect isn't very noticeable on Eve so I haven't included it.

I'm running KSP 1.11.2 on a fresh save and the only mod installed in Scatterer. 

My scatter configs (it's the default one):

  Reveal hidden contents

autosavePlanetSettingsOnSceneChange = False
    disableAmbientLight = True
    integrateWithEVEClouds = True
    overrideNearClipPlane = False
    nearClipPlane = 0.209999993
    useOceanShaders = True
    oceanFoam = True
    oceanTransparencyAndRefractions = True
    shadowsOnOcean = False
    oceanSkyReflections = True
    oceanCaustics = True
    oceanLightRays = False
    oceanCraftWaveInteractions = True
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideWaterCrashTolerance = True
    buoyancyCrashToleranceMultOverride = 3.5999999
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideDrag = True
    buoyancyWaterDragScalarOverride = 1.5
    buoyancyWaterAngularDragScalarOverride = 0.000333300006
    oceanCraftWaveInteractionsOverrideRecoveryVelocity = True
    waterMaxRecoveryVelocity = 5
    oceanPixelLights = False
    fullLensFlareReplacement = True
    sunlightExtinction = True
    underwaterLightDimming = True
    showMenuOnStart = True
    useEclipses = True
    useRingShadows = True
    d3d11ShadowFix = True
    useGodrays = False
    useDepthBufferMode = True
    mergeDepthPrePass = False
    quarterResScattering = True
    useSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing = True
    smaaQuality = 1
    useTemporalAntiAliasing = False
    terrainShadows = False
    unifiedCamShadowsDistance = 50000
    unifiedCamShadowNormalBiasOverride = 0
    unifiedCamShadowBiasOverride = 0
    unifiedCamShadowResolutionOverride = 8192
    unifiedCamShadowCascadeSplitsOverride = 0.00150000001,0.0149999997,0.150000006
    dualCamShadowsDistance = 50000
    dualCamShadowNormalBiasOverride = 0.720000029
    dualCamShadowBiasOverride = 0.5
    dualCamShadowResolutionOverride = 0
    dualCamShadowCascadeSplitsOverride = 0.00499999989,0.0250000004,0.125
    useDithering = True
    m_fourierGridSize = 64
    oceanMeshResolution = 6

And my graphics settings for KSP:




How do I fix this?

That's just an issue with the atmospheric scattering algorithm scatterer is based on. No fix yet.

1 hour ago, Krazy1 said:

I just installed this and it looks great but it has an issue... the ambient light boost in the maps view (and tracking station) does not work. It's completely black on the night side of every planet, so I can't plan a night landing. Light boost does work for the normal flight view. 

Disable this option: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/wiki/GeneralConfig#disabled-scaled-space-ambient-light-disableambientlight

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Having some NRE issues

KSP 1.12.2 on Win10 

Using default config and sunflare (installed with CKAN). Settings: very high default except changed to projector mode with 4x FSAA (in stock display settings) and scaled space ambient light not disabled. 

I first had issues when building a ship in the VAB, got an NRE and couldn't interact with ship anymore. With a new career save, it gave an NRE immediately when going to the KSC overview.

[LOG 22:18:47.113] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[EXC 22:18:47.274] NullReferenceException
	scatterer.SkySphereContainer.Cleanup () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.SkyNode.Cleanup () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.ProlandManager.OnDestroy () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.Cleanup () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.Scatterer.OnDestroy () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Then another when trying to open the load menu in the VAB

[EXC 22:20:03.384] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	scatterer.ShadowMapCopy.get_RenderTexture () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.ShadowMapCopier.CreateTextureCopyCB () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	scatterer.ShadowMapCopier+<DelayedRecreateForSceneChange>d__0.MoveNext () (at <36bf44bca099450cb9f22f4b65b82426>:0)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

KSP log

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KSP 1.12.2, JNSQ, "very low" preset dims light underwater, but vessel's lights also are not working, so it's very dark there.
I temporally disabled "ocean" and "dim light underwater", and located the stock Mahi-Mahi launch site, that in the JNSQ is underwater.
Maybe default very low preset need to not dims light underwater ?

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On 9/14/2021 at 8:58 AM, AtomicTech said:

Stupid question, but how harsh would scatterer be on an i5 with an intel uhd 620 with 12 gb's of ram?

On my mac with UHD 617 and 16gb of ram with scatterer and tufx with most settings on low I get around 20fps and on my pc with an I5 9600k with UHD 630 and 24gb of ram with most settings on medium to high I get 15fps. As long as you keep the settings relatively low you should get a somewhat playable fps while having ksp look good. 

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did a bit more testing, in some cases your log will be spammed with scatterer calling for a 16 bit depth buffer, setting the shadow res to 16k (16384) fixes this


did some test these seem to be the best shadows you can get

Edited by ballisticfox0
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1.11.2, I'm using an older version of Scatterer as well as a slightly older version of JNSQ.

May have something to do with restarting my computer with KSP running... 

>> Log file <<


EDIT: Never mind,  I think I diagnosed the issue to me doing something stupid with the config files, all fixed now.

Edited by KeaKaka
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KSP Ver: 1.11.1

Problem: Okay, a small issue with the newest version of scatterer which includes the new depth buffer. The Astroniki Sunflare for RSS (https://spacedock.info/mod/2460/Vaughn's Astroniki Sunflare for RSS#changelog) does not work in scatterer 0.0772, when it previously worked in v0.0723. No sunflare is visible when ASF is installed as directed.

Mods Installed:

RSS /RO Suite (Most Recent versions)

Scatterer 0.0772

EVE / RSSVE (Most recent versions)

Parallax (Most recent version)

Reproduction Steps: Switch between earlier versions of scatterer and the most recent. This is where the issue lies; the most recent versions break the sunflare, causing no effects to show and no effects load in the Alt+F11 menu. Older versions show the sunflare.

Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nlv-qJJcW6ejv-qIlZZ9ZmBroNRcHgQc/view?usp=sharing

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8 hours ago, InfoTheGamer said:

KSP Ver: 1.11.1

Problem: Okay, a small issue with the newest version of scatterer which includes the new depth buffer. The Astroniki Sunflare for RSS (https://spacedock.info/mod/2460/Vaughn's Astroniki Sunflare for RSS#changelog) does not work in scatterer 0.0772, when it previously worked in v0.0723. No sunflare is visible when ASF is installed as directed.

... [snip]

 Scatterer has switched to using Unity-based sunflares instead of the old method, but it still supports the old type as well.

I think you can get your sunflare back by putting this code into an MM config. (Ask me if you're not sure how to do that.)

		//path to sunflare textures
		assetPath = scatterer/config/Sunflares/Sun

		//Flare and spikes: Centered on the sun
		flareSettings = 0.45,1,0.85
		spikesSettings = 0.6,1,1
		//distance under which the flare is faded out
		//to make the sun surface visible up-close
		sunGlareFadeDistance = 250000
		// Ghosts, variable position along the sun to screen-center line
		// each row is an instance of a ghost
		// 8 instances of each ghost maximum
		// if you want more ghosts or instances just contact me
		// for each row: intensity, aspect ratio, 1/scale, position on sun-screenCenter line
		// position on sun-screenCenter line: can be positive or negative
		// 0 is sun position, 1 is screen center
		ghost1SettingsList1  //2 used slots, 2 unused
			Item = 0.54,0.65,2.3,0.5
			Item = 0.54,1,6,0.7
			Item = 0.15,1,0.5,0.9
		//4 more unused slots for ghost 1
			Item = 0.135,1,3,0.9
			Item = 0.054,1,8,1.1
			Item = 0.054,1,4,1.3
			Item = 0.054,1,5,1.5
		//4 more unused slots for ghost 2
			Item = 0.135,1,3,-0.6
			Item = 0.054,1,8,1.1
			Item = 0.054,1,4,-1
			Item = 0.054,1,5,2
		//8 unused slots for ghost 3
		//I include this additional ghost for modders
		//A texture needs to be included so I included a 1x1 texture
		//you can replace it with a texture of your own size
			Item = 0.085,1,12,0.5
			Item = 0.054,1,11,1.7
			Item = 0.054,1,9,1.8
			Item = 0.054,1,11,1.9
			Item = 0.085,1,12,-0.3
			Item = 0.054,1,11,-0.5
			Item = 0.054,1,9,-0.55


IIRC, when you install Astroniki's sunflare in the latest version of Scatterer, you get a borked mix of configs from both types of sunflare. This MM patch will delete the existing sunflare settings and replace them with the settings from Astroniki's sunflare. 

Note: I haven't tested this, but this is how I got it to work when I was using Astroniki's sunflare.


Edited by UnanimousCoward
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On 9/22/2021 at 5:40 PM, flart said:

KSP 1.12.2, JNSQ, "very low" preset dims light underwater, but vessel's lights also are not working, so it's very dark there.
I temporally disabled "ocean" and "dim light underwater", and located the stock Mahi-Mahi launch site, that in the JNSQ is underwater.
Maybe default very low preset need to not dims light underwater ?

Underwater light dimming does not dim vessel's lights, only the sun's light, make a full bug report.

15 hours ago, InfoTheGamer said:

KSP Ver: 1.11.1

Problem: Okay, a small issue with the newest version of scatterer which includes the new depth buffer. The Astroniki Sunflare for RSS (https://spacedock.info/mod/2460/Vaughn's Astroniki Sunflare for RSS#changelog) does not work in scatterer 0.0772, when it previously worked in v0.0723. No sunflare is visible when ASF is installed as directed.

Mods Installed:

RSS /RO Suite (Most Recent versions)

Scatterer 0.0772

EVE / RSSVE (Most recent versions)

Parallax (Most recent version)

Reproduction Steps: Switch between earlier versions of scatterer and the most recent. This is where the issue lies; the most recent versions break the sunflare, causing no effects to show and no effects load in the Alt+F11 menu. Older versions show the sunflare.

Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nlv-qJJcW6ejv-qIlZZ9ZmBroNRcHgQc/view?usp=sharing

Your sunflare textures are missing or the config/path is botched (seems to be the case as it's directly in GameData folder), specifically this file:

[LOG 22:55:08.473] [Scatterer][Debug] Custom sunflare cannot be added to @Sun System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\sunFlare.png"
File name: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\sunFlare.png'


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3 hours ago, InfoTheGamer said:

@UnanimousCowardThe asset path in the .cfg is to the sunflare in the scatterer folder or to the ASF sunflare? Should it be ASF/Astroniki instead of the scatterer path?

I copied that config direct from the archive that CKAN downloads for Astroniki's sunflare. CKAN installs it directly to the "Game Data\scatterer" folder.

If yours is installed in a different directory, you'd have to change the paths. Probably easiest to copy/paste it from your Astroniki config if that uses the right file paths. The key part is to put it in an MM patch and put "-Sun{}" in there at the beginning to delete the messed-up config.

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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I've been working on some improvements to the atmosphere generation, I moved the atmosphere generation to be directly in-game instead of through a separate tool, and I fixed various issues with the atmosphere generation, rendering (most notably the horizon discontinuity/line and concentric circles on the planets) and blending.

I will post more details soon but for now have some pretty (and foggy) pictures:






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6 minutes ago, blackrack said:

I've been working on some improvements to the atmosphere generation, I moved the atmosphere generation to be directly in-game instead of through a separate tool, and I fixed various issues with the atmosphere generation, rendering (most notably the horizon discontinuity/line and concentric circles on the planets) and blending.

I will post more details soon but for now have some pretty (and foggy) pictures:







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46 minutes ago, blackrack said:

I've been working on some improvements to the atmosphere generation, I moved the atmosphere generation to be directly in-game instead of through a separate tool, and I fixed various issues with the atmosphere generation, rendering (most notably the horizon discontinuity/line and concentric circles on the planets) and blending.

I will post more details soon but for now have some pretty (and foggy) pictures:






Its beautifull!

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On 10/10/2021 at 1:16 PM, blackrack said:

I've been working on some improvements to the atmosphere generation, I moved the atmosphere generation to be directly in-game instead of through a separate tool, and I fixed various issues with the atmosphere generation, rendering (most notably the horizon discontinuity/line and concentric circles on the planets) and blending.


Generating atmospheres in-game sounds like a huge improvement for people who want to tinker with it! I for sure am looking forward to playing around with that, especially since I've been discouraged from messing with the current ingame menu.

Edited by RyanRising
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This may be a bit of a silly question, but- I'm updating from Scatterer v0.0632 to the latest, and the post-v0.0632 changes to EVE cloud integration (as you know) change how clouds look. Does anyone know how one would go about reverse-engineering things, so to speak, to maintain how the clouds looked in a v0.0632 Scatterer version (rendering color as if they were at sea level) in a newer version of Scatterer without simply manually readjusting everything?

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17 minutes ago, wisdomsavingthrow said:

This may be a bit of a silly question, but- I'm updating from Scatterer v0.0632 to the latest, and the post-v0.0632 changes to EVE cloud integration (as you know) change how clouds look. Does anyone know how one would go about reverse-engineering things, so to speak, to maintain how the clouds looked in a v0.0632 Scatterer version (rendering color as if they were at sea level) in a newer version of Scatterer without simply manually readjusting everything?

You have to readjust it, either cloud height or atmosphere height/thickness. I'd hold off on updating atmospheres until the next update is out though.

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