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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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  On 5/30/2021 at 5:04 PM, JoeSheridan said:

nice, now i have a reason to check the patch out, now that i can use it to check out the performance of the upcomming new parts. 


Some things we already know:

Saturn IB Apollo is still a dog.

Saturn INT-21 puts about 63 tons to LEO, and Saturn V can send 35 tons on TLI, both with comfortable margins. Relative to the rest of the mod those numbers are balanced.

Apollo (including the petal adapter and LES) weighs 23 tons, so that mission is a bit OP. I'm not sure what if anything we may do about that, since making Apollo heavier will hurt the Saturn IB.

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  On 5/30/2021 at 4:27 AM, CollectingSP said:

Awesome! I am planning on building an ISS with Atlas, Delta, and falcon at the moment, using Orion service modules as tugs. Good to see that someone else is using expendable launchers to do it.


*AHEM*  Non-expendable... but yeah IRL they would be expendable... :D

I have three Rocket trains (and maybe about to add Angara from EStreetRockets to the mix.)    Titan (III/IV derived) Titan V (aka LDC and I am running that with various engine/booster combos)   And Delta IIH with a HOSS upper-stage subbed in for the Delta P/K


The Titan V has flown for me in this Build with RL20, LR129 (how can it be experimental if it is in production?!)  LR87 Hydrolox (Both SL and Vacuum)   J2S-SL + LR87 VAC all Hydrolox and STME + LR87 VAC Hydrolox...   STME being the first CH4 engine I have actually flown more than once.  


Engines I have yet to fly in this buildup... from BDB 1.8.0?    Just the M1 family.  

RS30 has figured on a few of my Single engine Centaur launches...   It didn't quite fit on HOSS (And admittedly I was looking for CHEAP with that rocket)


  On 5/30/2021 at 5:43 PM, Jso said:

Some things we already know:

Saturn IB Apollo is still a dog.

Saturn INT-21 puts about 63 tons to LEO, and Saturn V can send 35 tons on TLI, both with comfortable margins. Relative to the rest of the mod those numbers are balanced.

Apollo (including the petal adapter and LES) weighs 23 tons, so that mission is a bit OP. I'm not sure what if anything we may do about that, since making Apollo heavier will hurt the Saturn IB.


Jso brings up several good points here... I would add, I get around the Saturn IB being a Dog by instead flying the Saturn IB as it was envisioned...   4x E-1s in the first stage for the win (replace all 8 H-1s!)   It isn't Historically accurate as flown, but it IS historically accurate as designed/conceptualized



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  On 5/30/2021 at 5:43 PM, Jso said:

Saturn V can send 35 tons on TLI, both with comfortable margins. Relative to the rest of the mod those numbers are balanced.

Apollo (including the petal adapter and LES) weighs 23 tons, so that mission is a bit OP. I'm not sure what if anything we may do about that, since making Apollo heavier will hurt the Saturn IB.


Well the Saturn V did have a little extra margin in sending things to the moon, so I’d say possibly leave it 

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I just downloaded the new update and so far everything is working great. Thanks for the hard work on it!

Back in March someone asked a question about the Gemini spacecraft floating very high in the water, actually on the very tip of the heatshield. Has this ever been addressed with a fix or adjustment? I just ran a mission today and it is still floating like that. Also, is there a tweak to get it to float on its side, or do I just tip it over post-landing with SAS? I am currently running 1.10.

Thank you!

What could have been if Apollo had flown much earlier...


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  On 5/31/2021 at 1:24 AM, DaveyJ576 said:

I just downloaded the new update and so far everything is working great. Thanks for the hard work on it!

Back in March someone asked a question about the Gemini spacecraft floating very high in the water, actually on the very tip of the heatshield. Has this ever been addressed with a fix or adjustment? I just ran a mission today and it is still floating like that. Also, is there a tweak to get it to float on its side, or do I just tip it over post-landing with SAS? I am currently running 1.10.

Thank you!

What could have been if Apollo had flown much earlier...



and that, kids, is how I met your mother!  XD

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  On 5/31/2021 at 1:24 AM, DaveyJ576 said:

I just downloaded the new update and so far everything is working great. Thanks for the hard work on it!

Back in March someone asked a question about the Gemini spacecraft floating very high in the water, actually on the very tip of the heatshield. Has this ever been addressed with a fix or adjustment? I just ran a mission today and it is still floating like that. Also, is there a tweak to get it to float on its side, or do I just tip it over post-landing with SAS? I am currently running 1.10.

Thank you!

What could have been if Apollo had flown much earlier...



Doesnt it tip over if you keep SAS off? I thought it did.

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I don't understand the apollo update fully. We do have the majority of new parts in the current release or not? Sorry my memory is awful. I can't remember what parts looked like years back

Edited by dave1904
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  On 5/31/2021 at 1:48 PM, dave1904 said:

I don't understand the apollo update fully. We do have the majority of new parts in the current release or not? Sorry my memory is awful. I can't remember what parts looked like years back


I'm in the process of remaking all the Apollo parts, but none of the new ones are in game yet. Still a lot of work to do before getting there.

Speaking of which...


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  On 5/31/2021 at 3:52 PM, Cochies said:

Why is this release "Мороз"? Why was the previous one "Огромный"? Какого черта?!

(I apologize if the answer was published - throw a link at me.)


The in game "lore" is that BDB is a Soviet style design bureau making US rockets as a counterpart to Tantares which is a US style private company making Soviet rockets. Its just a bit of odd fun.

Those names specifically because the previous update was the largest ever for BDB in terms of number of parts and this new one because it has cryogenic engines.

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  On 5/31/2021 at 4:48 PM, Zorg said:

The in game "lore" is that BDB is a Soviet style design bureau making US rockets as a counterpart to Tantares which is a US style private company making Soviet rockets. Its just a bit of odd fun.

Those names specifically because the previous update was the largest ever for BDB in terms of number of parts and this new one because it has cryogenic engines.


(Long laughter and rolling on the floor)
It's an absolutely wonderful story)))))  I hope Beale knows what he really does?

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Alright, I've just completed recreating the Early Lunar Access mission from 1993 - the thing took more than two days between irl things and the rendezvouz/dockings which I hate that the mission required, so enjoy!
For those unaware, ELA was the "cheaper-faster-better" approach applied to go back to the moon, using the Shuttle and the Titan IV (or the Ariane-5 to include the ESA) to assembly a lunar lander and the Centaur, this way:

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Because of how long and complicated this mission was I've made almost 250 screenshot of it to get a few decent ones to post here, which I've decided to split into groups to avoid cluttering the thread.
Launch of the shuttle, deploying the lander and the capsule:


Liftoff from Cape Canaveral, 1 March 2002
Booster separation
Jettison of the external tank
Payload bay opening, revealing the lander
Jeb inspecting the payload
Release of the lander body
Release of the crewed pod
First orbital assembly complete!
Shuttle beginning the reentry manuevres
Reentry and landing


Launch of the Centaur upper stage on a Titan IV:


Liftoff on 2 march 2002
Booster separation
First stage separation
Centaur release, if you look closely that small dot in the middle of the pic is the lander


Assembly of the transit vehicle and TLI:


Rendezvouz of the two spacecrafts
Final approach
Docking! This was probably the most rewarding part of the mission, I spent something like two hours to get this right
have another screenshot
Trans Lunar Injection
Screenshot_1666.pngCentaur separation


Lunar landing:


Approaching the moon
Screenshot_1689.pngLowering the landing gear
Final burn


Departure and return to Earth


DepartureScreenshot_1740.pngScreenshot_1741.pngReturn into Earth SOI
Screenshot_1745.pngCapsule separation
Docking port separationScreenshot_1750.pngScreenshot_1754.pngScreenshot_1758.pngScreenshot_1760.pngScreenshot_1766.pngSplashdown! I hope you liked itScreenshot_1771.png



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