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@ManeTI Here's another problem you might want to take a look at...

The picture is from this very thread, just one page ago. It tells me that there are "2+ new replies"... that I read and responded to (one of them is my response) hours ago.


Even now, while writing this on the last page, I still have the text box.

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13 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

While we’re on the subject, there’s a question that very conveniently has gone unasked, @Dman979. Exactly what happened to   the old forum?

Oh, it got replaced for many reasons. This one has its problems but it's more secure.

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13 hours ago, Delay said:

@ManeTI Here's another problem you might want to take a look at...

The picture is from this very thread, just one page ago. It tells me that there are "2+ new replies"... that I read and responded to (one of them is my response) hours ago.


Even now, while writing this on the last page, I still have the text box.

@ManeTI, I just had something similar happen to me.

While reading the last post on the 2nd to last page. I suddenly got a popup that there's a new reply. But when I clicked it it led to Deddly's post above, which was posted "12 hours ago."

I'm suspecting this could be something to do with cookies, having multiple tabs open, and tabs writing stuff to the cookie the confuses the other tabs.

Something like that definitely happens to the Approval Queue counter. 

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4 minutes ago, ManeTI said:

Do you have multiple tabs of the forum open?


4 minutes ago, ManeTI said:

The message remained there after you sent the message?

IIRC it did remain after sending the message. It remained there while typing it, at least, and that was on this page (166).

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11 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

If I ignore a user, and they post something, is there any setting that will prevent me from displaying that post out of curiosity?  I regret it each time.....


Yeah, that's a big issue! Since I cannot find a forum setting for this, I solved this for me with uBlock Origin by putting this line into my filter list:


It will remove the whole grey box that appears instead of the post. Wasn't able to find a filter to remove specific quotes though :/

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1 hour ago, Gargamel said:

If I ignore a user, and they post something, is there any setting that will prevent me from displaying that post out of curiosity?  I regret it each time.....

Unfortunately not. You'll just need to practice your self-restraint. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Kerbalstar said:

Whenever a mod post doesn't contain the license, do you download it to check if the .zip has the licence? And than again after they say they've updated it? I just saw @Snark do that on some new mod's thread.

Yes and no.

No, if you mean "any time anyone posts any mod and they happen to forget something," simply because we can't be everywhere.  There are only a few of us, and we're part-time unpaid volunteers, and we can't even vaguely read everything that ever gets posted to the forums-- there are thousands of you guys, and there's simply no way we could keep up.

So as a general rule,  we're reactive rather than proactive.  We read and use the forums just as any normal forum user would (because we're KSP players too, after all), and if we just happen to notice something off-kilter-- just in passing, as it were-- then sure,  we'll step in to tidy up. But that wouldn't address the 90%+ of the forum content that we never see because we never happen to read it. I mean, you don't read every single word that gets written in the forums,  do you? ;)

Beyond that,  then, we're dependent on you guys to be our eyes and ears, i.e. when folks file reports. When something gets reported,  then we take a good close look at it.

And that brings me to the "yes" part of your answer:

8 hours ago, Kerbalstar said:

Whenever a mod post doesn't contain the license and someone reports it, do you download it to check if the .zip has the licence? And than again after they say they've updated it?

^ There, I've taken the liberty of tweaking your quote. If someone reports a problem,  then yeah, we take a look. We need the report because it's the only way we find out about a potential issue in the first place.

But once that happens, then yes, we look at it, and we generally take a look inside the .zip, too, and when the person claims to have fixed it, we look again to make sure that they really fixed it. We need to do that for the simple reason that experience has shown that most folks don't get it right on the first try-- at least, most folks who have already gotten reported for missing licenses.

It's understandable.  Licensing is possibly the least fun aspect of modding.  It's tedious, arcane, nitpicky, and not something that most folks want to think about. And it's not something where you can just "wing it". You have to actually learn it and understand it and jump through all the appropriate hoops.

Most modders successfully do the right thing most of the time. (Thank goodness! Otherwise we moderators would never be able to keep up.) ;)  However,  among the few who don't get it right the first time, and end up getting reported (and thereby come to our attention), it very often takes them a few tries even after we've called it to their attention.  Therefore it behooves us to keep an eye on their attempted fixes, to make sure they've dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's.

"Trust but verify", about sums it up. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is here an old link to new link converter? Eg. site/showthread.php/numbers OR site/thread/numbers OR the oldest one I can see is site/forum/index.php?topic=numbers to site/index.php?/topic/numbers

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2 hours ago, TriggeredSnake said:

Can a mod remove warnings they have given me?

Yes, though you'd have to PM us a pretty good reason. 

1 hour ago, Gapone said:

Is here an old link to new link converter? Eg. site/showthread.php/numbers OR site/thread/numbers OR the oldest one I can see is site/forum/index.php?topic=numbers to site/index.php?/topic/numbers

Unfortunately not. Once the data is garbled, it's not un-garblable. 

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On 12/8/2018 at 2:32 AM, Vanamonde said:

Unfortunately not. You'll just need to practice your self-restraint. :D

[Deleted] (Accidentally replied to the wrong post.)

On 1/8/2019 at 8:33 PM, Vanamonde said:

Yes, though you'd have to PM us a pretty good reason. 

Unfortunately not. Once the data is garbled, it's not un-garblable. 

Shame. I was hoping it’d be that mods can’t change things so that they can’t pretend they didn’t ban my account several times.

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4 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

Anyway, anybody got any questions about the forum? 

I got one :) 

Would it be possible to add some more subcategories to the navigationbar when using the website on a mobile? Right now, you have to use a lot of bookmarks or always go back to the frontpage if you want to navigate through different sub-forums which can be pretty annyoning on it's own but even more if you got a weak connection or if you have to keep an eye on your data usage.

I thought about something like this:



Maybe even one more subcategory so you can directly switch to the tech. support (modded/unmodded) or addon discussion/release section :)

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