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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 8/29/2022 at 10:19 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

The Avionics toggle in the Command Module also toggles the Hibernation mode. The issue here is that when the CM is in hibernation mode, you can't create maneuver nodes in flight. Is it possible to leave hibernation mode out of this equation?


Ah damn, thought it would just stop the EC drain when set to crewed. Should be fixed now though.

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  On 8/29/2022 at 1:41 PM, GoldForest said:

I mostly did it to give me more reason to share an SLS besides ICPS tbh. 

And Pyrios was considered for both Crew and Cargo, but lost out to SRBs, idk why though. If I had to guess, SRBs carry more thrust with them for the same if not lower weight? There's also the fact that SRBs need no plumbing at all, and in the case of SLS, no electrical connection safe for the starters, thus making the launch tower cheaper to build and maintain. Though, IMO I'm a fan of Pyrios. More so for the F-1B than anything else. 

(Also, I wonder if anyone will spot the problem with the Pyrios boosters I used.)


Two reasons,

1) the 10 segment (oh sorry "5" segment) 146"(sorry again 156") was already developed.  

2) Infrastructure.  If you go with Liquid boosters you need to either make major changes to the launch facilities ***OR*** you need to have two launch facilities (remember Pyrios was an in addition too option not the ONLY option)  


I have covered this before but the SRMs for the Space Shuttle and the SRMs now for Artemis come from the factory in 146-156" Diameter segments that are about 300" long... they are in fact TWO segments a piece that are factory assembled, bonded together and then FUELED as if they were one segment....

  On 8/29/2022 at 4:58 PM, Jimbodiah said:

I notice in the patches in the BDB folders, there is a reference to both Bluedog_DB and Bluedog_DB_1 (B9 patches).  Could someone explain how that works? 


Simple Answer the use of multiple iterations of Bluedog_DB_xxx allows precise load control of patches.  Some patches must run after others.. thus this nomenclature

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Any updates on the Probes Plus partnership and the Viking orbiter/lander that was mentioned a few weeks back?

---No rush; just asking---


Also, was there ever any statement yes/no to doing a all LH2 switch for the wetlabs?  Some of us like to power our Kerbals and make them glow like the mini-krakens...

Edited by RocketBoy1641
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  On 8/30/2022 at 8:56 AM, Rodger said:

I have in fact already done exactly this, just didn't upload it lol. It's on dev in optional patches now.


Methalox nuclear engines when?  :P

Edit: Looked it up and found someone saying they would get less ISP, but more thrust due to density. Huh. I was kind of joking, but now I kind of do want LH2 nuclear engines for the increased thrust. 

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  On 8/30/2022 at 5:31 PM, Jimbodiah said:

Mind blown. You learn something new every day.


Also while I never finished a SSTU compliant patch for it, I did make a Hypergolic patch for BDB in the extras folder.   I just haven't added patches for the new moon rocket-cycle whatever it is called that Cobalt Made last week (I think that is the only Hypergolic engine missing from the Patch ATM.)    Just in case you want to still use AZ50/NTO for your Hypergolic rockets still :D

*For older parts that are long depreciated I did make a patch that used the SSTU fuel switch... but it was complicated


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  On 8/30/2022 at 3:31 AM, RocketBoy1641 said:

Any updates on the Probes Plus partnership and the Viking orbiter/lander that was mentioned a few weeks back?

---No rush; just asking---


Also, was there ever any statement yes/no to doing a all LH2 switch for the wetlabs?  Some of us like to power our Kerbals and make them glow like the mini-krakens...


Didn't realise that was missing. Wetlabs should support all the default tank types, guess they havent been updated.

  On 8/30/2022 at 5:31 PM, Jimbodiah said:

Mind blown. You learn something new every day.


Some mods will also get into the so called Z wars. AFTER zRealPlume, AFTER zzRealPlume etc etc.

Stuff like this works if its declared using a FOR pass in module manager. using a FOR makes it "exist" in module manager. eg if there is a patch with FOR Bulldog_DB1 somewhere, MM essentially thinks a "mod" named Bulldog_DB1 exists and then you can write other patches that run AFTER or BEFORE Bluedog_DB1 and so on.

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Random question. If I'm using the devbranch of BDB, and an update shows up on CKAN, how should I go about updating the files? Aware that the main CKAN release hasn't been updated yet. Just asking for when the next update shows up.

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Dev will almost always be ahead of CKAN, CKAN is just linked to the main release on spacedock. Even main branch on GitHub atm will be ahead of CKAN, as it has some of the bugfixes that dev gets. I don't know how CKAN would go about picking up on an existing mod you've installed manually though, like when you've manually installed dev branch but want to switch to a CKAN installed version.

Edited by Rodger
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Updated my RNS kitbash with the stuff that came out in the meanwhile
(The NERVA used is a mix between the large Timberwind and the actual RNS engine, since the nozzle used in IPP artwork is much closer to a NERVA 2 in size)


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  On 8/28/2022 at 10:17 PM, Shlyopa said:

Please add handles variants to apollo decoupler, sad to see boring gray handles.  github 1.11 version


I have added blue/gold handle switches to the decoupler and SM.


  On 8/29/2022 at 1:40 AM, TaintedLion said:

Also add white variant of docking and eva light


I have added white variants of the docking and eva lights, as well as all of the Apollo RCS blocks.

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  On 8/31/2022 at 7:09 AM, Rodger said:

Dev will almost always be ahead of CKAN, CKAN is just linked to the main release on spacedock. Even main branch on GitHub atm will be ahead of CKAN, as it has some of the bugfixes that dev gets. I don't know how CKAN would go about picking up on an existing mod you've installed manually though, like when you've manually installed dev branch but want to switch to a CKAN installed version.


Understood, and kinda figured that would be the case. Thanks!

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  On 8/31/2022 at 12:47 AM, Pappystein said:

Also while I never finished a SSTU compliant patch for it, I did make a Hypergolic patch for BDB in the extras folder.  


I swore I would never play without SSTUU but there are too many bugs now as its not been updated since 1.8-ish I think. I just removed it and am making fuel switches for NearFuture fuels in BDB and Cryo tanks. I'm just using regular old monoprop for rcs now. I do miss the tank customization of sstu though, just fit it out in the hangar before you launch, add whatever resources you need in one tank. I made a ton of patches for SSTU to make it compatible with every mod I used. Now doing the same for BDB :D

  On 8/31/2022 at 2:48 AM, Zorg said:

Some mods will also get into the so called Z wars. AFTER zRealPlume, AFTER zzRealPlume etc etc.


Yeah, I found those in Cryotanks iirc :D   I just thought it was a deprecated part or something :D


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  On 9/1/2022 at 3:56 AM, Rodger said:

The S1C decoupler has it in the dev branch, so will be in next release.


I believe the original ask was to be able to fully fuel a Saturn V on an MLP pad, which is still not quite possible. The SII interstage blocks the SII tank, the SIV interstage blocks the SIV tank, and then it gets a little trickier to test. The SLAM/BLAM/TYMAAM blocks the LM descent stage, The LM separator should be fine to get to the LM ascent stage, and I'm not sure about the CSM's engine mount, but the CSM attached directly to a launch pad via the mount node where the SLAM connects, does work.

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  On 9/1/2022 at 1:02 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I believe the original ask was to be able to fully fuel a Saturn V on an MLP pad, which is still not quite possible. The SII interstage blocks the SII tank, the SIV interstage blocks the SIV tank, and then it gets a little trickier to test. The SLAM/BLAM/TYMAAM blocks the LM descent stage, The LM separator should be fine to get to the LM ascent stage, and I'm not sure about the CSM's engine mount, but the CSM attached directly to a launch pad via the mount node where the SLAM connects, does work.


Aren't the spacecraft fueled prior to integration anyway?

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  On 9/1/2022 at 1:59 PM, Alpha512 said:

Aren't the spacecraft fueled prior to integration anyway?


No, that is an unnecessary complication for liquid propellant vehicles and negates one of the advantages of them. Only on the pad or test stand are they fueled (solids on the other hand are cast in the factory).

Edited by Jcking
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