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5 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

No, the outage seems to have been another kind of issue. The 50x things fix themselves in a bit of time whereas the big thing required IT intervention. 

Ah. When it first happened ( “The Outage” or “Krakening” ) i thought perhaps it decided to shut it all down then reboot, but it went on long enough to make think it was a purge similar to the one of years ago. 183810292024 new page!

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Anyone else seeing an uptick recently in 502 errors or is it just me? Was seemingly calmed after the sudden two week down time but lately its seemingly surged…


Yeah right after the forum came back I had 1, then nothing until just yesterday.

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40 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

Yeah right after the forum came back I had 1, then nothing until just yesterday.

Out of curiosity... Are you using IPv6 or IPv4? Your browser is using HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2?

I also noted that when trying to do a GET for a page under these events, I get a blank screen, but when the problem happens while doing a  POST with a comment, I get that fancy 502 page from Cloudflare...

There's a cache being implemented somewhere?

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

Out of curiosity... Are you using IPv6 or IPv4? Your browser is using HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2?

I have no idea if I'm using ipv6 or 4. I have a local ipv6 and a local ipv4 address so... yes? :D

Firefox using HTTP/2

2 hours ago, Lisias said:

fancy 502 page

The page I get cannot be described as "fancy" by any means.


502 Bad Gateway



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On 11/12/2024 at 4:56 AM, Lisias said:

I also noted that when trying to do a GET for a page under these events, I get a blank screen, but when the problem happens while doing a  POST with a comment, I get that fancy 502 page from Cloudflare...

It's semi-declared that Roskomnadzor is going to block CloudFlare in Russia.

Aren't these two things somehow connected?..

Hasn't CloudFlare modified something? Isn't CloudFlare somehow touched from somewhere?

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On 11/13/2024 at 3:16 AM, kerbiloid said:

It's semi-declared that Roskomnadzor is going to block CloudFlare in Russia.

Aren't these two things somehow connected?..

Hasn't CloudFlare modified something? Isn't CloudFlare somehow touched from somewhere?

Hummm... You know, it may be a routing problem, indeed.

I just got bitten by a CloudFlare 1015 error message ("You are being restricted") clicking the Reload Page while getting the NGINX error message. Interesting enough, I never got the 1015 while clicking Reload on that white blank page that I get sometimes.

This may suggest we have more then one problem biting our collective arses:

  1. The blank page, that by some reason is not being counted on the hits per minute cap (that fires up a 1015 in our faces)
  2. A NGINX 500 message, that are being counted on the cap.

Wild guess, but... Are the Forum's server currently under a rotating IP scheme or something like that? The server rotating IP before warning CloudFlare may be the white blank page explanation (if CF could not hit the target server, it would not count it on the cap), while if the CloaudFlare is warned about the new IP before the new frontend is ready, CF would get the NGINX error message and, so, will consider it a successful hit and count the access into the cap.

You know... This may be a configuration problem on the Docker or LXC or whatever is being used as a container nowadays.

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40 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Hummm... You know, it may be a routing problem, indeed.

I just got bitten by a CloudFlare 1015 error message ("You are being restricted")

I did not get to read because it was... barely enough time to process the image but I'm sure I saw a different error in a single instance before the page switched (not refreshed, switched, or redirected itself) to the usual 502.

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1 minute ago, AlamoVampire said:

I swear the 502 bad gateway thing has gotten even worse since the forums came back up. Not gonna lie but its giving me concerns for the longevity of the forums. Can IT do anything to fix it?



Problem is, to get to IT, it's kind of a telephone game to reach them.  The message has been passed on, they have said they're working on it, but with KSP not being a viable product for them, and with the looming acquisition, we're so far down on the priority list, I wouldn't hold your breath.   They've said they think they know what's going on, but it seems akin to entering the numbers in the bunker from LOST, so.... I dunno. 

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47 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

we're so far down on the priority list, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Frankly as sad as it is to say every time i see the 502 (which seems to be every other time i try to come here) i fully expect the next time i try to see a message stating the sites been shutdown. Heck that was what i thought when the forum crashed this last time. Do I hope they fix it? Yes. Do I think they will? No. Can I hope? To quote Matt Mercer of Critical Role: tumblr_ojfpaw8zRs1s6wcrlo1_250.gif


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On 11/15/2024 at 10:09 AM, Lisias said:

I just got bitten by a CloudFlare 1015 error message ("You are being restricted") clicking the Reload Page while getting the NGINX error message. Interesting enough, I never got the 1015 while clicking Reload on that white blank page that I get sometimes.

I just got bitten again - but, "happily", the embargo now is not a full hour anymore (or I'm busier than usual and didn't realize the time passing...)

Anyway, or I was wrong last time, or something changed.

Now I'm getting the 1015 with the empty blank pages, but not on the NGINX ones. Granted, these are now 502 when the Gateway doesn't respond due timeout, and perhaps this timeout is preventing me to hit CF fast enough.

Anyway... It's a change. For the same, but apparently a change.

Edited by Lisias
Tyops, as usulla...
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On 11/12/2024 at 12:59 AM, Superfluous J said:

The page I get cannot be described as "fancy" by any means.

Just for the records, these are what I'm getting lately:


Fancy Cloudflare page:


Forum's 502:


1015 Error from CF:


HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout:


You know something? I should had done this before!

  • The "fancy" CF page happens when the Forum's Front End itself is not responsible. It's a 502 because, for CF, Forum is the next Gateway!
  • The NGINX 502 Bad Gateway happens when Forum's Front End is working, but whatever it calls internally to do the job is not.
  • The 1015 Error from CF when I click reload too much is obvious. :)
  • And, finally, that weird "white pages" are HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout, meaning that someone internally was there to receive the NGINX's requests, but failed to answer in time.

And for historical reasons:


Historical: How Forum was behaving on the 2024/Oct Great Borkage:


Historical: How Forum was behaving on the 2024/Oct Great Borkage after someone pulled the plug, more or less at Oct 20 or 22...:


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Not exactly a question, but a suggestion.

Would be feasible to block images being posted from the domain cdn.discordapp.com ?

Such images are available only for 90 minutes, 24 hours and so anything linking to it is, essentially, littering Forum.

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1 hour ago, Deddly said:

It's only 90 minutes? Are you sure? :o

Whoops..  what expires in 1.5 hours are the cache (and right now I can't find the source,  so better to take this with a grain of salt). Sorry.

But the discord's links are set to expire in 24 hours, what's bad the same.


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54 minutes ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

Hey- not forums but copyright

If I name a star Debdeb and it’s planets Gurdamma, Donk, Rask and Rusk, etc, will I be banned or sued?

What?   What star are you naming, and who would sue you?     A little more context is needed.  

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15 hours ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

Maybe I should ask @Dakota aswell?

Dakota is no longer associated with KSP.   

As none of us are lawyers for PD/TT, we can’t say if you’d be sued or not.   But as long as you don’t violate any of the licensing issues with your mod, you should be fine.    But that means you can’t use any of the KSP2 textures in a KSP1 mod.   

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